Saturday |
Saturday |
Thursday |
SINGULAR/PLURAL 4 Although McElwee has a wellspring of humor, as evidenced by the Woody Allen-esque musings on fish-heaven, he is also willing to expose the viewer to the pain and sadness of life. McElwee is unafraid to show old age in all its unexalted reality or to discuss death in all its tragedy. At times death seems a very obsession: Having just observed that he's spent six out of his thirty rolls of film on a children's cemetery in Mexico, he wonders whether death must then be on his mind twenty percent of the time.
Saturday/Sunday |
Transformative Kommunikation Der Workshop gibt eine Einführung in Moderations- und Kommunikationsansätze, die bei Occupy Wall Street angewandt und weiterentwickelt wurden. Sie stützen sich kritisch auf die gewaltfreie Kommunikation nach Marshall Rosenberg, erweitern sie um Ansätze von Anti-Oppression Work, strukturelle Analysen gesellschaftlicher Gewalt und eine explizit emanzipatorischen Perspektive. Es geht dabei nicht um Harmonisierung von Gegensätzen, sondern darum, Räume zu gestalten und zu unterstützen, in denen (Selbst-) Verständigungen, Konflikte und Aushandlungsprozesse ausgetragen und produktiv werden können. Der Workshop führt durch Übungen an eigenen Beispielen in die Methoden ein und erforscht gemeinsam Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für eure Praxis. |
Friday |
(Ver-)Handlungen |
Saturday |
Saturday |
Friday |
THE UNFINISHED FEMINIST REVOLUTION Der Film MÜTTERSTREIK 22 min I 2010 I SzumTV I dt.UT, lässt Frauen aus der südpolnischen Stadt Walbrzych zu Wort kommen. Sie haben beschissene Jobs in Fabriken der Sonderwirtschaftszone, besetzen Wohnungen und organisieren einen Hungerstreik gegen Behördenschikanen und drohende Räumungen. Im Anschluss an den Film werden Frauen aus Polen über aktuelle Kämpfe von Kindergärtnerinnen in Poznan sowie Fabrikarbeiterinnen bei Wroczaw berichten und feministische Initiativen in Polen vorstellen.
Thursday |
Monday |
THE UNFINISHED FEMINIST REVOLUTION Die Veranstaltung beginnt pünktlich um 19h!
Wednesday |
SINGULAR/PLURAL 3 Susan Mogul - Everyday Echo Street (32min, 1993) Susan Mogul – Driving Men (1h08min, 2008) films start at 21h! |
Thursday |
SINGULAR/PLURAL 2 George Kuchar - Hold Me While I'm Naked (15min, 1966) Alex Bag - Untitled Fall ’95 (57min, 1995) Interspersed between these confessions are eight set-pieces, in which Bag performs scenes from the background noise of her imagination: a pretentious visiting artist, London shop-girls discussing their punk band, a Ronald MacDonald puppet attempting to pick up a Hello Kitty doll, the singer Bjork explaining how television works. These surreal episodes sketch out what Bag sees as the simultaneous attraction and repulsion of contemporary youth culture, and teeter on the divide between parody and complicity. films start at 21h!
Friday |
Friday June 1st 2012 19:00 |
THE LIMITS OF "EQUALITY" Dean Spade, a trans attorney, activist and educator from the US, will be talking about his new book, Normal LIfe: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics and the Limits of Law (South End Press 2011). The book examines the failures of US gay and lesbian rights strategies that have centered law reform campaigns like military inclusion, marriage rights and hate crime laws. Spade proposes that trans politics depart from this path, and suggests a critical trans politics that centers racial and economic justice, grassroots mobilization and horizontal organizing strategies. the talk starts at 7 p.m. sharp! seid pünktlich!
Thursday |
SINGULAR/PLURAL 1 Jay Rosenblatt - The Smell of Burning Ants (21min, 1994) Su Friedrich - Sink or Swim (48min, 1990) films start at 21h!
Saturday |
RE-OPENING OF THE FABULOUS The Halle is 1000 years old now! Let's celebrate!!