Marie Leão (feminist indie, hip-hop, bass)
Grace Kelly (tropical bass, postcolonial beats)
KALOAN MEENOCHITE are a multidisciplinary artist born in São Carlos, Brazil in 1983. They are an immigrant and has been living in Berlin for three years.
They work mainly with performance and music in an experimental way and has been actively performing in different cultural venues in Brazil and Europe for at least 10 years.
Kaloan's performances use motion sensors in their body to activate sounds through movement. The sound travels from a weird soundscape of animals in a broken forest, passing by some distorted brega funk beats, and following by some IDM arrocha.
Donation: 10% of the profit go to International Women’s Space
August 22 '22
11:00 - 17:00
August 23 '22
11:00 - 17:00
plot bowl or how to make instant narratives workshop!
Plot bowl is a two days workshop in which we will examine the effect of instant planning a script. By allowing ourselves to be unexpected, we allow different ideas to pop up and make us create wild, exciting and thrilling radical materials.
Examining the instant is a political way to challenge the structure of capitalistic ways of preparation that don't necessarily allow revolutionary ways of thinking.
In the workshop, we will challenge ourselves through different exercises that involve fast script writing, instant set crew collaborations and the immediate creation of a performative idea.
Although the workshop deals with writing and performing, it doesn't require any special background knowledge for the participants.
Nattan (Igor) Dobkin (38), a trans person based both in Berlin and Tel aviv, is a performance artist, a teacher, and an adjunct professor in the department of gender studies at Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva, for which he/they has been noted an outstanding lecturer. He/They teach a performance art course at the Pre-Academic Art School “The Garage” for students facing mental health challenges. Dobkin regularly facilitates an independent workshop in Tel Aviv that deals with the performer’s identity in gender and sexual contexts, and in the stage world. Dobkin holds a M.A in gender studies from Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva, and a B.A in theater directing and pedagogy from Seminar Hakibutzim College, Tel Aviv.
Gefördert von der Beauftragten der
Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
Sat + Sunday
13.+ 14.08.22
12:00 - 19:00
*** deutsche Version weiter unten ***
Pfauenkreativurlaub - what does it mean?
Pfauenkreativurlaub is the name of a long weekend of queer crafting and conspiering at Raumerweiterungshalle. The Name Pfrauenkreativurlaub (literaly: Peacock creative vaccation) is a deriviation of the word Frauenkreativurlaub (literaly: women creative vaccation) which one of us stumbled across during research at an archive that collects documents of the women and lesbian movement in the GDR. The Frauenkreativurlaub used to be a bunch of lesbian women who went to the countyside to be creative, conspire and build community. It has been more than 30 years since the “creative women” excursion.
Political Systems have crumbled, new media emerged, social movements have fought for social change and are still doing so.
Weaving on to this, we ask the question: How can we pick up the threads of the past? Under what conditions can we come together today, exchange ideas, feel more secure and learn from one another? What knowledge do we want to keep? To playfully open the word, Pfauen is deduced of Frauen and invites all kind of queer identities to take part at this event.
Five artists bring a set of their crafty techniques to Raumerweiterungshalle and create the room for four different sessions of Airbrushing, sewing and embroidery, screenprinting and paper and textile marbling.
The Sessions will be taking place from Saturday till Sunday. You can join for just a couple of hours, a day or for the whole weekend. We don’t want to facilitate a one way learning experience but more of a fluid space where you can float in and out of techniques, share and combine them. We want to open a space in which “doing” is decoupled from “producing”. We want to turn away from results-oriented work. We want to pause and take a breather while realizing that it is easier to talk to each other when our hands are busy. The things that are created during the “Peacock Creative Vacation” tell of our time together, our exchange, our similarities and differences.
There will also be a cooking station where we can prepare lunch, snacks and dinner. Raumerweiterungshalle offers lemonade / softdrinks for a donation. Coffee, Tea and water are free. The Event will be sober till 7pm
*** auf deutsch ***
Pfauenkreativurlaub – was bedeutet das?
Pfauenkreativurlaub heißt ein langes Wochenende des queeren Bastelns und Konspirierens in der Raumerweiterungshalle. Der Name Pfrauenkreativurlaub ist eine Ableitung des Wortes Frauenkreativurlaub, auf das eine von uns bei der Recherche in einem Archiv gestoßen ist, das Dokumente der Frauen- und Lesbenbewegung in der DDR sammelt. Der Frauenkreativurlaub war früher ein Haufen lesbischer Frauen, die aufs Land gingen, um kreativ zu sein, sich zu verschwören und eine Gemeinschaft aufzubauen. Über 30 Jahre sind seit der Exkursion „kreative Frauen“ vergangen.
Politische Systeme sind zusammengebrochen, neue Medien entstanden, soziale Bewegungen haben für gesellschaftliche Veränderungen gekämpft und tun dies immer noch.
Daran anknüpfend stellen wir die Frage: Wie können wir die Fäden der Vergangenheit wieder aufnehmen? Unter welchen Bedingungen können wir heute zusammenkommen, uns austauschen, sicherer fühlen und voneinander lernen? Welches Wissen wollen wir bewahren? Um das Wort spielerisch zu öffnen, wird Pfauen von Frauen abgeleitet und lädt alle Arten von queeren Identitäten ein, an dieser Veranstaltung teilzunehmen.
Fünf Künstler*innen bringen eine Reihe ihrer handwerklichen Techniken in die Raumerweiterungshalle und schaffen den Raum für vier verschiedene Sessions mit Airbrush, Nähen und Sticken, Siebdruck und Papier- und Textilmarmorierung. Die Sitzungen finden von Samstag bis Sonntag statt. Sie können nur für ein paar Stunden, einen Tag oder das ganze Wochenende teilnehmen.
Wir möchten keine einseitige Lernerfahrung ermöglichen, sondern eher einen fließenden Raum, in dem Sie in Techniken ein- und aussteigen, sie teilen und kombinieren können. Wir wollen einen Raum eröffnen, in dem das „Machen“ vom „Produzieren“ entkoppelt wird. Wir wollen uns von ergebnisorientiertem Arbeiten abwenden. Wir wollen innehalten und verschnaufen, während wir erkennen, dass es einfacher ist, miteinander zu reden, wenn unsere Hände beschäftigt sind. Die Dinge, die während der „Peacock Creative Vacation“ entstehen, erzählen von unserer gemeinsamen Zeit, unserem Austausch, unseren Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden.
Es wird auch eine Kochstation geben, an der wir Mittagessen, Snacks und Abendessen zubereiten können. In der Raumerweiterungshalle gibt Limonade / Softdrinks gegen Spende. Kaffee, Tee und Wasser sind kostenlos. Die Veranstaltung findet bis 19 Uhr nüchtern statt
Gefördert von der Beauftragten der
Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
August 9th '22
THE PUBLISHING SHACK feat. TiTv / bureaucratic madness / the brick book / Club Splendida / Erika in Amerika / Desperate Living / the Halle Sauna
multi zine release + screening + sauna
During lockdown Halle got knocked up and hence gave birth to a monstrous child: The Publishing Shack, our new printed matter department.
Five zines * comics * posters have since come off the press in collaboration with printing wizards Ak Knol (printeretto) and Czentrifuga. Today we want to share and celebrate them with you.
Contributions by Betül Merve Tekoglu, Bilge Emir, Caio Soares, Cammack Lindsey, Claire Egan, Deniz Şimşek, Erfan Aboutalebi, Ernest Ah, Helena Sofía Ribas, Lee Stevens, Mouna Assali, Nilgün Yelpaze, Philipp Fröhlich, Rheremita Cera, Seb Ymai, T Blank, Tess Meyer, Teta Marie Carangi, Tonina Matamalas
And since it will be a burning hot August night in times of energy scarcity, what better time to introduce another recent offspring: the Halle Sauna! Years of sweat and tears until we see her come to life tonight. If you want to try, bring a towel and a negative Covid test. Sauna will take place in shifts for fixed groups, to minimise contacts.
8pm screening in presence of TiTv crew and Antonia Baehr:
TiTv_Debutit chaptiter (Rheremita Cera, T Blank, Teta Marie Carangi, Tonina Matamalas, 2022, 8 min)
Patitriarchy robots have a new dominatition plan. The new productit is set free. By a process of tastiting the living world for the firstit time Tit Prototype access memories and goes into an adventurous journey where tit gets to know other beings, makes friends and starts to question titself.
Erika in Amerika (Antonia Baehr, 2000, 10 min)
Erika in Amerika is the impossibility of explaining Antonia Baehr. The movie theatre becomes a classroom and we become Antonia Baehr’s students. It appears that she is teaching us about a renown Cow-Woman named Erika and the skills required for American Performance Art. But really we are pulled into a maze of interlocked identities within non-linear forms of narrative.
After all, everybody is Antonia Baehr. Everyone wants to drink the milk of her warm bosom.
Desperate Living (John Waters, 1977, 90 min)
Part of the “Trash Trilogy”, we honor the Publishing Shack’s patron saint Queen Carlotta and all people of Mortville with a bootleg copy of this great classic.
August 6th '22
Bingo session with extreme f🍑gottry, kinky prices and bailebailebaile.
welcoming to Berlin for the first time @pinkpoundsound who will be enlighting us with fine tackyness prensting her new album.
Bring your energy and your meanest self
August 5th '22
CURRENT AFFAIRS sind ein Konzert in Berlin. Die Band aus Glasgow hat bereits etliche Male hier in der Stadt gespielt. Es gibt schwungvollen Postpunk zu hören, der irgendwo zwischen den B52s und TELEVISION liegt.
The Runaway sound archives: a workshop on the politics of sound archiving workshop
Register: thecarrierbags(at)
Despite the ongoing criticism of the archives as instruments for the consolidation of power, recently, there has been a proliferation of non-governmental archive projects from activist initiatives, such as refugee archives, diaspora archives, queer archives, etc., with the insight that alternative archives can challenge the hegemonic power relations. However, the question still arises to what extent these alternative archives differ from the hegemonic instances in the attempt to have their own knowledge production is recognized.
Where do the sound archives and the archives of sound cultures stand in these discussions around the archive? While common notions of the archive are visual and textual, the documentation of fleeting sonic moments has had material moments since the invention of audio recording technologies with material consequences of authorship for who can profit from it, as is the case with the commercial use of the ethnographic recordings of the indigionous music cultures. Also, the daily usage of Youtube and Spotify as large collections of music is a common phenomenon, which in turn allows for personal curations of sound and thus makes this practice of organizing sonic form very much a part of the physical infrastructures of our daily lives.
This workshop takes the particularities of autonomous sound archives as a starting point and asks about their political potential to destabilize power relations, dealing with projects that use decolonial and queer-femnist strategies and bring new archives into existence. After analyzing some examples, the participants will have a chance to engage with archival material from the history of queer party culture in Berlin and will be encouraged to develop creative ways to create alternative archives beyond the notions of preservation and representation.
facilitated by Ilgaz Yalçınoğlu & Bilge Emir
Ilgaz Yalçınoğlu is a music researcher born in Turkey who continues his research in Berlin. After completing his undergraduate education in musicology, media studies and art history in Marburg, he started his master's degree in musicology at Humboldt University of Berlin. His research deals with music cognition, local music cultures, history of popular music and sound politics. In addition to his academic research, he organized various music events and continues his music journalism with his articles and radio programs.
Bilge Emir, working in illustration and video, is a graduate of the Visual Communication, Weißensee KHB and based in Berlin since 2017. Her work concerns the themes of image and representation politics, collective memory & self-organised practices. Currently she is a part of the media archiving collective
Gefördert von der Beauftragten der
Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
July 26 '22
Santiago de Chile spielen an diesem Tag das letzte Konzert ihrer zweimonatigen Europatour in der Raumerweiterungshalle. Die Band spielt simplen Punk voller roher Energie, die zur Zeit der großen Proteste im Land 2019/2020 entstanden.
DEUTSCH: „Kollektives Courage Theater: Workshop und Aufführung zur Neulesung von "Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder" aus queer-feministischer Perspektive"
Der Workshop ist kostenlos | Wichtig bei der Anmeldung ist, dass du voll engagiert bist und an allen Tagen teilnehmen kannst | Bitte beachte bei der Anmeldung, dass FLINTA/LGBTQ- und Bi*POC-Personen bei der Teilnahme bevorzugt werden.
Die Plätze sind auf 15 Teilnehmer*innen begrenzt, wenn du also Interesse haben solltest, schick uns gerne eine Mail mit deinem Namen und ein paar Zeilen über dich mit dem Betreff "Mutter Courage" an:
Wir laden dich herzlich ein, an unserem Workshop zu einer Neulesung und Performance von "Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder" teilzunehmen. Das Stück von Bertolt Brecht, das zur Warnung vor dem Krieg geschrieben wurde, zeigt die untrennbare Verbindung von Kapitalismus und Krieg auf, zwei Dinge, die ohne einander nicht existieren können. Durch die Augen der Protagonistin des Stücks, Mutter Courage, diskutieren wir die Rolle der "Mutter" aus einer queer-feministischen Perspektive und kritisieren die Auswirkungen des Krieges, wie die daraus resultierenden Profite, aus einer antimilitaristischen und antikapitalistischen Sicht.
Das Stück, welches im 17. Jahrhundert spielt, werden wir aus unserem Zeitgeschehen und unseren eigenen Erfahrungen heraus betrachten, um gemeinsam eine eigene Interpretation des Stücks zu erarbeiten. Während des gesamten Workshops werden wir von Peter Wittig von SiDat! Projekttheater Berlin, angeleitet werden und zusammen die Besonderheiten des brechtschen Theaters kennenlernen, wie z. B. das Lehrstück und den Gestus. Zusammen mit Misa Harz werden wir an materialistische feministische Theorie herantreten und erproben, wie wir diese in unsere abschließende Performance einbeziehen können. Der Workshop wird auf Deutsch abgehalten werden. Wir wollen ausdrücklich Nicht-Muttersprachler*innen dazu ermutigen teilzunehmen, sodass wir gemeinsam unsere politischen Standpunkte und unsere Sprache durch das Theater stärken und zum Abschluss eine Performance präsentieren können, die weitere Gespräche und Diskussionen nach sich zieht.
Für den ersten Teil des Workshops schicken wir dir vorab eine Auswahl an Auszügen aus „Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder“ zu, zusammen mit einer Schlüssel-/Definitionsliste, um denjenigen zu helfen, die keine Muttersprachler*innen sind. Es ist obligatorisch, dass die Teilnehmenden vor dem Workshop den zu behandelnden Stoff lesen, damit wir sofort mit der Diskussion starten können. Dies ist wichtig, damit alle gut vorbereitet sind für die gemeinsame Leseprobe, mit der wir am Freitag, den 24. Juni, beginnen werden. Wenn du noch mehr Stellen aus dem Stück lesen möchtest und/oder andere Abschnitte vorschlagen möchtest, ist das sehr willkommen!
Am Samstag und Sonntag werden wir die Auszüge diskutieren und unter der Leitung von Peter Wittig einige Übungen machen, so wie improvisieren. Das Ziel ist zum Ende des Wochenendes, die Planung für die Aufführung an dem darauffolgenden Wochenende weitestgehend abgeschlossen zu haben. Wir werden euch auch kleinere Hausaufgaben aufgeben, um euch bestmöglich auf die finalen Proben vorzubereiten.
Das zweite Wochenende besteht aus abschließenden Proben und der Aufführung, bei denen wir das Gelernte des vorangegangenen Wochenendes wiederholen und endet mit einer öffentlichen Aufführung und Diskussion am Sonntag.
Mehr über die Moderator*innen:
Misa ist Studentin, Schreiberin und Performerin mit einem Hintergrund in Kunstgeschichte und Sozial und Kulturanthropologie. Aktuell macht sie einen Master in Ästhetik an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt und wird dabei durch das Deutschlandstipendium gefördert. Ihr Hauptfokus liegt auf Literatur, Philosophie und marxistischer Politik im Zusammenhang mit dem Schriftsteller Ronald M. Schernikau. Seit 2017 ist sie Teil einer Gruppe von Performer*innen und Sänger*innen um Cammack Lindsey. Die Arbeit mit Cammack Lindsey entwickelte sich 2021 zu einem kollaborativen Verhältnis, aus dem eine Selbstveröffentlichung hervorging, zu der Misa Harz auf Basis des „Visible Window“ Skripts eine einleitende Kurzgeschichte schrieb. Ihr Schreibstil zeigte sich dabei vor allem vom spekulativen Realismus beeinflusst.
Meisterschülerstudium Regie bei Prof. Joachim Herz an der Akademie der Künste zu Berlin. Oberspielleiter Theater Greifswald. Seit 1995 freischaffender Regisseur, u. a. Staatsoper Jekaterinburg (Rußland). Zusammenarbeit mit tschechischen und sorbischen Theaterkünstlern. 1996-2008 Gastvorträge bei den Salzburger Festspielen und an der Universität Innsbruck. 2002 Gründung von SiDat! Projekttheater Berlin. Wichtigste Aufführungen: DER GELDGOTT von Peter Hacks (Berliner Bühnen-EA, 2013), DIE HELLEN HAUFEN von Volker Braun (UA der neuen Bühnenbearbeitung von Peter Wittig, 2014), DIE TAGE DER COMMUNE von Bertolt Brecht/ Hanns Eisler, (Berliner EA der Originalfassung, 2017, DIE RUNDKÖPFE UND DIE SPITZKÖPFE von Brecht/ Eisler, 2021).
2005-2009 Dozent an der Berliner Schule für Schauspiel. 2008-17 und 2020-21 Dozent an der Reduta Berlin. Seit 2016 Lehrauftrag Chanson an der Volkshochschule Berlin-Neukölln. Stücke, Libretti, Übersetzungen, Aufsätze zum Theater
ENGLISH: “Collective Courage Theater: workshop and performance on a new reading of "Mother Courage and her Children" from queer-feminist perspectives”
The workshop is free of charge. When registering, it is important that you are fully committed and can attend all days. When applying, please note that preference for participants is given to FLINTA/LGBTQ- und Bi*POC-Persons
Places are limited for only 15 participants, so if you are interested send an email with your name and few sentences about yourself- titled “Mutter Courage” to:
We invite you to join our workshop on a new reading and performance on "Mother Courage and Her Children". The play from Bertolt Brecht, written as a warning against war, draws conclusions of the unbreakable bond of capitalism and war, as two things that cannot exist without one another. Through the eyes of the protagonist of the play, Mother Courage, we discuss the role of “the mother” from queer-feminist perspectives along with critiques the existence of war and it’s consequential profit from anti-militarist and anti-capitalist mindsets. Originally based in the 17th century, we view the play from our own experiences to present and create collectively our own interpretation of the play. Throughout the workshop, with the guidance of Peter Wittig from SiDat! Project Theater, we will learn Brecht’s Epic Theater methods, such as ‚Lehrstück‘ and ‚Gestus’, together along with Misa Harz, who will be leading us through materialist feminist theory and how to apply it to our final performance. The workshop will be held in German, but we encourage especially non-native German speakers to join, along with native German speakers, so that we can strengthen together our political viewpoints and language through theater, presenting in the end together a performance to generate further conversations and discussions.
Part 1:
Friday 24. June: 17-20 Uhr
Saturday 25. June: 10-18
Sunday, 26. June 12-18
For the first part of the workshop, we will send you before hand a selection from 'Mutter Courage und Ihre Kinder', accompanied by a key/definition list to help those who are not native German speakers. It is obligatory for participants to read before the workshop, so that we are able to begin discussion straight away. This is important so that everyone is well prepared for the joint reading rehearsal, with which we will begin work on Friday, June 24th. If you would like to read more of the play, and would like to suggest other sections of the play, this is as well happily welcomed! During this weekend, we will hold discussions and exercises led by Peter Wittig, and by the end of the first weekend, we will have finalized our plannings for the performance, as well, using improvisation as our tool! Participants will also be given small homeworks to consider during the next week before meeting on the second weekend.
The second weekend consists of final dress rehearsals and performance, going over what we have learned the previous weekend, ending with a public performance discussion on Sunday.
More about facilitators:
Misa is a student, writer and performer with a background in Art History and Anthropology. Currently, she studies Aesthetics at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt with support from Deutschlandstipendium, mainly focusing on literature, philosophy and marxist politics in relation to the writer Ronald M. Schernikau. Since 2017, she has been a part of the regular group of performers and singers together with Cammack Lindsey. This connection developed into a more co-productive relationship in 2021 for a self-publication to which she contributed an introductory short story based on the script of „Visible Window“. Her writing style is mostly influenced by speculative realism.
Peter Wittig studied directing with Prof. Joachim Herz at the Academy of the Arts in Berlin, and has since 1995 been working as a freelance director, with for example, the State Opera Ekaterinburg in Russia, while also collaborating with Czech and Serbian theater artists. From 1996-2008, he held guest lectures at the Salzburg Festival and at the University of Innsbruck, and in 2002, SiDat! Project theater Berlin was founded. His most important performances are as follows: 'The Money God' by Peter Hacks (Berlin stage EA, 2013), 'The Bright Heaps' by Volker Braun (premiere of the new stage adaptation by Peter Wittig, 2014),'The Days of the Commune' by Bertolt Brecht/ Hanns Eisler, (Berlin EA of the original version, 2017, 'Round Heads and Pointed Heads' by Brecht/ Eisler, 2021). From 2005-2009, he was a lecturer at the Berlin School for Drama, and in 2008-17 and 2020-21, was a lecturer at the Reduta Berlin. Since 2016 teaching chanson at the Volkshochschule Berlin-Neukölln. You can read more about the plays, libretti, translations, essays on theater
Gefördert von der Beauftragten der
Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
June 28 '22
Book Launch Club Splendida Season 2 at Hopscotch Reading Room
The Publishing Shack presents the release of the script for the second season of “Club Splendida”, a science-fictional web series about queerness and collectivity.
The first season premiered in 2019 and is now available in youtube and vimeo. It was written, produced, and directed by Caio Amado Soares, in a network of collaborations.
The screenplay for season two of the series approaches the topic of collectivity not only in its content, but also in its mode of production. It was written in a six day collective writing workshop organised by Ernest Ah and Caio Amado Soares, with Mouna Abo Assali, Erfan Aboutalebi, Philipp Fröhlich, Cammack Lindsey, Deniz Şimşek, and Lee Stevens. The publication was illustrated and designed by Bilge Emir and Tess Meyer, and printed by Ak Knol.
The Publishing Shack is the printed matter department of Raumerweiterungshalle.
We will also screen Season 1 for you!
The book launch is presented in collaboration with Hopscotch Reading Room at their beautiful back yard:
Kurfürstenstraße 13-14
10785 Berlin
October 3rd
17 - 20 h
Tag der Clubkultur: Shirley has an affair
Ein Club ist Gemeinschaft ist Vielfalt ist Nähe ist ein Experiment. Ein Club ist Veränderung ist Freiheit ist Widerstand und Kultur. Ein Club ist immer neu und für alle da. Ein Club ist ein Club.
🔥 This event is part of Tag der Clubkultur 2021 🔥
steve is out of town, and shirley is making good use of her alone time. she's spinning her disks with the intergalactic secret agent who just came from planet doomblob 3000 with an air of naughty seafood and stories to tell. is it an open relationship or is shirley gay for pay? we don't know. come and read between the lines, maybe you find the answer in a song... they will be joined by matakola – what might they have in store? come celebrate a chill and low key season closing afternoon with fire and secretive tunes in yours truly raumerweiterungshalle.
please come with proof of one of the 3Gs and a mask for the indoors xxx
September 30th
15 - 17 h
Mutual appreciation
with Feminist Health Care Research Group
3 pm website presentation + tea + cake
with glorious tina kaden
we are happy to pre-launch our new website (coming soon:, designed by Judith Fehlau, that summarises our research on the Health Movement.
3:30 – 5 pm some prompts on mutual appreciation
(limited number of participants)
We would like to take time to exchange in small groups on our role as art workers in the middle of the hype around care in the art field. How comes care and accessibility are buzz words in the art field but our working conditions have not improved? We still don’t find time to rest. We still lack moments to be fully there for each other.
We will reflect together what we lack and how we can share appreciation for each other’s efforts and commitment.
For the workshop-like part (15:30 – 17:00) we would like to ask you to register as we will need to limit the number of participants to 20. Please email us at
If the weather is good we will be outside in Halle’s garden.
If the weather is wet and cold and we will be meeting inside, we will need to limit the number of guests inside to 20 persons. Please take/bring a test (same day) or a proof of vaccination (3G). Maybe take warm clothes and a hot water bottle. The Halle wont be heated.
Access Info
The event takes place in English.
No DGS interpretation is available.
Children are welcome. No childcare available.
Please consider coming low or no scent.
Calling all comic nerds and scribblers! Do u want to spice up your zines, learn some new tricks or make
your first comic ever? We are offering a 2 day comic drawing workshop facilitated by the awesome Shum on 2 consecutive Fridays. As usual,
free of charge.
⁎ Sign up via email to:
⁎ The workshop takes place in the Halle garden, Markgrafendamm 24c (how to get there)
⁎ Please bring a proof of vaccination or a negative test result.
All styles and levels welcome!
August 29 '21
from 4.20pm
til 20:00h
the Mortville Public Library presents:
The Uncle Ray Collection
On this day we are blessed to share with you a beautiful selection of gay porn magazines from the 70s and onwards. The magazines were collected by Uncle Ray throughout his abundant and multifaceted life, and lent to MPL by his niece and friend, Dóri Ferenczy.
Uncle Ray, also known as Raymond Wolff, was born in New York to Jewish parents who had fled nazi Germany. He left the US to avoid being drafted to the Vietnam war in 1971, moved to Berlin and became an active organiser in the anti-war movement. He founded the Museumsverein Synagoge Staudernheim, whose mission it was to restore the synagogue in the small town Ray's family was from. Uncle Ray spent his life researching Jewish history, particularly the local history in Berlin and Neukölln, where he lived until his sudden passing this spring. He gave guided tours through the neighborhood and always had stories to tell. His sense of humor was unparalleled, and beside owning a golden award statue of his own penis, he was an unapologetic lover of men, and a hoarder, so thank you Ray for never throwing anything away, and allowing us to browse in these rarities decades later!
Come join us in the Halle garden to honor the fruity part of this very special man's legacy. As usual there will be tea and cake, and for this special occasion some sparkling wine and sleazy tunes by Intergalactic Secret Agent. The regular library is also open.
September 1 '21
Doors 19h
Start 20h
from the 👛👜 CARRIER BAGS OF FRICTION 👜👛 series:
The Ashes Remains Warm
Film Screening with Mónica Martins Nunes
Every morning when I go out of the door, he is the first one I see.
He is the first to tell me good morning.
He is a father. Although he is destroying us, he does not kill us.
The villages of "Chã das Caldeiras" lie inside the caldera of the volcano "Pico do Fogo" in Cape
After losing everything they own on the last eruption, its inhabitants are forced to rethink their
A dedication, a subjective visual tale on loss, a symbiotic relationship and the possibility of the
eternal return.
Mónica Martins Nunes (1990, Lisbon) is a portuguese visual artist currently living in Berlin. Having
started her artistic work in ceramics and after studying Sculpture in Faculdade de Belas-Artes - Lisbon
University, she graduated in Fine Arts from the Universität der Künste Berlin.
In 2016 she became a Meisterschüler in the same institution and was subsequently awarded the
Elsa-Neumann-Stipendium (NaFöG) from the city of Berlin. Her first film THE ASHES REMAIN WARM (Na cinza fica
calor) won the "Golden Dove" in the International Competition Short Documentary at DOK Leipzig 2017 Her new
film SORTES was filmed in her mother´s hometown "Serra de Serpa" and has just premiered in the International
Medium Length & Short Film Competition of Visions du Reél 2021.
August - December 2021
Dear collectors of everyday things,
dear hoarders, dear doubters, dear losers, dear those who talk before they think, dear quiet ones and chatty
ones, and all inbetweens, dear single sock scholars, typewriters, dictators (not the autocratic kind), dear
browsers, rousers and chin scratchers.
We’re happy to invite you back to our beloved Halle garden for some workshops and
presentations, in which we plan to explore the telling of stories:
An important inspiration is Ursula K. Le Guin’s “Carrier
Bag Theory of Fiction”, in which she does away with the conflict-based hero story. Instead she
proposes: Lest there be no more telling of stories at all, some of us out here in the wild oats, amid the alien
corn, think we’d better start telling another one, which maybe people can go on with when the old
one’s finished. Maybe. The trouble is, we’ve all let ourselves become part of the killer
story, and so we may get finished along with it. Hence it is with a certain feeling of urgency that I seek
the nature, subject, words of the other story, the untold one, the life story.
She suggests to think of storytelling as a bag, a container, that can hold things you collect
over time, so you can take them home, or elsewhere, and share them, and that thinking of it this way will
change the story. After all, it’s clear that the Hero does not look well in this bag. He needs a
stage or a pedestal or a pinnacle. You put him in a bag and he looks like a rabbit, like a potato.
It’s been a tough year and a half, and more than ever a somewhat existential uncertainty
and dread have taken hold. As an alternative to the monolithic hero story type conflict, we propose the
physical phenomenon of friction as a method for processing all this. Friction is an essential part of
resistance and opposition. It’s also a very everyday thing, stuff rubbing up against other stuff
inside the bag, it occurs with all touch, all contact, and aren’t these things we need in tough times?
Can we find moments of connection, support, even solidarity here? In physics, friction is “the force
resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each
other” (wikipedia). There are several types of friction, the main ones being: dry friction, fluid
friction, lubricated friction, skin friction, and internal friction. Well, if this list doesn’t add
complexity to the imagination, what will?
Let’s fill our bags with instances of friction, let’s fill the Halle garden with (a
limited number of) people, pens and paper. We’re looking forward to sharing time, thoughts, and ideas
✏️ August 9 & 11
Writers workshop with Alex Alvina Chamberland
info below
✏️ August 27 & September 3
Comic drawing workshop with Shum
info above
📽 September 1
Film screening - The Ashes Remain Warm, with Mónica Martins
info above
More has been happening behind the scenes. We will soon introduce The Publishing Shack. Stay tuned!
Gefördert von der Beauftragten der
Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
August 9 and
August 11
12.30 – 17.30h
We’re very excited to announce
the first workshop of the 👛👜 CARRIER BAGS OF FRICTION 👜👛 series:
Writers Workshop with Alex Alvina Chamberland
Join author Alex Alvina Chamberland for a writers workshop that explores various themes such as
reading as a writer, writing with ones entire body, connecting fully to nature and landscapes and cities and
rooms and the spaces within, routines, and broken routines, form, and broken forms, fragmentary narratives,
and non-narratives, discipline and freedom, and discipline in order to run free, insecurities, and hubris,
writing politically, and writing with such disregard to politics that the work becomes audaciously political
and/or perhaps even beyond political. This workshop will include close readings of multiple texts that have
been especially inspirational to Alex Alvina's writing, while participants are welcome to bring texts that
have inspired them, as well as discussions on literature and writing processes, and content, and form, and
style, and voice, and originality, and hype. The workshop will also include a specific writing assignment,
that we will discuss within the group. Welcome <3
* Sign up via email to:
* Trans women are given priority for this workshop, let us know if this applies to you.
* Limited spots, we work on a first come first serve basis.
* The workshop is free of charge. if you can't make it after all, please cancel in time, so we can give
your spot to someone else.
* The workshop takes place in the Halle garden, Markgrafendamm 24c (how to get there)
* Please bring a proof of vaccination or a negative test result.
Alex Alvina Chamberland is a Swedish-US American writer and performance artist based in
Berlin. She has an MA in gender studies from Södertörns Högskola, with a thesis on trans feminine sisterhood
and intersectionality in New York City.
In 2015 Bokförlaget ETC published her co-authored book Allt som är Mitt: Våldtäkt, Stigmatisering och
Upprättelse (English translation: All that is mine: Rape, Stigmatization and Reparation), which was the
beneficiary of a grant from the Swedish Arts Council. In September 2018 her novel Utelåst – Uppväxtnostalgi
för freaks (Locked Out – A nostalgic account of growing up for freaks) a parody of the coming of age-genre,
was published by Dockhaveri Förlag.
She has been widely published in journals and newspapers in both Swedish and English. She is
currently writing her first English language novel, Love the World or Get Killed Trying, from which she has
read excerpts at venues such as KW and Schwules Museum in Berlin, The Swedish National Youth Theatre in
Stockholm, The New School in New York City, The Danish Institute for Studies Abroad in Copenhagen, The
Oberhausen State Theater in Oberhausen, La Mutinerie in Paris, Wienwoche in Vienna, and The Athens &
Epidaurus Festival in Athens.
accessibility infos: Raumerweiterungshalle has a ramp and an accessible
compost toilet. There is wide and stable seating without armrests available. You will be hearing loud
electronic music from the club next door. We will provide earplugs at the bar. Please bring a proof of
vaccination or anegative test result.
Pfauenkreativurlaub - what does it mean?
Pfauenkreativurlaub is the name of a long weekend of queer crafting and
conspiering at Raumerweiterungshalle. The Name Pfrauenkreativurlaub (literaly: Peacock creative vaccation)
is a deriviation of the word Frauenkreativurlaub (literaly: women creative vaccation) which one of us
stumbled across during research at an archive that collects documents of the women and lesbian movement in
the GDR. The Frauenkreativurlaub used to be a bunch of lesbian women who went to the countyside to be
creative, conspire and build community. It has been more than 30 years since the “creative
women” excursion.
Systems have crumbled, new media emerged, social movements have fought for social change and are still doing
Weaving on to this, we ask the question: How can we pick up the threads of the past? Under what conditions
can we come together today, exchange ideas, feel more secure and learn from one another? What knowledge do
we want to keep? To playfully open the word, Pfauen is deduced of Frauen and invites all kind of queer
identities to take part at this event.
Pfauenkreativurlaub - What is this about?
Four artists and one writer will bring a set of their crafty techniques
to Raumerweiterungshalle and create the room for five different sessions of silk painting, sewing and
embroidery, screenprinting, paper and textile marbling and Bookbinding. The Sessions will be taking place
from Thursday till Sunday. You can join for just a couple of hours, a day or for the whole weekend. Please
note that you have to register previous to the event via email. We have a capacity of 15 Guests a day. We
don’t want to facilitate a one way learning experience but more of a fluid space where you can float
in and out of techniques, share and combine them. We want to open a space in which “doing” is
decoupled from “producing”. We want to turn away from results-oriented work. We want to pause
and take a breather while realizing that it is easier to talk to each other when our hands are busy. The
things that are created during the “Peacock Creative Vacation” tell of our time together, our
exchange, our similarities and differences. There will also be a cooking station where we can prepare lunch,
snacks and dinner. Raumerweiterungshalle has a bar where you can get lemonade and alcoholic drinks for a
donation. Coffee, Tea and water are free. The Event will be sober till 7pm
Infos zur Barrierearmut: Die Raumerweiterungshalle verfügt über eine
Rampe und eine barrierefreie Komposttoilette. Es stehen breite und stabile Sitzgelegenheiten ohne Armlehnen
zur Verfügung. Ihr werdet laute elektronische Musik aus dem Club nebenan hören. An der Bar stellen wir
Ohrstöpsel zur Verfügung. Bitte bringt einen Impfausweis oder ein negatives Testergebnis mit.
Pfauenkreativurlaub – was bedeutet das?
Pfauenkreativurlaub ist ein langes, queeres Wochenende das zum
gemeinsamen basteln und zu konspirieren in der Raumerweiterungshalle einlädt. Der Name Pfrauenkreativurlaub
ist eine Ableitung des Wortes Frauenkreativurlaub, auf das wir bei einer Recherchen in einem Archiv gestoßen
sind, das Dokumente der Frauen- und Lesbenbewegung in der DDR sammelt. Unter dem namen Frauenkreativurlaub
reiste eine Gruppe lesbischer Frauen aufs Land, um kreativ zu sein, sich zu verbünden und Gemeinschaft zu
leben. Seit dem Ausflug der “kreativen Frauen” sind mehr als 30 Jahre vergangen.
Politische Systeme sind zerfallen, neue Medien entstanden, Soziale Bewegungen haben gesellschaftliche
Veränderungen erkämpft, und tun dies noch.
Daran anknüpfend stellen wir mit dem “Pfauenkreativurlaub” die Frage: Wie können wir die Fäden
der Vergangenheit aufnehmen und an sie anknüpfen? Unter welchen Be- dingungen können wir heute
zusammenkommen, uns austauschen, sicherer fühlen und voneinander lernen? Welches Wissen wollen wir bewahren?
Um das Wort spielerisch zu öffnen, leitet sich Pfauen von Frauen ab und lädt allen möglichen queeren
Identitäten ein an der Veranstaltung teilzunehmen.
Pfauenkreativurlaub – worum gehts’?
Vier Künstler:innen und eine Schriftstellerin bringen eine Reihe ihrer
Techniken in die Raumerweiterungshalle und gestalten einen Raum in dem fünf verschiedene Sessions
stattfinden werden.
Seidenmalerei, Nähen und Sticken, Siebdruck, Papier- und Textil
Marmorierung und Buchbinderei. Die Sessions finden von Donnerstag bis Sonntag statt. Ihr könnt nur für ein
paar Stunden, einen Tag oder das ganze Wochenende teilnehmen. Bitte beachtet dass ihr euch vor der
Veranstaltung per E-Mail anmelden müsst. Wir haben eine Kapazität von 15 Gästen pro Tag.
Wir möchten keine einseitige Lernerfahrung reproduzieren, sondern eher
einen fließenden Raum schaffen, in dem wir in die unterschiedlichen Techniken hinein und und hinaus fließen
können, der uns zum teilen und kombinieren anregt. Wir wollen einen Raum öffnen, in dem „Tun“
vom „Produzieren“ voneinander entkoppelt wird. Wir wollen uns von ergebnisorientiertem Arbeiten
abwenden. Wir möchten innehalten und eine Verschnaufpause einlegen und erkennen, dass es einfacher ist,
miteinander zu sprechen, wenn unsere Hände beschäftigt sind.Die Dinge, die während des Pfauenkreativurlaub
entstehen, erzählen von unserer miteinander verbrachten Zeit, unserem Austausch, unseren Gemeinsamkeiten und
Es wird auch eine Kochstation geben, an der wir Mittagessen, Snacks und
Abendessen zubereiten können. Die Raumerweiterungshalle verfügt über eine Bar, an der ihr Limonade und
alkoholische Getränke kaufen könnt. Tee, Kaffee und Wasser sind kostenlos. Wir bitten euch täglich bis 19
Uhr auf Alkohol und andere Rauschmittel zu verzichten.
after a rollercoaster of a season behind closed doors, the Halle comes out of
its Covid-and-Deutsche-Bahn imposed lockdown shortly before the cold
season with a truly filthy new space for you.
We are excited to announce the opening of the Mortville Public Library, the
filthiest library alive.
A million open tabs wanting to be read, an avalanche of messages and
notifications make it difficult to focus or process everything, and this
overwhelming status quo of the information age is intensified by too much
time spent in isolation because of depression, pandemic, social anxiety, and
other difficult stuff. Would it help to committ to a book at a time? What if
there is no money to buy one, or it’s too difficult to choose?
The Halle crew has decided to pool some favorite books from our personal
collections and make them available to you. We will be around for a chat,
have some tea and cake to share (bring your own mug if you can), you can
browse, hang out in the garden, discuss what you’ve read or ideas it has set
alight. The book selection aims to be small enough and fine enough to aid in
our ongoing goal of educating ourselves and connecting struggles, towards a
revolutionary future. Most books will be in English, but we also have some
German and Portuguese ones, as well as a Zine Präsenzbibliothek.
In a bi-weekly rhythm the Mortville Public Library will open her doors and
welcome you to borrow one book at a time. Keep in mind, this library is built
on trust, these are our personal books, not a rich institution’s purchases.
Please bring them back the next time we are open (usually this will be every
other Sunday afternoon), and don’t become Asshole of the Week.
If you thought in the past it was difficult to find the Halle, fasten your seatbelt
now. One of Mortville’s librarians will inconspicuously await you at the
garden gate of about_blank (to the right of their usual entrance door, at the
end of the fence), and send you on the back way to where you want to go.
Mortville is a fictional shantytown for all kinds of social outcasts, where you
typically find refuge when you killed your husband, want a sex change, like
to go naked, indulge in anarchy, eat turds, and other disgusting things. After
a long period under the cruel rule of sadistic Queen Carlotta, the inhabitants
of Mortville got together, defied her leather police, roasted her on a spit and
ate her. The library is situated in a liberated Mortville where noone will force
you to walk backwards all day, or try to infect you with rabies.
Mortville Public Library can be visited outdoors. We will keep your contact
details according to Covid regulations, and ensure that there is enough
space for everyone to keep the needed physical distance. Bring your favorite
mask :)
the opening of the library on September 10 2020 was part of the Liebig34 action week, to
defend the house project and others, that are threatened by eviction.
more program here:
13:12 – 4.20 pm
Unfortunately we can not use our barrierfree
front entrance because of Deutsche bahn building works and have to use the back entrance which has two
improvised steps.
COVID-19 & Renovations
The forced downtime due to COVID-19 has allowed us to reflect, renovate, repair,
care for, & grow🌱🌿🌴 (ourselves and the garden!) through these turbulent times and attend to the
things that have taken a back seat during the busy years.
In addition to this, we've been surrounded by unexpected major renovations going
on outside Halle and blocking our usual access, complicating a complicated situation further. When one of
your neighbors is a big business that owns whole actual streets and gives zero fucks... Shout out to
Deutsche Bahn for making this possible 😅😤
It is also a time of introspection for us in different ways - one of them being how to make the best
use of the space. Due to the ongoing event restrictions, Halle is unfortunately unable to host any external
event for the time being.
However, we’ve decided to re-center the original concept of our other name:
Selbstuniversität e.V. (Self-University e.V.). Our general plan is to prioritise smaller autonomous
learning-based formats within the Halle community, into the future. 🤓
Halle appreciates all your ongoing support and wishes our vibrant community all the
best! Big love to u and your loved ones from your favourite local sardine tin 🐟😋❤️
November 23 '19
Finanzcoop oder Revolution in Zeitlupe? Lesung und Gespräch
@ Aquarium, Skalitzer Str. 6, 10999 Berlin
***** english below *****
Das Buch stellt eine Gruppe von Menschen vor, die etwas anders machen als der Rest der Gesellschaft: Sie teilen ihr Geld, obwohl sie weder in derselben Stadt leben, noch durch familiäre Bande zusammengehalten werden. Mehrmals im Jahr kommen sie zusammen und regeln ihr finanzielles Auskommen der nächsten Monate. Dieses Modell heißt Finanzcoop.
Das gemeinsame Bankkonto, hervorgegangen aus dem Experiment einer WG im Jahr 1998, ist für die mittlerweile sieben Mitglieder zum Alltag geworden. Ihr regelmäßiger Austausch über Geld, materielle Werte und vor allem die eigenen Bedürfnisse hat sie zu Expert_innen gemacht. Dafür, was Geld in unserer Gesellschaft bedeutet, was es leistet, aber auch verunmöglicht. Und dafür, welche unentdeckten Freiräume eine andere Art von Ökonomie schaffen kann. In dieser Zwischenbilanz zu ihrem auf Lebenszeit angelegten Modell geben sie Einblicke, was ihre Neuerfindung einer Solidargemeinschaft, die quer zu Familie und Staat steht, bedeutet: für Partner_innen, Eltern und Kinder, für ihre Einstellung zu Erwerbsarbeit und unbezahlten Tätigkeiten, Nachwuchsplanung, Alterssicherung.
In ihren Berichten und Reflexionen machen die Mitglieder des FC-Kollektivs deutlich, dass diese Neuordnung der eigenen Verhältnisse gar nicht so radikal ist.
Durch den Abend führt Juliane Karakayali.
Finanzcoop oder Revolution in Zeitlupe,
FC- Kollektiv, Paula Bulling, Bini Adamczak, Büchner Verlag 2019
***** english *****
finance coop or revolution in slow motion?
reading and conversation
The book introduces a group of people who do something differently from the rest of society: they share their money, although they do not live in the same city, nor are related by blood. Several times a year they gather to manage their livelihood for the next couple of months. This model is called finance coop.
The joint bank account started as experiment in a flat share in 1998. Today it has become an everyday occurence for the now seven members. Their regular exchange about money, material goods and especially their individual needs has made them experts. For what money means in our society, for what it does, but also for what it prevents. And for which unexpected spaces of possibility another kind of economy can create. In this interim balance of their lifetime project they give insights into what their re-invention of a community in solidarity means, that is at odds with family and state: for partners, parents and children, for their attitude towards employmet and unpaid labour, procreation, provision for old age.
In their reports and reflections the members of the FC-collective make it clear, that this reshuffling of one’s own relations are not all that radical.
Juliane Karakayali moderates the evening.
whisper translation into English will be provided if needed :)
Finanzcoop oder Revolution in Zeitlupe,
FC- Kollektiv, Paula Bulling, Bini Adamczak, Büchner Verlag 2019
October 5 '19
~ Purrgatory ~ Season Closing Party ~
It's slowly getting colder and Halle needs to hibernate! We wrap up our 2019 with some feline festivities and go full circle with another chance to oscillate between sinfulness and absolution.
Dress in your best whiskers and come out for a last dance and help us make sure our baby has some memories for wet and sweaty dreams, so she can recharge and rejuvenate till next spring <3
🙀 🔥😈🐭🐈🐭🐈
✧ Performances by "The Worst Performance ever" workshop ✧
facilitated by natal igor dobkin* 💫 Gold dust
💫 College
💫 Asha hardcore santimelntal
💫 Waldfee Frido
💫 Alte igor
Participants of the SWITCH Workshop Series funded by Musicboard GmbH are serving the tunes for this fiery night.
✧ Minq ✧
Blending house, disco, dark wave, punk and more, Minq always takes the dance floor on a journey. Expect a heavy groove, thumping bass, and dreamy vocals.
✧ VaniLa ✧
plays mostly Techno bangers from various bents in style and age. Trance and 90´s Rave tunes are a big influence as well as almost everything with a powerful percussion element.
✧ Paulinhx ✧
Paulinhx is a non-binary creature of Basque & Occitan origin, local of Berlin, who grew up in the dunes rocked by the ocean and bounced by the magic mountains. Their musical background is influenced by the encounter of diverse cultures on the Atlantic coast, teenage activism by local antifascist band, part of Organ’ Phantom crew in Bordeaux and Maracujá collective in Berlin. Their music collection brings together a fine selection of alternative artists from all around the world. Through political resonance and poetical actions, Paulinhx likes to make you travel space and time and tunes you in the craddle of a musical humanity.
🔥purr your heart out 🔥 purrfection 🔥 purrversion🔥
with Pilsator Special and fire in the garden
🙀 🔥😈💫😻🐭🐈
October 2 '19
19:00 - 22:00
aequa Community Meeting: Next Steps Together
Our first official aequa community meeting, to give an overview of where the project is heading, gather your feedback and ideas, and share some important announcements.
Open to everyone with a collaborative, open and respectful mindset.
🌱 Call for members for aequa e.V. (registered club, applying for non-profit status)
☝️ Your chance to offer feedback on project direction (incl. opening permanent community space in 2020)
📝 Info on how to apply to be part of our Steering Team or Working Group
👂 You have heard of aequa and are interested in learning more
📅 You have attended an aequa event before
💻 You are part of our extended digital community
⚖️ You care about issues like social equity, intersectional feminism and climate justice — or if you are are just interested in learning more about these ideas within a supportive community
aequa is a community for social equity. Our vision is an equitable society in which every person can thrive. Our mission is to activate, enable and connect an intersectional community, and to do so sustainably. We do that by hosting gatherings for folks to exchange experiences and know-how, tackle shared challenges, and collaborate to create the world we dream of.
Together, we explore both our individual potential and our collective power.
September 4th
September 11th
September 18th
September 25th
15:00 - 18:00
My worst performance ever - A Queer Performance Workshop
Workshop hosted by natal igor dobkin*
photo by ludger storks
A queer performance workshop, over four meetings, for performers and non performers. We will give room for creativity, temptation, connection, and everything outside of the capitalistic realm of providing and creating material for success and product.
In every session we'll play with words, with sound, and we will work with the body. The last hour of every meeting will be open for showings and attempts of short performance works.
We will do a performance event as part of Raumerweiterungshalle's end-of-summer party on the 5th of October. Whoever wants to take part is welcome to share a performance at the event.
The workshop is free, donations are welcome.
In order to take part you need to commit to all four meetings.
Spots are limited.
Wednesdays: 4/9, 11/9, 18/9, 25/9
15:00-18:00 *please come on time
To sign up or ask any questions please contact Igor:
FACEBOOK: Natalie Igor Dobkin
WHATSUP: +97252318865
*natal-igor is a facilitator, a queer performer and dramaturg. giving queer performance workshops in the last 7 years for the queer community In tel aviv, and a performance art course under gender studies in ben gurion university in the last 6 years. natal-igor has also been teaching in a prep school of art for mental health "the garage" for two years.
September 21 '19
15:00 - late
Murmurs Soli Sound Festival
( (( ( ( open ears for shifting and re-wiring, re-affirming the connections that are honest and momentous. get some adrenalin and contacts from all the cuties you'll meet, familiar ears you've been meaning to be near, new___ _ _collaborators, femme and queer sound nerds and lovers galore. bring your sweet friends and fans
~ daytime snacks and backyard serenades, evening massage and sound bathing, night time sweaty groovnn and fire pit grounding ~
all the while, support a 10-day sound residency, outside Berlin, for womnyn/queer/FLINT* (femme-lesbian-intersex-non-binary-trans) sound artists.
holy moly so many good contributions
( (( ( s o u n d s ) )) )
Lady Gaby
Psychic CV
Shannon Sea
Lazy Rosario
Sameen Qasim
Leah Solomon
Exit Room
devin levin
Margo Sanda
Elizabeth Huehuentro
Lena Morris
((( ( ( p o e t r y )) ) )
Camille Käse
Marina Reza
(( ( d a n c e ) ) )
Su-mi Jang
Anounk Thériault
Sofy Seta
( (( ( v i d e o )) ) )
Ze Royale
Nico Limo & Zinzi Buchanan
Jana Spacelight
Chanteclair/Katie Kotler
( ( (( ( D J S ) ))) )))
GodXXX Noirphiles ( House of Living Colours / No Shade )
Sapphic Faggot ( Bodysnatch )
Folly Ghost ( No Shade )
LemonBoy ( Butters )
( (( s n a c k s ) ))
Eliza Mozer
( (( ( m a s s a g e )) ) from Malaika and Clara Conza
(( ( (( ( ( v v v excited to bask in all this sonic brilliance w u u u ) ))) ) )
:-) this venue is wheelchair accessible :-)
September 19 '19
Forced Into Femininity ω Big Debbie ω Cuntroaches ω Sunk Heaven
the Raumerweiterungshalle co-presents:
A W≋E≋I≋R≋D≋≋N≋I≋G≋H≋T of synth / noise / punk / performance art / ?
violent bouncy ball of derailed rhythms + theatrics / Marxist body horror / trans-feminist act of resistance
new (wave) synth connoisseur on the block
≋doors at 20.00 / first band at 21.30
sliding scale / no one turned away due to lack of funds!
September 12th
15:00 - 21:00
Toolbox / Building Day
Raumerweiterungshalle is very happy to have received the Project Space Award from Berlin Senat this year, which enables her to continue paying rent and other essentials for a while. On this occasion we open our doors for old and new friends.
Without countless people volunteering their time and energy to keep the infrastructure going Raumerweiterungshalle would not exist. Maintenance work in diy spaces is super important and we want to celebrate it today. By doing a little more of it together :)
We invite you to an afternoon of reproductive labour.
Come join us make a tool-wall, block up some holes in the sauna, plan an equipment storage cage or - if you want to be ambitious - help us fix the broken shutters.
Drinks and snacks will be provided xx
This event is our contribution to the program taking place during Berlin Art Week and surrounding the Official Award Ceremony of “Award for Art Project Spaces and Initiatives” 2019 on Friday, 13 September, 7 pm at Humboldthain Club, Hochstraße 46, 13357 Berlin.
3.September '19
19 Uhr
FORT AUS DER ISOLATION! Was heißt es, wenn sieben als "lebensunwert" ermordete Frauencharaktere auf der Bühne ihre Stimme erheben?
Szenische Lesung und Gespräch mit Tine Rahel Völcker, Cora Schmechel, Andreas Hechler und Mix
In den Jahren 1940 und 41 wurden in der nationalsozialistischen Tötungsanstalt Pirna Sonnenstein, einer ehemaligen Psychiatrie, etwa 15.000 Menschen mit psychischen Krisen, von der Norm abweichendem Verhalten, mit körperlichen oder kognitiven Einschränkungen ermordet.
Im Herbst/Winter 2019 bringt Tine Rahel Völcker zusammen mit einem Team aus Frauen* und Queers ihr Theaterstück "Frauen der Unterwelt. Sieben hysterische Akte" auf die Bühne. Es werden die Biografien von sieben Frauen und Mädchen erzählt, die in geschlechtsspezifische Konflikte und Krisen gerieten, in die Psychiatrie kamen und im Rahmen des nationalsozialistischen "Euthanasie"-Programms von Ärzt*innen und Pflegepersonal getötet wurden.
Warum finden sich unter den Opfern der Tötungsanstalt Pirna-Sonnenstein so viele Frauen mittleren Alters, die Anfang oder Mitte der 1930er Jahre in eine geschlossene Psychiatrie kamen?
In welcher geschlechtsspezifischen Form der Isolation befanden sich die im Stück dargestellten Frauen?
Warum wurde über die Ermordeten der NS-"Euthanasie" so lange geschwiegen?
Kommt mit der AfD ein neues rassehygienisches Denken auf uns zu - oder war es nie weg?
Und was kann eine queerfeministische Praxis zur Bewältigung von Krisen, die durch Stigmatisierung oder Rollenzuschreibungen entstanden sind, heute beitragen?
Nach einer kurzen Lesung mit Auszügen aus dem Stück werden uns diese und weitere Fragen beschäftigen. Tine Rahel Völcker (Autorin und Regisseurin des Stücks) diskutiert mit Cora Schmechel (Soziologin, Mit-Herausgeberin von "GegenDiagnose. Beiträge zur radikalen Kritik an Psychiatrie und Psychologie" ), Andreas Hechler (Urenkel eines Opfers der NS-"Euthanasie", hat verschiedentlich zu seiner Familiengeschichte publiziert und Vorträge gehalten) und Mix (macht seit über drei Jahren radikale Therapie, reflektiert RT und FORT im Starter*innen-Kollektiv).
Tine mit Lissa Flade, Tochter eines "Euthanasie"-Opfers in der Gedenkstätte Pirna-Sonnenstein
Die Veranstaltung bildet zugleich den Auftakt einer Crowdfunding-Kampagne, die dem Theaterprojekt die noch fehlenden Finanzmittel beschaffen soll. Denn auch bei dem Theaterprojekt geht es um die Überwindung von Isolation und zwar durch Öffentlichkeit und durch eine große Gruppe von Frauen* und Queers, die auf der Bühne gemeinsam alle sieben Geschichten erzählen. Alle Beteiligten sollen für ihre Arbeit anständige Gagen erhalten und die Geschichten der sieben Frauen und Mädchen sollen einen respektvollen künstlerischen Rahmen erhalten, wozu ein professionelles Bühnenbild gehört. Die Erlöse aus der Crowdfunding-Kampagne kommen diesen beiden Bereichen zu.
"Frauen der Unterwelt. Sieben hysterische Akte" von Tine Rahel Völcker in Kooperation mit dem Ballhaus Ost. Es spielen mit: Vernesa Berbo, Philipp Engelhardt, Olga Feger, Lara Anais Martinez-Wiesselmann, Nora Quest und Tucké Royale. Bühne und Kostüme: Jessica Rockstroh. Musik: Simon Bauer. Licht: Johanna Seitz. Regie: Tine Rahel Völcker.
Das Projekt wird unterstützt von der Einzelprojektförderung des Berliner Senats, der Heinz und Heide Dürr Stiftung, der Rudolf Augstein Stiftung und dem Kulturamt Pankow.
31. August '19
Soliparty for the open fltqi*woodworkshop
Dear People, is OAX-CONSTRUCTIONS again, your dearest woodworking collective!
Some of you might have accompanied our hustle to take over the open workshop "Schokofabrik" in Keuzberg. Our crowdfunding campaign is online- and definitely not over, we still need some cash cash to reach our goal- one more very much needed queer space for us in the city! because you all were so supportive and we do not only know how to build your tables but dance on them, we invite you to our solidarity!!
tell your friends, come to party with us, let the tables shake!!
9:30 pm - doors
10:00 Oihane Roach (live performance)
11:00 - 06:00
DJ Shahmaran (Hiphop, Baile Funk)
Alice Dee, Leila A. & DJ Gizzel (Rrrap)
Duo Maravilla (Reaggaton, Funky, Cumbia, Salsa)
entry: 5-10 euro
*We stand against all kinds of discrimination!
*Cultural appropriation not welcome!
Uter Project is a huge collaborative drawing about sexual and reproductive freedom.
The project started on january 2014 in the midst of a big debate in Spain regarding the spanish goverment’s attempt to penalize abortion.
The image communicates people's stories about sexual and reproductive health, history related to abortion, maternity and community building, queernes. A cry for freedom to decide about our own bodies.
For five years we widely presented the project abroad. The documentary growed and transformed on each presentation/conversation we have had, and now we would like to share it with you, tell some of the stories learned during the five years, discuss and talk together on the topics mentioned above.
doors at 19h, storytelling at 20h
there will be food to share
Tonina Matamalas will spend the week from August 19th in residency at Raumerweiterungshalle together with Irene Bailo.
August 24th '19
Orchestitsra Atetelie Workshop Experiment
ORCHESTITSTRA 🍈🍈 Atelier for women, trans and non-binary people, with tits of all ages, qualities and personalities.
ORCHESTITSTRA 🌶🌶 is a series of experiments of composition and sound improvisations with theremin, from titechnical developed by Marie Carangi in the performance Lyrical Theta.
In this performance, the sound comes from the frictional relationship between the body and the theremin's sensitive sound field. The "singing" is uttered by the movement of the tits that penetrate the electromagnetic field generated by the instrument in the space from an antenna, in which the musical notes are distributed. This field reacts to vibrations and body movements.
In the ORCHESTITSTRA 🏀🏀 we will use a pantyhose in which we will make two holes through which the tits jump, projecting forward and outward.
Let's shake tits together!
ORCHESTITSTRA Atetelier para mulheres, pessoas trans e não-binárias, com tetas de todas as idades, qualidades e personalidades.
ORCHESTITSTRA é uma série de experimentos de composição e improvisação sonora coletetiva com theremin, a partir de tetécnicas desenvolvidas por Marie Carangi na performance Teta Lírica.
Nesta performance, o som vem da relação friccional entre o corpo e o campo sonoro sensível do theremin. O "canto" é pronunciado pelo movimento das tetas que penetram o campo eletromagnético gerado pelo instrumento no espaço a partir de uma antena, na qual as notas musicais são distribuídas. Este campo reage às vibrações e movimentos corporais.
Na ORCHESTITSTRA usaremos uma meia-calça na qual faremos dois furos através dos quais as tetas saltam, projetando-se para frente e para fora.
Dance Pari Pari Pari- pereo, house, hi-nrg, wave,shite
Weekend events and doings by Sebastian Ymai all the way from Glasgow.
The events will try to pay as much tribute as posible to the wonderful comunity that has been built by fellow queer punk through the distance.
August 16th '19
poster + zine exhibition and screening in the frame of Sebastian Ymai's Halle residency
Showing videos and moving image from queers through the distance featuring:
Charlie No Home (Ldn)
Tarantula (Gla)
Ajna Solunar/Lacra Slide Skate Crew/@cielonubecita (Stgo/Valpo)
Matia Melena/@xxcxcxcxxc (Valpo)
Mathew Arthur Williams (Gla)
Andrew Black (Gla)
Emilia Beatriz (Gla, Prto Rico)
Latex Cheese (Outer Space)
Sebastian Ymai, Glasgow artist and punker, has been using halle for all sorts of music maquing as well as displaying graphic works from the Glasgow Queer Punk Collective Spite House and Descontrol Shop from L.A. in the week from August 12th.
August 3rd '19
MINI Fuzarka!
Fuzarka Festival - Latinamerica in focus
We are a group of people from different parts of "Latinamérica", some of us are living in Berlin, and some are spread around the world. We got together because we wanted to organize a festival that would visibilize different forms of expression, allow us to meet each other, show each other, think and rethink certain things about the posicion we are in. We want to share what we do and take advantage of what ever arises from those intentions.
Most of all we want to meet up, exchange ideas, knowledge, empowerment, discussions and party.
This DIY-festival will take place on the first weekend of August in Raumerweiterungsalle , Berlin.
The program consists of workshops, performances, exibitions, debates, zines/publications, food and…. party!
For all the activities you can contribute by donation with what you can. And if you don't have money you are welcome.
𝒃𝒖𝒕 racist, sexist, classist, xenophobic, whorephobic,lesbo.homo.transphobic, ableist
(or any kind of oppresive behaviour)
Fuzarka festival - Latinamerica en foco
Somos un grupo de personas de distintas partes de "Latinamérica", algunas vivimos en Berlín, otras andamos girando por ahí, nos juntamos porque queremos organizar un festival en donde poder visibilizar algunas formas de expresión, también solamente encontrarnos, mostrarnos, pensar y re pensar algunas cosas desde la posición en la que estamos, compartir lo que hacemos, y aprovechar lo que suceda de todas esas intenciones.
Queremos, sobre todo, encontrarnos, intercambiar ideas y conocimientos, empoderamiento, discusión, fiesta.
El Festival que auto-gestionamos tiene lugar el primer fin de semana de Agosto en el Raumerweiterungsalle, Berlin.
La programación consta de talleres, conciertos, exposiciones, debates, zines/publicaciones, comida y… fiesta!
Para todas las actividades se puede contribuir con la donación que puedas dar. Si no tenés plata está todo bien.
𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙤 racismo, sexismo, clasismo, xenofobia, putafobia, lesob.homo.transfobia, capacitismo
(o cualquier tipo de actitud opresiva)
▂▃▅▆▇█ █P █ R █ O █ G █ R █ A █ M █ A █ █▇▆▅▃▂
12:00_ ABRIMOS!
Desde el comienzo hasta las 19
_ESTETICA DEL AFECTO (Workshop de arcilla)
La estética de Nuestros cuerpos ha sido colonizada durante más de 500 años por el eurocentrismo y el capitalismo. Dejándonos, los cuerpos mosntruosos, negados por esta sociedad, solo con ignorancia y alejamiento de nuestros propios cuerpos. que depende de nosotros para cambiar nuestra propia mirada, relación y estética este universo que es el cuerpo. En este workshop de arcilla exploraremos y nos acercaremos a la vagina. Crearemos a partir de estos diversos materiales estéticos de amor y empoderamiento.
_CON EL CUERPO SE RESISTE (Workshop de fotografia)
Para mujeres, queers y trans. Invitamos a todxs a construir con nosotrxs un photoshoot de resistencia corporal, ya sea como modelo o fotografo, exploraremos juntxs diversos cuerpos y actividades y capturaremos estas por nuestras proprias lentes.
Las fotos seran distribuídas de acuerdo con la voluntad de todos los participantes del workshop, respetando siempre su privacidad.
Autogestivo y colaborativo
Nos reuniremos a hacer un fanzine colectivo. Puedes traer tus textos, tus dibujos, tus recortes de cualquier revista, o simplemente tus ideas o tus ganas de ver como hacer un fanzine. Tambien habra palabras recortadas para hacer tus poemas en el momento, todxs bienvenidxs! Si no hablas español o portugues avisanos para tener traduccion disponible.
RESTISTENCIA (Workshop de Malabares)
Sea en el Norte o en el Sur, latinxs resisten por las ciudades cambiando el día a día del trabajador con su arte. Ya sea con artesanía, poesía, danza o malabares. Con el crecimiento de la ultra derecha en nuestro territorio -el mundo- el día a día del trabajador del arte, especialmente artistas de Calle, se encuentra cada vez mas criminalizado y penalizado. Invitamos a todxs a juntarse a nuestra resistencia!. Para compartirnos nuestras vivencias latinas como observadores del arte o artistas en un workshop de malabares con pinos y mucho mas!.
Exploraremos nuestros cuerpos por este arte, música e intercambios.
Con Javi; Bloque Latino Americano; Chile.
18:30_ LABORATORIO GROOVE (Workshop de Danza) (1Hs)
La propuesta es tener un taller, o mejor un encuentro, dedicado a todxs aquellxs que sienten la urgencia de bailar, moverse, bucear dentro de la música, sin importar cuánta experiencia, nivel o tipo de cuerpo tenga. La idea del Laboratorio es entrenar a la fiesta, ¿cómo? Este encuentro será guiado por una serie de ejercicios de improvisación centrados en la musicalidad, la conciencia corporal, individual y grupal, mezclando un poco de técnica de danzas urbanas con el estilo libre de cada unx. Nos acompañarán distintos sonidos, desde hip hop, funk, r & b, hasta trap y cumbia. El objetivo es dejar salir el groove de cada unx en el vínculo con la música, con su identidad única.
+ ELI (Música en vivo)
Teta Lírica
Tâmera Bak, homenaje a Xuparina.
July 29th '19
Warum wir so gefährlich waren. Geschichten eines inoffiziellen Gedenkens filmscreening mit Bettina Dziggel und Marinka Körzendörfer
Im Dokumentarfilm „Warum wir so gefährlich waren. Geschichten eines inoffiziellen Gedenkens“ erzählen vier Frauen von den zahlreichen Versuchen der Ostberliner Gruppe Lesben in der Kirche (LiK), von 1984-1986 an den Gedenkveranstaltungen im ehemaligen Frauenkonzentrationslager in Ravensbrück teilzunehmen. Die Lesbengruppe widmete sich u.a. in den 1980er Jahren dem Anliegen, das Schicksal von im NS verfolgten lesbischen Frauen sichtbar zu machen und ihnen öffentlich zu gedenken. Der DDR-Staat reagierte mit Repression.
Ein Film Songül Bitiş, Samira Mahmud, Colin Müller und Marie Schlingmann, 2006, D, 50min
July 23-25 '19
10:00 - 18:30
Switch Vinyl DJ Bootcamp with Killa & The Neighborhood Character
Vinyl (Analog): A 3-day in depth workshop for novice and intermediate participants.
Day 1 will consist of a brief technical overview, an introduction to mixing fundamentals: turntable setup, selection, cueing, listening etc.
Day 2 will be a continuation of day 1, and focus on participants developing knowledge and ability to listen selectively, beatmatch, work with pitch, and EQing tracks.
On Day 3, participants will pair up as DJ duos to perform their skills in a live showcase and have the option to record a short mixtape together or individually, that will be shared through the SWITCH Mixcloud page, and amongst other friends and participants. Each day we will open the space for practice time outside of the hours of instruction.
facilitators: KILLA and The Neighbourhood Character; for 8 participants
**Please note that each workshop has a limited number of available places. We’ll have a waiting list if necessary, and ask you to please only sign up if you can really commit or let us know ahead of time if you need to drop out, so we can pass on your spot to someone else**
To sign up, send an email with a few lines about yourself to - - you will then receive a detailed schedule and further instructions.
SWITCH is a workshop series that aims to centralize (not exclusively) and empower women, people of color, gender non-conforming folks and queers through accessible music education.
Through these workshops, we hope to establish a culture of engaging participatory and multivocal approaches to sharing and spreading knowledg(es) of electronic music and electronic sound art and performance within a DIY setting, thus encouraging self-empowerment among DIY, up-and-coming, and semi-professional emerging artists.
With time and resources, we see these efforts bridging analog and digital music performance cultures, providing knowledges of both forms and their potential overlaps.
Funded by Music Board Berlin GmbH
July 15-18 '19
12:00 - 18:00
Switch Noisemakers Camp - From Circuits to Coding
A 4-day in depth workshop, with Rehab Hazgui, Ayoka Green, 6zm and T Blank that will cover both analogue and digital technologies in sound synthesis and manipulation.
Day 1 - Azki Punk Console: The first day will be based on an experimental acoustic approach, where participants will be guided through the design and production of a DIY voltage-controlled oscillator. During this day, participants will be asked to build their own electronic instruments, experiment with analog control interfaces, play together and take their own console with them. Participants will familiarize themselves with basic electronic tools, soldering irons and multimeters.
Day 2 - Sound of Light: With the new gained skills about electronics we will create different light sensitive electronic instruments on a more experimental level on the second day. Participants will learn to build and modify circuits of light controlled oscillators and experiment with solar panels as musical instruments.
Day 3 - Human-Interface Devices as Controllers: The third day aims at bringing a foundation-al insight about audio programming and using non-musical controllers (joysticks, sensors) to control/generate audible features. We will practice programming basic sound-synthesis methods and building custom audio/midi effects on Ableton Live using Max4Live. Participants will be then invited to create a collaborative orchestra by incorporating their Azki Punk Console with HID controllers.
Day 4 - Noisemakers Jam: On the last day of the Noisemakers Camp, we are aiming to combine the analog instruments and digital patches the participants have built on the previous three days. The result will be a collaborative, spatial and interactive sound installation, which will later be showcased publicly on the 27th of July.
For 8 participants. Participation in the workshop is free, although pay-as-you-can / donations are encouraged for material costs for day 1 & 2 as our funding does not cover this.
**Please note that each workshop has a limited number of available places. We’ll have a waiting list if necessary, prioritize those that are new to Switch and ask you to please only sign up if you can really commit or let us know ahead of time if you need to drop out, so we can pass on your spot to someone else**
To sign up, send an email with a line about yourself to - - you will then receive further instructions for application.
SWITCH is a workshop series that aims to centralize (not exclusively) and empower queers, people of color, gender non-conforming folks and women through accessible music education.
Through these workshops, we hope to establish a culture of engaging participatory and multivocal approaches to sharing and spreading knowledg(es) of electronic music and electronic sound art and performance within a DIY setting, thus encouraging self-empowerment among DIY, up-and-coming, and semi-professional emerging artists.
With time and resources, we see these efforts bridging analog and digital music performance cultures, providing knowledges of both forms and their potential overlaps.
Funded by Musicboard Berlin GmbH
July 9th '19
das burlebübele mag i net - bewegte lesben in ost und west berlin filmscreening mit Sandra Luka Stoll und Anke Schwarz
Anhand zweier Biografien nähert sich die Doku sowohl den Parallelen als auch den Besonderheiten des alltäglichen Lebens und einer politischen Organisierung von zwei Lesben im geteilten Berlin der 70er und 80er Jahre. Nur wenige Kilometer voneinander entfernt kämpften Cristina Perincioli
und Ursula Sillge zur gleichen Zeit als frühe Aktivistinnen für die Rechte von Lesben und Schwulen. Die eine in Westberlin, die andere in Ostberlin. So ähnlich die Ziele der beiden Protagonistinnen auch waren, so unterschiedlich war die jeweilige politische Situation.
Ein Film von Sandra Luka Stoll und Anke Schwarz, Berlin 2008, Länge: 43min
ILLAY - Oriental indie pop (Tel Aviv) Chernobyl - Brazilian funk, vogue, house (São Paulo)
Eric Oliveira & Slim Soledad - Chernobyl b2b DJ-set
Grace Kelly – world wide dancefloor
NARA - tropical bass
VISUALS: Toxina Matamalas
... and more delicious surprises…
A part of the party's profit goes to International Women’s Space.
¡MASH-UP! Multigender / Multiworld is really glad to welcome you again to its summer season in RaumErweiterungsHalle. Israeli queer singer and cellist ILLAY and her band will be playing live some Middle-Eastern up-tempo songs from her album Sabotage. Along with it, there will be a live-act/DJ-set showcase with Brazilian queer-political collective Chernobyl (friends with queer hurricane Linn da Quebrada), bringing some radioactive funk, vogue and house to the dancefloor.
Vive la différence! We are a bunch of people of different nationalities, colours, creeds and backgrounds. We live and love life, diversity, intersections and multiple identities, walking through different spheres at the same time. ¡MASH-UP! – Multigender / Multiworld is a platform to get together, exchange ideas, feel good, have fun and empower transtropical, postcolonial and nonconformist queers and their friends. We dream of a world without borders.
ILLAY comes from Israel, lives in Berlin, and finds inspiration wherever joy encounters melancholy. Cellist and singer ILLAY’s haunting lyrics and unusual compositions create music that invite you to dance as much as to contemplate.
ILLAY’s multi-cultural upbringing, energetic personality and innovative style has led to her recently supporting German singer- songwriter Astrid North, forming and touring with the electroacoustic trio MOJOY, and composing music for dance performances and film soundtracks, including the award-winning Israeli documentary Winding.
ILLAY’s album Sabotage (Oriental indie pop) was released in October 2018. Created in the heart of Tel Aviv, the album includes ILLAY's inner circle of professional musicians who all joined forces to produce the album in a makeshift studio within only a month's time. The result is an engaging mix of melodies sung in English, Hebrew and French, and shaped by Eastern and Western influences that include classical, contemporary, and electronic music. It is full of ethereal and soulful lyrics set to rhythms that embrace pop music, Middle-Eastern disco, West African beats, and much more. All this leads to a creative debut that strikes an interesting balance that is both delicate and powerful, much like the performer herself.
“In [Illay’s] complex compositions and forthright lyrics, she unfolds a parallel world in which one can laugh without forgetting to weep and vice versa.”
TAZ Magazine, Germany
“Her music, at times, borders on the avant garde, making it startling and full of surprises.”
- Marvin Glenn, Ezra magazine
Chernobyl is meeting.
Chernobyl is party.
Chernobyl is power.
Chernobyl is resistance.
Chernobyl is network building.
Chernobyl is the resignification of our catastrophes.
Chernobyl is also radiation.
They are the radioactive elements of contamination of the imposed order. They are the chemical element that will erode the viscera of patriarchy, of normativity, of cisnormativity
they are the Chernobyl movement.
Chernobyl is an experimentation in a DJ-set/performance developing from a "cage with green gore". An LGBTQI+ collective from São Paulo, they refer to the city of Chernobyl, in which a nuclear accident occurred, causing many deaths and genetic deformities in several generations of people who lived in its vicinity. In Brazil many people are called Chernobyl as a pejorative term indicating a deformity, being these: queer, tranny fag, fat, black, among other dissenting performativity of the cis heteronormative white pattern.
Eric Oliveira is one of the protagonists of the collective and has already suffered many attacks on their social networks being called Chernobyl reminding that she would have come from a place where her body had gone beyond an acceptable form. The experiment relies precisely on re-naming the name by showing the potential these dissident bodies have over society. The “cage” is basically our bodies that cannot have contact with other people, because they are radioactive forms and in reaching/interacting with the social pattern, ends up contaminating other people in society.
KuirFest Berlin 2019 is closing the "Queer Feminist Rebels" Program with a celebration at Ostkreuz’s transfeminist DIY venue Raumerweiterungshalle. Bringing wide range of genres together with politics, this eclectic night will be fun, fabulous and a great finale for the second edition of KuirFest Berlin.
Come join us for this spectacle!
Drag-On (performances)
▶︎ Cupid ▶︎ Old Man Glanda ▶︎ Smooth Operator
▶︎ Creo_en_todo
▶︎ T**lin (Queeriental)
Artwork by Rüzgâr Buşki.
KuirFest Closing Party
is funded by Musicboard Berlin.
June 6th '19
CLUB SPLENDIDA - BERLIN PREMIERE & CELEBRATION Screening in presence of the filmmaker
This is fresh: the Berlin Premiere of the queer experimental science-fiction web series by Caio Amado Soares, followed by an informal Q&A and celebration
Club Splendida, 2019, 23min, english (deutsche Untertitel)
Planet Earth is on the verge of a nervous breakdown and a crew of five friends decide to build their own spaceship out of there. On a quest to search for Club Splendida, a rumoured utopia in the depths of outer space, the team hopes to find “the answer to life, the universe, and everything”. Soon they find out the biggest challenges are on their way and not what they expect.
Let thy glorious day be upon us! The resurrection of the holy Halle before she dives into another season of sin-fuelled queer debauchery, depravity and devastation. Hold on to your habits and HALLElujah!
DRESS if you DARE in your best religious theme-wear and receive a welcum shot from our guardian angels at the door.
JOIN US before a deep descent into the gates of RAUMERWEITERUNGSHELL ;)
SASSY B (fallen angel's purgatory€€€dance)
(haus of technicolour disco, boogie & gospel)
VANILA (house + techno)
ĀBNAMĀ (deep vibes + outwards joy)
Michelle Volta is a Jane of all trades, known for her multiple personalities and ability to shapeshift. She started out as a head mistress of a talent agency, she sampled poetry, danced in circles. Today she focuses on the polyphonic sounds of immaterial labor.
We invite you to participate in the Holy Catwalk, hosted by King Josephine, at midnight - an extravagant depiction of queered religions and spiritualities.
Come and show your personal take on religious aesthetics. Become a dazzling spirit, a wicked witch, a glamorous goddess, a sci-fi angel, or simply whatever lies beyond. Get creative with your costume and practice your pose. Let’s all take a trip to heaven, hell or all the places in-between.
This evening, Holy Halle will open its gates for free to every participant in the catwalk, as well as feed them with the holy water of their choice three times.
Everyone wins in the forgiveness of all sins.
Please register until the 24th of April, with a simple email to
with your persona, and costume/back story - you can embody whatever you want, also walk as yourself. Get a ruby red surprise: come as a socialist.
✝KARAOKE KHAOS all night long in the Karaokewagon
Sliding scale entry. Money is the devil. No one turned away due to lack of funds!
2016 - 2018
SEVEN ELEVEN DIVA HEAVEN your extra night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - like a real diva this series is unpredictable, unstable, and irregular...
it happens on some thursdays from 7 to 11pm, watch this space for the dates :))
*** 2018 ***
04.10. Communist Diva: Bambyle
20.09. Communist Diva: Beziehungsweise Revolution
13.09. Communist Diva: Trabajo - Acker bis Fließband
06.09. Communist Diva: Burning Red - On Violence
26.07. Screenprinting for Dyke*March
19.07. WAX Diva Heaven
21.06. Greek Diva Heaven: Waves meets Queerdista Portokalia
31.05. Jam Diva
24.05. Open Decks
*** 2017 ***
21.09. Junk River
14.09. Games Diva
07.09. Mélissa Laveaux
31.08. Fat Diva Heaven
24.08. Bike Diva: Ovarian Psycos (Screening)
17.08. HOT SWEATY Divas / Dyke4president DOUBLE FEATURE
10.08. Danger Diva
03.08. Donna Summer
27.07. Chantal Akerman trifft auf Tine Rahel Völcker
13.07. SCUM Diva
06.07. Queer Healing
29.06. Doom Diva
22.06. Soosan
15.06. Spice Girls
08.06. Lesbian Vampires
01.06. Chavela Vargas
25.05. Nicola Adams
*** 2016 ***
01.09. Skiing and Tanja Pippi & Fetal Twink
18.08. Prosecco Punx dedicated to Poly Styrene
11.08. Loleatta Holloway
04.08. entzaubert!
28.07. White Girl Wasted
07.07. Céline Dion
30.06. all the EM diva's tears
23.06. Luxus für alle!
16.06. Florynce Kennedy
09.06. Sylvester
November 4 2018
~~~ Raumerweiterungshalle on Tour ~~~
gemeinsam unerträglich. ein dokumentarisches Mosaik Premiere des Hörstücks im District Berlin und auf dem Gelände der ehem. Stasi-Zentrale
gemeinsam unerträglich. ein dokumentarisches Mosaik beschäftigt sich mit lesbischen und trans* Wirklichkeiten, kulturellen Aktivitäten und Organisationsformen in der ehem. DDR und ihren Weiterführungen bis heute.
Sabrina Saase, Lee Stevens und Ernest Ah von der Raumerweiterungshalle Gruppe, haben dafür im Bestand GrauZone des Archivs der DDR Opposition und in persönlichen Archivbeständen der Frauen- und Lesbenbewegung(en) recherchiert und mit verschiedenen Personen Interviews geführt.
Das Hörstück wird am Sonntag, 4.11.18 um 17 Uhr, bei der Eröffnung der Ausstellung wildes wiederholen. material von unten: Künstlerische Forschung im Archiv der DDR-Opposition Premiere haben und
während der Laufzeit der Ausstellung vom 4.11.18 - 16.12.18 sowohl im District Berlin als auch auf dem Gelände der ehem. Stasi-Zentrale zu hören sein.
COMMUNIST DIVA: Bambyle Hörspiel mit Tine Rahel Völcker und Elena Schmidt
Lasst uns unsere liebsten vergangenen, zukünftigen und gegenwärtigen irgendwie Kommunistischen Divas feiern! Karl Marx wird 200, doch wir brauchen viel mehr für den Kampf gegen den Kapitalismus und seine ekligen Auswürfe wie Imperialismus, Kolonialismus, Rassismus, Sexismus und andere Diskriminierungsformen. Insbesondere brauchen wir Raum für nicht-cis-männliche Perspektiven!
Wir haben nicht nur aufregendes Programm für euch, sondern auch etwas besonderes zum Spielen: Get a Drink, Get Diva! 33 Divas warten auf euch. Ihr findet sie im Quartett: somewhat Communist Divas, ein subversives Kartenspiel, eigens für euch gefertigt von den Hallies & friends Caio, Ernest, Lee, Rina und Lanca.
Das akustische Highligt dieses Abends bildet das Hörspiel Bambyle von Elena Schmidt, Tine Rahel Völcker und Stefan Schneider (Uraufführung GORKI 2017). Es folgt sowohl historischen als auch fiktiven Spuren und Stimmen aus dem Umkreis der Entstehungsgeschichte von Ulrike Meinhofs Films Bambule. Bambule war ihre letzte journalistische Arbeit, bevor sie in den Untergrund ging und handelt von Mädchen in einem Westberliner Erziehungsheim Ende der 60er Jahre.
Zur Einstimmung lesen wir gemeinsam den kurzen Aufsatz »Die Frauen im SDS oder In eigener Sache« (1968), in dem Ulrike Meinhof die Ignoranz und den Machismo bei den linken Genossen anprangert und eine spontane Aktion gegen die Typen auch mal ohne das "ganz große theoretische Niveau" - nämlich in Form von Tomatenwurfgeschossen - gutheißt. Im Anschluss an Lektüre und Gedankenaustausch hören wir das Hörspiel »Bambyle«.
Tine Rahel Völcker ist Theater- und Hörspielautorin. Zuletzt beim Stückemarkt des Berliner Theatertreffens mit dem Stück »Adam und die Deutschen (Die Mühle)« und dem Workshop »Theater der Unterbühne«. Produktion diverser Theaterstücke, kollektiver Hörspiele sowie Mitarbeit an Performances.
Elena Schmidt Schauspielerin. Neben diversen Theaterengagements z.B. »Papa Liebt dich« (Gorki), »Auerhaus« (DT)und Rollen in Kurzfilmen wie »Die Premiere« und Kinofilmen wie »Local Heroes« arbeitete sie im Hörfunkbereich mit diversen Radiosendern zusammen und ist seit 2012 auch als Regisseurin und Dramaturgin im Hörfunkbereich für kollektive Hörspiele tätig.
Choral Set 2 A reading with Rindon Johnson, Ana Gzirishvili, and Zoe Darsee / Nat Marcus *
Rindon Johnson is a multidisciplinary artist and writer. Johnson’s sculptures, videos and performances have been shared at Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel; Human Resources, Los Angeles; MoMA PS1; Artists Space and National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne - among others. Johnson is the author of Nobody Sleeps Better Than White People from Inpatient Press, the virtual reality book, Meet in the Corner from Publishing-House.Me and Shade the King from Capricious. Johnson’s writing has been published by ArtForum, The Brooklyn Rail, Cultured, ICA Miami, The Miami Rail, The New Museum and Rhizome. Johnson lives between Brooklyn and Berlin.
Ana Gzirishvili (*1992 in Tbilisi, Georgia) is a mixed-media artist. After finishing her bachelor’s degree at Tbilisi Art Academy in 2014, Ana became a DAAD scholar at Universität der Künste Berlin and currently studies new media and film in the class of professor Hito Steyerl. In 2014 and 2015, Gzirishvili was involved in organising workshops and exhibitions led by the Tbilisi Book Art Center and the Berlin-based bookstore and distributor Motto. Coming from a background of book- and print-making, in Berlin she’s started creating videos, CGI images, and experimenting with writing. Each of Gzirishvili’s projects are diverse and exist as independent cosmos. Through her experimental practice, she has made use of mediums ranging from videos to music, from drawing to designing clothes. Most often she combines various materials to create a concept, which sometimes is never “completed” as an artwork and rather stays in the mode of experimentation. These projects often examine visual and socio-cultural narratives of a space, object, or event based on sensuality and certain emotional experiences.
Zoe Darsee and Nat Marcus are the co-founders and editors of TABLOID Press, a textual platform initiated in 2014. Its activities encompass book design, documentation, and writing workshops, in addition to its role as a press for art and poetry publications. TABLOID stimulates and integrates poetic environments within social communities.
*Readings will be in English
Sept. 20 2018
Communist Diva: Beziehungsweise Revolution Lesung mit Bini Adamczak
Lasst uns unsere liebsten vergangenen, zukünftigen und gegenwärtigen irgendwie Kommunistischen Divas feiern! Karl Marx wird 200, doch wir brauchen viel mehr für den Kampf gegen den Kapitalismus und seine ekligen Auswürfe wie Imperialismus, Kolonialismus, Rassismus, Sexismus und andere Diskriminierungsformen. Insbesondere brauchen wir Raum für nicht-cis-männliche Perspektiven!
Wir haben nicht nur aufregendes Programm für euch, sondern auch etwas besonderes zum Spielen: Get a Drink, Get Diva! 33 Divas warten auf euch. Ihr findet sie im Quartett: somewhat Communist Divas, ein subversives Kartenspiel, eigens für euch gefertigt von den Hallies & friends Caio, Ernest, Lee, Rina und Lanca.
Bini Adamczak liest aus ihrem neuesten Buch »Beziehungsweise Revolution. 1917, 1968 und kommende«. Im Oktober 2017 jährt sich die Russische Revolution zum 100. Mal. Anlass genug, die Ereignisse von 1917 durch das Prisma 1968 zu betrachten und beide Revolutionen in ein Verhältnis wechselseitiger Kritik zu bringen. Während 1917 auf den Staat fokussierte, zielte 1968 auf das Individuum. In Zukunft müsste es darum gehen, die »Beziehungsweisen« zwischen den Menschen in den Blick zu nehmen. Das Buch analysiert die revolutionären Geschlechterverhältnisse als Verhältnisse, die zwischen Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit, »Nahbeziehungen« und »Fernbeziehungen« geknüpft sind – das Geschlecht der Revolution. So tritt ein Begehren zutage, das nach wie vor seiner Realisierung harrt: das Begehren nach gesellschaftlichen Beziehungsweisen der Solidarität.
Bini Adamczak arbeitet als Autorin und Künstlerin zu politischer Theorie, queerfeministischer Politik und der vergangenen Zukunft von Revolutionen. Bisher sind von ihr erschienen: »Gestern Morgen«, »Über die Einsamkeit kommunistischer Gespenster und die Rekonstruktion der Zukunft« und »Kommunismus und Kommunismus. Kleine Geschichte, wie endlich alles anders wird«.
Weil Bini Adamczak leider krank war, las an ihrer Stelle Sophie Nikoleit.
Sophie Nikoleit hat Theaterwissenschaft und ein paar verwandte Sachen studiert und promoviert nun zu affektiven Involvieren in partizipativen Kunstformen. Dabei liegt der Fokus darauf, wie dort Zirkulationen von Emotionsrepertoires als (kulturelle) Bewegungen von Konzepten, Darstellungsformen und Praktiken von – im weitesten Sinne – Gefühlen sowohl vorausgesetzt als auch wiederholt werden, aber auch inwiefern ästhetische Formate zur Konstitution alternativer, aktualisierter Formen affektiven und emotionalen Erlebens führen. Dafür befragt sie konkret auch Performance-Installationen, die sich mit utopischen und revolutionistischen Bewegungen am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts beschäftigen, nach möglichen Potentialen. Für ihre Arbeit bezieht sie sich stark auf das Buch „Beziehungsweise Revolution – 1917,1968 und kommende“ von Bini Adamczak.
Sept. 13 2018
COMMUNIST DIVA: Trabajo – Acker bis Fließband
szenische Lesung mit Petra Kraxner & Cindy Goldman
und Konzert mit Trigo y Maíz
Lasst uns unsere liebsten vergangenen, zukünftigen und gegenwärtigen irgendwie Kommunistischen Divas feiern! Karl Marx wird 200, doch wir brauchen viel mehr für den Kampf gegen den Kapitalismus und seine ekligen Auswürfe wie Imperialismus, Kolonialismus, Rassismus, Sexismus und andere Diskriminierungsformen. Insbesondere brauchen wir Raum für nicht-cis-männliche Perspektiven!
Wir haben nicht nur aufregendes Programm für euch, sondern auch etwas besonderes zum Spielen: Get a Drink, Get Diva! 33 Divas warten auf euch. Ihr findet sie im Quartett: somewhat Communist Divas, ein subversives Kartenspiel, eigens für euch gefertigt von den Hallies & friends Caio, Ernest, Lee, Rina und Lanca.
Diesmal bringen uns Petra Maria Kraxner und Cindy Goldman in ihrer szenischen Lesung DIGITALE FLIESSBANDARBEIT in die Fabrik. Hier werden Fans, Freunde, Meinungen und andere einzigartige Webinhalte am Fließband produziert. Die Zukunftsforscherin und Neurobiologin ROMANA KURZ soll Strategien zur Optimierung des kognitiven Proletariats entwickeln und kreiert letztendlich eine Lyriksoftware, die alle Antworten auf eine Frage verspricht. ?Warum wir immer noch Hamster in Laufrädern sind? werde ich, wenn die Daten von allen Servern dieser Welt auf meiner Festplatte, auf meinem Zentralcomputer Zentrales Nervensystem, in meinem Körper, meiner Hardware eintreffen ... mich immer noch in diese traurigen Mädchen verlieben?
Im Anschluss singen uns Trigo y Maíz, 2 Musikerinnen aus Chile: Anaí Valenzuela Radefeldt und Trinidad Doherty, südamerikanische Folklore, Baurn- und Arbeiter_innenlieder, Lieder über Rassismus, Gerechtigkeit und Utopien.
Petra Maria Kraxner, studierte Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaften, Anglistik und Amerikanistik an der Universität Wien sowie szenisches und lyrisches Schreiben am Deutschen Literaturinstitut Leipzig. Ihre Theaterstücke wurden u.a. am Burgtheater Wien sowie beim Fringe Festival Prag und Edinburgh gespielt. Veröffentlichungen von Gedichten in Zeitschriften, Anthologien sowie auf Fotografien. Kraxner textet u.a. auch für die Neuen Medien.
COMMUNIST DIVA: Burning Red – On Violence Reading with Franziska Kleiner & Diana McCarty
photo: Hajnal Nemeth
This is a celebration of our favorite somewhat COMMUNIST DIVAS from the past, present and future. Karl Marx is turning 200, but we need more for fighting capitalism and its disgusting manifestations like imperialism, colonialism, racism and sexism and other discriminations. In particular we need to center non-cis-male perspectives!
We have not only an exciting program for you – there is also a super playful special for you: Get a Drink Get Diva! 33 Divas are waiting for you. Make sure to take a close look at the "somewhat Communist Divas Quartett", a subversive deck of cards especially crafted for you by Raumerweiterungshalle's Caio, Ernest, Lee, Rina, and Lanca.
For the beginning of the Communist Diva Special, the Telecommunists Diana McCarty and Franziska Kleiner will take us on a revolutionary journey with the synopsis of their screenplay BURNING RED about revolutionary Bosheviki in Georgia at the turn of the century, about armed resistance à la “Maschinengewehre unter großen Röcken”. They will talk about how/why they have focused on this story of teenaged communist fighters and why they think it is relevant for today.
Franziska Kleiner, works as a PR-woman in the IT-industry and works as a publisher and translator. Most recently »LUXEMBOURG to go« was published. She also wrote »Leben in der DDR: Bilder und Geschichten«
Diana McCarty is a media producer and founding editor of the artist run radio 88.4 Berlin, co-founder of the community and has been working with international projects that address gender, art and the politics of media since 1988.
~ 6zm is a dance music experimentation at the crossroads of electronica, techno, pop and dub music dipped in Anatolian harmonies. They released Blurred EP (2014) and Brain Dance (2015) from Istanbul based DIY label rast kolektif. As half of tele-queer-pop duo Dragons in Gardens, performer at Gazino Neukölln, former music director of Kanka Productions and a helping hand at Studio Robert Henke, their work spans over a variety of audio visual disciplines. +
~ Wet Kiss is a Melbourne based open-ended electronic music project by Brennan Olver. Not formally trained in music Wet Kiss live sets are stylistically diverse-bridging between performance art, noise and pop. Bombastic musical arrangements performed live while singing and screaming - Wet Kiss explores gender, sexuality, depression and everyday life. Wet Kiss has participated in large number of performances and gigs in Australia and internationally. Performing in the United States and touring New Zealand in 2017. In 2018 Brennan released their most recent EP Girl-Prince through the label Nice Music (Melbourne). This is Brennan’s second performance in Europe and they’re hyped!
~ Alex Cuffe describes herself as a non-practising artist, born on the land of the Gadigal peoples of the Eora Nation known today as Sydney, Australia. Her current outputs are often conversational, written or spoken, and with an auxiliary interest in the production of live analog music. Her musical practice (TT_SKTLS) revolves around improvisation, utilizing hardware and circuit bent electronics, while also occupying queer and trans identity, interrupting understandings of what it means to produce music. She also co-founded Australian experimental homemade instrument band Sky Needle who have supported the likes of Omar Souleyman, The Residents, Ghédalia Tazartès. She currently lives and works in Helsinki, Finland.
August 11 2018
Dragons in Gardens is happy to announce their third single "Diamond (Sunset Rework)" with a release celebration on the 11th of August at Raumerweiterungshalle, Berlin.
Live Acts:
22:00 Gazino Neukölln - lubun r'n'besque
23:00 Alice Dee & Leila - hip-hop
00:00 Dragons in Gardens - queer-pop
The workshop starts with a brainstorm session about what to print on the signs for who is interested to discuss and collaborate (18-19h). One can bring their own ideas as well. For the printing part of the workshop (from 19h), we offer ink (in magenta) for paper and textile, and there will be some materials to print on, also the whole alphabet will be there in screens. You can bring your own materials (paper, cardboard, textile, wood will work with waterbased ink). Note that every letter is approximately A4 size, so the longer the text, the bigger the sign. There will be support for those who are not experienced in printing.
◍•ᴗ•♪♬ ♪◡ᴖ๑╹▿╹۶〜♡✧*。۶〜♡
July 17-19 2018
12:00 - 18:00
public event
Thursday July 19
SWITCH Vinyl DJing Workshop
with KILLA and The Neighborhood Character
A 3-day in depth workshop
In preparation, participants will be given a list of local Berlin shops where they can find affordable new and used records, (1-3 euro bins), to bring to the workshop.
Day 1 will be fundamentals, beat matching, cueing etc.
Day 2 will be a continuation of day 1, and playing with mixing styles (pitch, bass etc.).
On day 3, participants have the option to pair up as DJ’ing duos and record a b2b mix that can be shared through our SWITCH Mixcloud page, or to sign up for a 30-minute time slot at an Open Decks event hosted on the evening of the final day of the workshop at Raumerweiterungshalle.
funded by Musicboard Berlin GmbH
June 22 2018
Marmalade in Space
In memory of the great space traveller and original cosmic anarchist Marmalade Atkins, come join us this Friday night from 7pm at your local spaceship Halle for a sonically interstellar experimental jam journey like no other ~ destination unknown ;)
Bring your electronic instruments as well as fellow friends, fans and flames. See you there! ♥ ♥ ♥
your extra night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - like a real diva this series is unpredictable, unstable, and irregular...
This time with 2 groups of queer activists from Thessaloniki, Athens and Berlin!
Waves is an intersectional feminist queer magazine project in greek, written between Athens, Thessaloniki and Berlin. It is being distributed hand in hand among feminist, queer, lgbtqi* groups, solidarian assemblies, alliances from radical a/a political scene in Greece and Individuals, creating a network of communication, supporting relations and collective empowerment. It is financed though free contribution and its digital form is available online.
Queerδιστά Πορτοκάλια (Queerdista Portokalia ) is a queer theater group from Thessaloniki - the name basically is a pun of the name "Clockwork Orange" in greek with the word "queer". Parts of the group opend a queer bar once a month in a social center.
Let's talk about queer issues, find similarities and ways of solidarity.
in short: let's dance ♥
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workshop series
22.05. - 24.05.
29.05. - 31.05.
17.07. - 19.07.
SWITCH is a workshop series that aims to centralize (not exclusively) and empower women, people of color and queers through accessible music education.
Through these workshops, we hope to establish a culture of engaging participatory and multivocal approaches to sharing and spreading knowledg(es) of electronic music and electronic music performance within a DIY setting, thus encouraging self-empowerment among DIY, up-and-coming, and semi-professional emerging artists.
With time and resources, we see these efforts bridging analog and digital music performance cultures, providing knowledges of both forms and their potential overlaps.
May 22-24: CDJing
with Nedalot and Ziúr
May 29-31: Music Production (introduction to Ableton live)
with 6zm and Tetra
July 17-19: Vinyl DJing
with KILLA and The Neighborhood Character
participation in the workshops is free
you can sign up for one or more
**Please note that each workshop has a limited number of available places. Participants will be chosen by order of application, we’ll have a waiting list if necessary, and ask you to please only sign up if you can really commit or let us know ahead of time if you need to drop out, so we can pass on your spot to someone else** To sign up, send an email to
funded by Musicboard Berlin GmbH
event series
28.05. - 12.06. 2018
'ASOZIAL' GELIEBT, GELIEBT ASOZIAL? ist eine Suche nach den Geschichten von als sog. asozial verfolgten Menschen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf lokale Geschichte verschiedener queerer, feministischer Gruppen und ihren Organisations- und Widerstandsformen.
Trotz des 80-jährigen Gedenkens unzähliger Verhaftungen sog. Asozialer durch die Aktion Arbeitsscheu Reich am 13.06. gibt es noch immer keine offizielle Anerkennung als Opfer des Nationalsozialismus. Dem setzen wir Gedenkausflüge, Filmscreenings und Diskussionen entgegen. Durch einen Blick in die NS-Vergangenheit und die Zeit deutscher Teilung werden Lebensweisen, einst gewachsene Strukturen sowie deren Zerschlagung sichtbar gemacht und Kontinuitäten von Ausgrenzung und Stigmatisierung intersektional betrachtet. Der Blick wandert von dort dialogisch zurück zu uns und in die Gegenwart.
Ohne genaue Definition wurden vom NS-Regime verschiedenste Menschen als ‘asozial‘ verfolgt z.B. wegen Armut, Arbeitslosigkeit oder -unwille, psychischer Krisen, Wohnungslosigkeit, Nichtsesshaftigkeit und anderen Widersprüchen zur NS-Ideologie. Auch Rom*nja, Sinti*zza, Sexarbeiter*innen und transidente Menschen wurden so verfolgt. Klassismus spielte dabei eine wesentliche Rolle. Die Verfolgung lesbischer Liebe im NS-Staat wird oft als Legende negiert. Während der Homosexuellenparagraf 175 nur für Männer galt, wurden manche Lesben wegen vermeintlicher ‘Asozialität‘, verwahrloster Liebe und Kriminalität denunziert, verfolgt und im KZ streng sanktioniert. Seit den 80er-Jahren versuchen lesbisch-feministische Initiativen gegen erhebliche Widerstände, ihr Gedenken, ihre Lebensweisen und widerständigen Praxen sichtbar zu machen.
Inmitten von wiedererstarkendem Chauvinismus, kontinuierlichem Rassismus und Klassismus geht es nicht nur um eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Geschichte oder eine (Neu)Ordnung des Gedenkens, sondern auch um das Zelebrieren von Andersartigkeit. Ziel ist es alte und neue Widerstandsformen in den Blick zu nehmen, zu verhandeln und liebevolles, unordentliches Denken zu praktizieren.
Im Herbst 2018 werden zwei Abschlusspräsentationen der begleitenden Recherchegruppe in der Raumerweiterungshalle und Dyke Bar Spirits im Schwulen Museum* stattfinden
'ASOZIAL' GELIEBT, GELIEBT ASOZIAL? möchte Erinnerungslücken begegnen, Stigmatisierungen unterwandern und einen gemeinsamen und erweiterten Erfahrungsraum eröffnen.
Abschlusspodium: Teilen und Verbünden! mit Birgit Bosold, Ben Manuš Liehr & Emy Fem
Gemeinsam mit Birgit Bosold als Teil des Vorstands und Kuratoriums im Schwulen Museum*, Ben Manuš Liehr als freier Bildungsreferent zu Intersektionalität und Veranstalter sowie Emy Fem als Aktivistin, Performerin, Sexarbeiterin und Workshopleiterin werden abschließend verschiedene Perspektiven der Veranstaltungsreihe zusammengebracht und neue Bündnisse und Widerstandsformen diskutiert. Ziel ist es Erfahrungen zu teilen und Anteil zu nehmen, um zu reflektieren wie heute Solidarität aussehen kann.
June 08 2018
Viel zu viel verschwiegen! Filmabend und Gesprächmit Anette von Zitzewitz
Viel zu viel verschwiegen!(A.v. Zitzewitz und C. Karstädt, 1992, dt)
In diesem Dokumentarfilm erinnern sich vierzehn Frauen unterschiedlicher Generationen und sozialer Situationen an ihr Leben in der DDR - in Berlin, Potsdam, Leipzig, Dresden, Weimar.
Ihre Erinnerungen beschreiben lesbische Lebensweisen, soziale Konflikte und politische Widerstandsformen einer über 40jährigen Geschichte - von den vierziger Jahren bis bis in die 90er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts.
June 06 2018
Phral mende - Wir über uns Filmabend und Gespräch mit Tayo Awosusi-Onutor
„Phral mende - Wir über uns“ von Tayo Awosusi-Onutor (2017, 45 min. dt) ist eine Dokumentation, die Perspektiven von Sinti* und Roma* in Deutschland aufzeigt. Dieser Film ist kein Film ÜBER Sinti* und Roma*, sondern kommt aus der Mitte und beleuchtet eine Bandbreite von Themen wie die Bürgerrechtsbewegung, Erinnerungskultur und Alltagsrassismus. Die Regisseurin, Tayo Awosusi-Onutor, die selbst Sintizza ist, zeigt mit diesem Film die Diversität von Sinti* und Roma* auf und setzt gleichzeitig ein Zeichen gegen Rassismus gegen Sinti* und Roma* und für rassismuskritische Sprache.
Im Anschluss an den Film ist Zeit für ein Gespräch mit Tayo Awosusi-Onutor, die auch über die spannende Arbeit des feministischen Rromnja-Archiv RomaniPhen erzählen kann.
June 04 2018
Filmabend: "… Dass das heute noch immer so ist – Kontinuitäten der Ausgrenzung"
ein Film der Initiative für einen Gedenkort ehemaliges KZ Uckermark e.V. & Österreichische Lagergemeinschaft, 2016, dt mit en & poln UT
Der Dokumentarfilm schildert exemplarisch die Geschichte von Verfolgung und Stigmatisierung sogenannter Asozialer im Nationalsozialismus. Maria Potrzeba wurde vorgeworfen, eine sexuelle Beziehung zu dem polnischen Zwangsarbeiter Florian Spionska zu haben. Sie war zu diesem Zeitpunkt 14 Jahre alt. Nach einem Verhör durch die Gestapo wurde sie in das Jugendkonzentrationslager Uckermark eingeliefert. Die polnischen Zwangsarbeiter Florian Spionska und Josef Goryl wurden öffentlich gehängt. Maria leidet bis heute unter der Verfolgung. Wie in allen Familien gibt es auch in ihrer Familie generationsübergreifende Auswirkungen der Verfolgungsgeschichte. In Interviewsequenzen erzählen Nichten und Neffen, wie sie von der Verfolgung ihrer Tante erfahren haben und was diese Geschichte für sie bedeutet.
In vielen deutschen Orten gibt es vermutlich ähnliche Geschichten der Verfolgung und Ausgrenzung. In Marias Heimatort Asbeck wird sich seit Jahren um eine Aufarbeitung der Geschichte bemüht.
Der Abend kann dann am Feuer mit Gesprächen gemütlich ausklingen.
June 1 2018
My Two Polish Loves - Finding a Place to Sleep - Learning to Milk a Cow Screening in presence of the filmmakers
My Two Polish Loves from Tali Tiller, 2016, 50min, en, heb, pol with en subtitles
Tali embarks on an intimate journey to Lodz, Poland, to retrace her personal roots and collective history. At the centre are her two Polish loves: her expatriate lover Magda, who begins filming the trip, and her late grandmother Silvia, a Holocaust survivor whose voice and memories accompany the couple on their quest. As they wander the streets of Lodz looking for long-forgotten street names, visit the ghetto where Silvia spent her youth, and search for a nearly buried tombstone, Tali and Magda discover surprising similarities in their shared Polish heritage. The documentary explores how memories of the Holocaust and war are lived, narrated and passed down by women from generation to generation. It also asks: Will future generations be interested in the history of the Holocaust if there are no longer any direct witnesses? How important is physical memory? And what is the role of the third generation?
Finding a Place to Sleep from Juli Saragosa, 2013, en
Based on stories their grandmother told, the filmmaker re-imagines while working as a cleaner, the experiences of their ancestors living during the Holodomor (forced famine) in Ukraine during the Soviet era. The “film” image is re-invented through digital video to enact a sense of ambiguity between authenticity and fiction, as can also be present in the act of oral storytelling.
Learning to Milk a Cow from Juli Saragosa, 2016, 64min, en
The story of my grandmother’s life continues from Finding a Place to Sleep. When she was 19, she was taken from her family in urban Soviet Ukraine to work on a Bavarian farm under National Socialism. She had the luck and perseverance to survive hardships of the forced famine in her homeland and forced labour in the new one. The stories of her everyday life – learning how to milk a cow, falling in love – are interspersed with three generations of reflections on politics, longing, feelings of displacement and loss. Hand-processed black & white film, colour film, photographs and official documents create a montage of different perspectives. The hand-touch aesthetic combines with the acousmatic effect of disembodied voices, in this deeply intimate portrait obscured by memory loss, mis-translation, fear and trauma.
Part of the event series ’ASOZIAL’ GELIEBT, GELIEBT ASOZIAL?
May 30 2018
Podium: Geliebtes ‘Lumpenproletariat‘ heute?
mit AK kritische Asozialität, Zentralrat der Asozialen in Deutschland, Henning Fischer & Anne Allex
Im Gespräch mit dem AK kritische Asozialität, dem Zentralrat der Asozialen in Deutschland, Autorin Anne Allex und Henning Fischer, Autor von ‘Überlebende als Akteurinnen. Die Geschichte der Lagergemeinschaften Ravensbrück von 1945 bis 1989‘ möchten wir die verschiedenen Stimmen zu Umgangsweisen mit Stigmen dialogisch austauschen und die verschiedenen, kontroversen Zugänge, Strategien und Perspektiven bzgl. Gewalt, Verfolgung und Widerstand hörbar und besprechbar machen. Ziel ist eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Aneignen von Begriffen, sowie dem innerlinken Diskurs und Kontinuitäten bis heute: Welche Perspektiven wurden und werden in Widerstandsgruppen und Communities nicht mitgedacht oder sogar absichtlich ausgeschlossen? Es werden Ausgangspunkte gesucht, um reflektiert nach vorne zu schauen und Bündnisse einzugehen.
May 29-31 2018
12:00 - 18:00
public event
Thursday May 31
SWITCH Music Production workshop
(introduction to Ableton live)
with 6zm and Tetra
A 3 day in depth workshop with the aim to make a track in Ableton live, beginners/intermediary
Day 1 will start with setting up the interface/understanding the interface, how to use session and arrangement view effectively, how to use the browser, tracks and their limits/benefits, recording midi and export.
Day 2 will focus on arrangement and recording external instruments, making beats, recording vocals, sampling, FX and EQ.
On day 3 we will look at music cognition, frequencies and theory on sound. Performing live, Ableton link jam and a showcase in the evening. Participants will compose a track (in a group or separately) that will be shared through the SWITCH Mixcloud.
Eröffnung: Erinnern, Bewegen, Wachsen mit Anne Allex & Tucké Royale
Geführter Spaziergang & Kleebepflanzung am Gedenkort Rummelsburg, gemeinsames Ausklingen in der Raumerweiterunghalle
Start der Reihe 'ASOZIAL' GELIEBT, GELIEBT ASOZIAL? vom 28.5. bis 12.6. ist ein geführter Spaziergang zum benachbarten Gedenkort Rummelsburg als ehemalige NS-Sammelanstalt für sogenannte Asoziale und DDR-Gefängnis mit Autorin und politischer Bildnerin Anne Allex. Gemeinsam mit Künstler Tucké Royale vom Zentralrat der Asozialen in Deutschland pflanzen wir zum Erinnern und Sichtbarmachen Klee - schwarzen Dreiecksklee - ein essbares, hartnäckiges Halbschattengewächs. Anschließend kann der Abend gemeinsam bei Gesprächen in der Raumerweiterungshalle ausklingen.
Treffpunkt: Hauptstraße 8, 10317 Berlin-Lichtenberg am Eingang
May 22-24 2018
12:00 - 18:00
public event
Thursday May 24
SWITCH CDJing workshop
with Nedalot and Ziúr
A 3-day in depth workshop
In preparation, participants will be given a list of online sources for buying music (Bandcamp, and smaller online resources that support smaller music artists will be encouraged) that they can use in the workshop.
Day 1 will be fundamentals like beat matching, cueing etc.
Day 2 will be a continuation of day 1, and playing with mixing styles (pitch, bass etc.).
Day 3 participants will pair up as DJ’ing duos and record a small mix together (back to back) that will be shared through the SWITCH Mixcloud.
funded by Musicboard Berlin GmbH
May 5 2018
5pm - 5am
After the grand dykesurrection, Halle went silent as if swallowed by the darkness of the Berlin winter. But fear not because the earth will be rattling with the vibes of the 2nd cumming as the flora and fauna of our holy grounds cum gushing back into full bloom.
Performance by - GODxxx Noirphiles (USA)
Spoken Word- Vedrana Madzar
PrEP-PopUp – Lukas Julius Keijser
+RAFFLE (with cute prizes)
Cum! Bring joy!
April 30 2018
May 1 2018
Raumerweiterungshalle is having its anual spring cleanse and you are cordially invited to make it happen.
Halle is squeaky and dusty after her long hibernation. She is aching for some tlc.
We'll start the 2 day cleanathon on monday the 30th of april at 1pm and end in the evening with a little fire. On the first of may we'll continue if we haven't finished with a day of scrubbing and hammering.
Hugs and kisses!
Your Halle Team
Friday the 13th
of October 2017
in Libra season
✧ THE CUMMING DYKESURRECTION ✧ grand season closing party
In a dark back lit alley, on a small, unnamed street behind Ostkreuz, we invite you to commonly invoke the resurrection of the dyke bar. Let’s celebrate dyke culture in its most expanded sense chanelling past and present complex and fluid experiences of feminine-spectrum queerness.
✧ Angry dyke political esthetician Coco ✧
reading from her latest report on the death of the dyke bar
Why are dyke bars dying? How did we get here and what can we do? What does it mean to not have permanent spaces in which to gather but temporary ones that are dependent upon the jurisdiction of others? How can we look back and learn from the queer herstory of dyke bars that are problematically rooted in second wave feminism’s essentialist claims on dykedom while holistically looking forward to create queer spaces for dykes that envelope a broadened understanding of the term? Join this talk for musings on a contemporary dykesurrection that hopes to incite ideas for a critical resuscitation of the dyke bar.
✧ Les Bos Bar Installation ✧
✧ Dyke Drink Special by Emotional Labor Queen ✧
your light in the dark when it comes to hella matters of the heart. for healing of the heart plz email them, your zodiac included, at
✧ Screening of Macon Reed's Eulogy for the Dyke Bar Film ✧
✧ visuals by Rosie Eveleigh ✧
✧ Trev Flash & Zinzi Buchanan ✧
GET OUT: a performance in our danger series, with personal stories, group (inter)action and music on the topics of safe space, toxic masculinity and knowing if, when and how to let out the wild dog.
+ intermittent softness
✧ Indigo Raẏne - Afrodisiac Beats ✧
Indigo Raẏne is a Berlin-based DJ whose style is strongly influenced by the sounds that surrounded them while growing up in a Caribbean family. It’s a special blend of African and Caribbean beats bringing all the good vibes to make you shake you sass!
✧ Berliner Rundfunk 91.4 dj-team ✧
disco and greatest hits from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s
Der Hit-Herbst bei Berliner Rundfunk 91.4! Ihre achtziger, Ihre Neunziger, einfach Ihre Musik! Garantiert Wiederholungsfrei!
While we may not find answers to any of the above questions, we might find -- through too strong a drink, in a dimly lit corner, during a performance, lecture, or hot and sweaty DJ set by some of Berlin’s dykiest artists and community-- a politicized promise of possibilities.
we'll have a fire going in the garden for you, it'll be ultimate magic
Please join us for the Cumming Dykesurrection
October 8 2017
live music & fashion show with M45
For this show Renu and M45 Clothing Company are melting together into an odyssey of electronics and taste in a universe of weird queer nerdy femmes.
M45 Clothing Company is a New York based fashion house dedicated to creating eco-friendly non-exploitative clothing for people of all body types. Nothing is gendered. There is no beauty standard. Empowerment is for everyone.
Line up:
Live music by RENU from album THEY DANCE IN THE DARK
Fashion by M45
Performance by Sugar Mamasota
After Show Djing
A part of entrance and drinks will go as donations to Women in Exile & Friends
Sept. 26 2017
is the Lo-Fi Arab-futurist band from visual artist Nadia Buyse. Nadia has been in over 37 bands, collaborating with many artists and musicians in various capacities… but name dropping is totally boring A.F.
From absurd synth covers to bedroom pop songs about dating the devil and murdering him , Nadia’s music jumps from genre to genre, being thread together by a strong DIY Aesthetic and video art that spans over installation, performance, visual albums, experimental pop operas, etc.
Although DUBAIS operates like a band, it’s actually a vehicle for conceptual work and cultural activism in which Nadia uses the tropes of pop music to examine Diasporic migration, Neo-liberal dystopia, emotional incapacitations, consumer technologies, hybrid identities, intersectional feminism, and transnational communities. DUBAIS has released music, published text, taught a multitude of workshops, lectured, exhibited work, and performed internationally in a variety of space and places.
Saba Lou was born in the year 2000 in Kassel, Germany. She moved to Berlin with her family in 2005. She began her recording career at the age of 6, putting out a 4 song 7-inch on Atlanta’s Slaughthaus/Rob’s House Records. At the age of 8 she recorded “Good Habits (and Bad)” which was then used for the end credits on Cartoon Network’s “Clarence” t.v. show. The song was also released in 2012 on the “Until The End” 7-inch on Seth Bogart’s (aka Hunx) label Wacky Wacko records. Saba Lou recorded her debut album “Planet Enigma” this year at the age of fifteen. Ryan Sambol, of the Strange Boys, makes a guest appearance on “Our Fate”. Erin Wood from the Spits also sings back ups and provides some space synth on “Planet Enigma”. The album was recorded at Moon Studios, Berlin in late 2015- early 2016. Saba Lou is currently finishing up high school in Berlin. Her hobbies are drawing, collecting records, reading and writing songs.
Entrance is donation based, on a sliding scale of 5-10 euros for this special performance. The concert begins at 20H / 8PM.
Sept. 23 2017
Rainhas Do Norte live + Aftershowparty
Die Rainhas do Norte sind aus der Faszination für die Musik aus dem Nordosten Brasiliens – insbesondere die Trommelmusik der Karnevalsgruppen aus Recife – heraus geboren.
2003 gegründet, feiert die Band jetzt 15 wunderschöne Jahren mit unzähligen live Konzerte deutschland- und europaweit, eine CD mit eigenen Kompositionen und viele Geschichten zu erzählen. Sie sind laut, poetisch, feministisch, anti-rassistisch, anti-LGBTQ phobisch und nach wie vor verliebt in den Rhythmen und Klängen des brasilianischen Nordostens.
Kommt zahlreich am 23.09 zum Konzert und unterstützt die Rainhas ihre zweite CD in Eigenregie zu produzieren!
As Rainhas do Norte nasceram da fascinação pela música do nordeste brasileiro, em especial pelos maracatus de Recife. Fundada em 2003, a banda comemora agora 15 anos maravilhosos com inúmeros shows na Alemanha e outros países da Europa, um cd com composições próprias e muitas histórias pra contar. Elas tocam alto, são poéticas, feministas, anti-racistas, anti- LGBTQ-fóbicos e continuam apaixonadas pelos ritmos e sons do nordeste brasileiro.
Venham todos no dia 23.09 para o show das Rainhas e colaborem assim com a produção do segundo CD da banda!
Aftershowparty: mit Djs: Grace Kelly und Marie L.
Rainhas do Norte:
Cecilia Kleine, Christine Nußbaum, Emilia Mello, Farida Mahub, Franci Oliveira, Grace Kelly, Karin Zey, Marie Leão, Marina Pandeló, Sara Fremberg e convidada especial/special guest: Marta Freire
Sept. 21 2017
Diva Heaven 7/11! Come warm up with our Divas of the Week: JUNK RIVER! Winter's coming and we're warming our souls with great folk music by Junk River, let yourselves be touched and empowered by their poetry of daily life and cheering melodies. So come down to our river and join us on Thursday! Donations very welcome for our Divas* ---the concert starts at 8pm---
Mariconcha, our local latinx drag queen diva is taking over Raumeweiterungshalle this Thursday, in a special and unique event with their new friend in town - who you don’t wanna miss the chance to meet.
Jimay Falcon is a male celebrity direct from the stars! Bringing you high quality koala bear entertainment!!! Famous for being a lover and dreamer and master of ALL ceremonies with partner in magick Sh'Gazey. See him live, straight outta the portal at DIVA GAMES in his special first time Berlin appearance!
Come experience Live hypnotism!
Live karaoke!
Live flirty Games (with consent)
Live spaghetti eating competition!
Open Stage moment
Wanna perform? Yass, Come and register between 19.00 - 20.00.
Show starts at 21.00
Sept. 8 2017
12:00 - 02:00
Queeroskop - Kaleidoskop queer-feministischer Perspektiven
Workshops und Spaßprogramm von und mit propell*@s
Inmitten einer dystopischen Realität planen wir die Utopie. Wie können wir uns selbst ermächtigen und handlungsfähiger werden? Wie können wir queere Perspektiven in politische Kämpfe einbringen? Wie kann der Abbau von Diskriminierungen, kann Barrierefreiheit Realität werden, auch in linker (Bildungs-)arbeit?
Ein Tag im September bietet den Auftakt
für eine kollektive Auseinandersetzung mit dem Ist-Zustand und der Welt, die wir wollen. Im Licht des Spätsommers möchten
wir ein Kaleidoskop an Themen mit euch diskutieren, die uns auf den (lackierten) Nägeln brennen.
Es wird Workshops mit partizipativem Charakter und unterschiedlichen Formaten geben, zum Beispiel zu Gewaltprävention, Kommunikation, Sexism*en und Sorgearbeit. Wir wollen nachdenken, kreativ schreiben und später tanzen.
Mit Küche für alle und einem Abendprogramm sorgen wir für Körper und Herz. Neben, zwischen und nach den Workshops wird gequatscht, vernetzt, gelesen, gesiebdruckt – und am besten werden gleich konkrete Pläne geschmiedet.
Queeroskop - Kurzprogramm
ausführlich auf facebook
12:00 - 15:00 Worum geht‘s? (Fragend schreiten wir voran!) ein WS von Konne
Jenseits von Schlagworten werden wir uns über das austauschen, was unsere politische Arbeit antreibt.
12:00 - 15:00 Sexismusreflektierte Veranstaltungsplanung ein WS von FEMermaid
Praxisorientierten Einführungsworkshop zu Sexismus und der konkreten Planung von Veranstaltungen und deren Durchführung, um sexualisierter Übergriffen vorzubeugen.
15:30 - 18:30 Schreib-Werkstatt: Schreiben in Gruppen ein WS von Claire
Veranstaltungsankündigungen, Statements, ganze Zeitschriften oder kleine Flyer: als Gruppe einen Text zu verfassen,
kann ziemlich nervenaufreibend sein. Bringt eure Ideen, Schreibwünsche und -anlässe mit!
15:30 -18:30 Caring for Resistance ein WS von Franzi & Rina
Unter dem Stichwort Care wird diskutiert, wie sorgende Tätigkeiten in unserer krisengeschüttelten Gesellschaft organisiert werden können. Wir möchten uns über gemeinschaftliche Sorgeformen und die daran anschließenden politischen Perspektiven austauschen.
19:00 - 21:00 Feminismen: Und was hat das mit uns zu tun? Ein Kreativ-Workshop ein WS von Judith & Sonny
Zusammen loten wir aus, was Feminismus sein kann, sein sollte, und was er für uns bedeutet
DJ: Nai
Nai’s music style is heavily inuenced by the drum of a heartbeat. She collects and plays only vinyl, and has a monthly show on Berlin community radio. BCR_Radio/nai/
Feuerchen (queers on fire ;)
Siebdrucken (bringt gern Klamotten mit!)
Die Veranstaltung findet in deutscher Sprache statt. / Ad hoc translations into English can be organized. Eine Kinderbetreuung vor Ort können wir auf Anfrage organisieren. Der Veranstaltungsort
ist barrierearm zugänglich. Die Veranstaltung ist gratis. Ein paar Snacks werden da sein. etränke können erworben werden.
Zur besseren Planung freuen wir uns über Anmeldungen zu den konkreten Workshops:
Sept. 7 2017
August 24 2017
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
This time with a Fat Diva Special.
Grease your thighs, oil your voice and shake your bacon. All kind of fat Divas are waiting for you.
Sing along, enjoy some cold drinks and snacks, connect and and burn some before and after pics.
Mama Cass didn't die choking on a ham sandwich. She died of dieting!
Love and Kisses!
August 24 2017
Bike Diva: Ovarian Psycos SCREENING
your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
Let’s celebrate gangs and bikes – Let’s reclaim the streets.
We are screening the film Ovarian Psycos by Joanna Sokolowski and Kate Trumbull-LaValle and The Ovarian Psycos Cycle Brigade about a new generation of women of color in East Los Angeles who are redefining identity and building community through a raucous, irreverently named bicycle crew: The Ovarian Psycos Cycle Brigade.
Maybe we are lucky enough for good weather open air cinema!
your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
We want to build a sauna. For real. Come sign up for planning and building days. Get hot’n’sweaty from summer now, and join forces with us so we can get hot’n’sweaty in winter, too! so the halle season will never again end!
Meanwhile have you noticed the ugly ass election posters plastering the city? We don’t like them and have put together a poster to articulate some alternative demands. Based on Zoe Leonard’s 1992 „i want a dyke for president“ comes a 2017 Berlin version.
Come pick up a stack of posters at the Halle tonight, bring your bikes and friends and let’s do a big poster action all over the city. We’ll provide some buckets, glue and brushes, but also please do bring equipment if you have any!
The full poster is available in print resolution (A2) for download **here**. We encourage you to print it, put it up, send it to a friend. Please be aware that glueing own posters on top of election posters is considered a criminal offence (Straftat/Sachbeschädigung) by German law. We encourage you to consider what risks you can take, and if you go out in teams, make sure to check in with each other about that beforehand. Don't despair tho! There are plenty of "legal" ways to put up posters!
August 10 2017
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
A tribute to girl gangs. Zinzi Buchanan & Mel Flash will present & talk about girl gangs, past & present. They will talk about how the gangs have inspired them, as well as reflecting upon their our own "girl gang" experiences.
this will be followed by a DANGER related performance/activity with Zinzi Buchanan & Mel Flash. here is a description of their work on the topic:
the topic of danger is something that has come up for us. we sometimes feel in danger. we sometimes seem dangerous. we are two members of "cute club" - a club for those who seem tough, but are actually cute as hell inside. one musician, one dancer (tho we switch), we use music and dance to energise the journey through the topic of danger considering fear & pain, the real & perceived, self-protection, self-destruction and death.
DONNA SUMMER DIVA HEAVEN your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
come have a drink
and get some hot stuff this night
in the grace of our lady
Donna Summer.
July 27 2017
Chantal Akerman trifft auf Tine Rahel Völcker FILM & LESUNG
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us – every thursday from 19h to 23h.
Ein imaginäres Road-Movie mit Film und Text als Hommage an die 2015 verstorbene Jüdisch-Gay-Experimental-Filmemacherin aus Brüssel.
Wir schauen Filmausschnitte aus ein paar weniger bekannten Filmen von Chantal Akerman („Les Rendez-vous d’Anna“, „Histoires d’Amérique“, „De l’autre côté“) und hören
Textauszüge aus Tine Rahel Völckers Chantal-Akerman-Buch
(„Les Rendez-vous de Tarnów“) das den polnisch-jüdischen Spuren der Filme folgt. Wir widmen uns Chantal Akermans Kamerablick auf ihre geliebte Mutter, auf andere Frauen,
auf sich selbst, auf den Westen als Exil.
kuratiert von Tine Rahel Völcker und Sabrina Saase
July 27 2017
STARKE STIMME Ein Workshop mit Elena Schmidt (staatlich ausgebildete Schauspielerin)
Die Stimme ist die Verlängerung des Körpers.
Dort wo ich stehe, kann niemand anderer sein. Diese Position beanspruche ich allein durch die Existenz meines Körpers. Ich kann mit meiner Hand einen Gegenstand verschieben. Dort wo mein Arm nicht lang genug ist, kann ich meine Stimme benutzen, jemanden zB. bitten oder davon überzeugen, für mich den Gegenstand weiter nach links oder rechts zu schieben.
Durch meine Stimme kann ich den Radius meines Körpers erweitern, meinen Ansprüchen, Gedanken und Bedürfnissen mehr Raum geben, ihnen Gehör verschaffen, etwas "bewegen".
Stimme ist gleich Stimmung. Wenn uns jemand anruft, entnehmen wir allein der Stimme des_r Anrufer_in wie es ihr_ihm geht. Ein geschulter und bewusster Einsatz unserer Stimme hilft uns, Informationen jenseits des sprachlichen Inhalts zu transportieren.
In dem Stimmkurs werden wir gezielt an diesen Fähigkeiten arbeiten: Atemtechniken erproben, den Körper als Resonanzraum erforschen und üben die Stimme gezielt in den Raum zu schicken.
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
Come join us for a night of destruction and reappropriation!
with a screening of S.C.U.M. Manifesto by Les Insoumuses (Carole Roussopoulos & Delphine Seyrig), 1976
and a cut up ritual of René Descartes' 1666 text "Treatise on Man", a thoroughly mechanistic account of the human body, installing rational mind-body divide and the idea of man as machine well into the minds of the coming centuries.
We at SCUM Diva will keep on destroying, looting, fucking-up and killing until the money-work system no longer exists and automation is completely instituted or until enough women
co-operate with SCUM
doors at 7
screening at 8
cutting up MAN at 9 - scissors and knives will be provided by Amelia Bande and Annika Högner
Men who are rational, however, just sit back, relax, enjoy the show and ride the waves to your demise.
July 6 2017
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
This high vibrational curation is recharged and expanded upon from the original queer healing program in Amsterdam at Queeristan last year. These magical filmmakers span Turtle Island (North America), Asia, and Africa. This unapologetic program embraces the sacredness of continual self transformation. It investigates an idea of self care that doesn't shy away from politics or mental health stigmas. Video Crystals, video spells, video rituals and video poetry encourage healing and vulnerability among us.
Three healers will be in attendance and are available for sessions by donation. Please make sure to bring some euros for their valuable work. They will be there before and after the screening in the garden.
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
DOOM DIVA is loud. Come be Loud with us!
Enjoy two finest metal bands.
Lithalsa (drone doom)
Lithalsa occur when ice forms beneath the ground and lifts the earth above it. Lithalsa are F, J and V who live together and play metal.
Lithalsa can be an ocean of possibilities or a black hole.
Choral Hearse is an all-queer, post/doom-metal band, consisting of Sara Neidorf (guitar), Liaam Iman (vocals), Bar Landau (bass), and Eszter Kadar (drums). The band formed in Berlin in early 2015 when Liaam and Sara began performing as an acoustic metal duo. Slowly the band gained its third and fourth members and got increasingly louder and noisier. The band is inspired by sacrilege, odysseys, and all things which fester underneath the surface. Their full-length album will be released in autumn/winter 2017.
It is summer and we invite you to join us for another queer fat femme clothing swap at lovely Raumerweiterungshalle.
Bring your stuff, browse, hang out, connect.
Please bring your own snacks.
We will have a donation box for the swap.
Please read the guidelines (german version below/auf deutsch weiter unten)
- When you are bringing stuff, please focus on clothes that fit a variety of body types. Please leave tiny or small clothes out.
Orientation: Size 16 (44) and up or stretchy as fuck.
- Needless to say, the things you bring should be clean and not *too* broken. Jewellery, make-up, shoes, deco, wigs and so on are all very welcome!
- Please do not bring racist/cultural apropriating stuff like afro wigs or headdresses etc.
- Please be sensitive considering the clothes you are taking. When you are a baby fat, chubby or let's say under a size 22 (50) do not take the only beautiful shirt in a size 28 and wear it as a oversize dress.
From experience there is always a shortage of pretty super size clothing, like in the real world. so let's share the gems we have.
- All allies are welcome. If you are at the clothing swap as an ally don't take the clothes befor 7pm (End). Support us, have a lemonade, enjoy the music.
- Most areas at Raumerweiterungshalle are wheelchair accessible incl a Toilet. If you encounter any problems, please let us know and We'll try to find a solution.
There is no space for racism, homo- and transphobia, fat-shaming and sexism.
Es ist Sommer und wir laden euch zu einem weiteren queeren,fetten, femme Kleidertausch in die ultra mega tolle Raumerweiterungshalle ein.
Bringt Klamotten, wühlt, hängt ab und verbündet euch.
Bitte bringt eure eigenen Snacks.
Wir werden auch eine Spendenbox für den Swap aufstellen.
Bitte beachtet die Hinweise
- Wenn du Klamotten mit bringst achte bitte darauf das sie einem großen Spektrum von Körpern passen.
Bitte last klitzekleine und kleine Sachen zuhause.
Orientiert euch an Größe 44 und mehr oder dehnbaren Materialien.
- Die Dinge, die ihr mitbringt, sollten sauber sein und nicht all zu kaputt. Schmuck, Make Up, Schuhe, Deko und Perücken sind auch sehr willkommen.
- Bitte bringt keine rassistischen/kulturell aneignende Sachen mit wie zbsp. Afro Perücken oder Federkopfschmuck.
- Sei sensibel wenn du dir Kleidung nimmst. Wenn du eher in das untere Spektrum der großen Größen gehörst oder sagen wir unter Größe 50 trägst, dann nimm dir bitte nicht das einzige schöne T-Shirt in Größe 58 und trag es als Übergroßes Kleid. Aus Erfahrung wissen wir das es immer einen Mangel an schönen sehr großen Größen gibt, wie in der Welt da draußen, also lasst uns die Schätze, die wir haben, teilen!
- Alle Verbündeten sind willkommen. Wenn du beim Kleidertausch als Verbündete bist dann nimm dir keine Kleidung vor 19 Uhr (Ende). Unterstütze uns, trink eine Limo, genieß die Musik.
- Die meisten Bereiche inkl. Toilette der Raumerweiterungshalle sind Barierefrei. Solltest du Probleme haben, bitte sprich uns an und wir versuchen eine Lösung zu finden.
Hier ist kein Platz für Rassismus, Homo- und Transphobie, Beschämung fetter Körper und Sexismus.
June 22 2017
SOOSAN DIVA HEAVEN your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
Come drink with us and listen to the yearning voice of Soosan, Kurdish-Iranian diva and people's hero who came up in the 1950s Tehran cafe scene and made it to the peak of fame but remained deeply connected to her roots and always gave back to her community. She passed away in loneliness in 2004 in L.A. Let's celebrate her life!
June 15 2017
SPICE GIRLS DIVA HEAVEN your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
Come and enjoy drinks and the classic pop sounds of your favorite childhood girl-band. From 9 we'll screen spice world over the projector--- & for the brave and devoted aficionados, karaoke/ sing -along to the film tunes can be arranged. Dressing up is also welcome & encouraged! Feel free to impersonate your favorite Classic Spice or the one that was never taken down from the rack :)
Cheers 2 Queers / Viva Forever
Your Halle Crew ♥
June 08 2017
LESBIAN VAMPIRES DIVA HEAVEN your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
Welcome this good old familiar trope: the lesbian vampire. With her unrestrained independence she threatens to overthrow the existing social order. Come out for some red wine by candlelight. Be assured, at the halle no bloodthirsty dyke will get killed in the end. On the contrary, we're here to laugh in the face of that tame patriarchal myth and plot the next attack.
featuring a video installation with great work by Thirza Cuthand
plus accompanying cult film program featuring ridiculous stereotypes and babes and great sound:
Vampyros Lesbos / Daughters of Darkness / The Hunger
CHAVELA VARGAS DIVA HEAVEN your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
Come chill with us and celebrate wonderful Chavela Vargas, Costa Rican-born Mexican singer. Come by and keep the drama in the rancheras!
May 25 2017
NICOLA ADAMS DIVA HEAVEN your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h. This diva night is dedicated to Nicola Adams - the first olympic gold winning female boxer. Let's celebrate fighting for the things which are important for us. Especially on this so called "Herrentag" there are lot's of things on feminist minds to fight for and against. Let's share antisexist strategies and - of course - a drink!
May 6 2017
Queer - RiotGrrrl – Hardcore – Punk - Sause
Netter Raum – mit Bier und Brause!
4 Bands 1 Abend
soll:bruch:stelle - sperriger pinkpunk
wir überraschen uns selber immer wieder mit zusammengebastelten persönlichen vorlieben und gemeinsam entwickeltem...
mal schrebbelig, mal melodisch dürfen unsere instrumente und stimmen alles, wozu keine_r schreit oder flüstert: "geht gar nicht!"
Emoprofem - d.i.y.-emopopunk
is a trio from the underground of Campus Rütli. Unsere Vorbilder sind: Die drei ???, der Kupferschmied, Amanita "Neets" Caplan. Unsere Hobbies sind Kochen, Lesen, Einhörner striegeln, Musicals nachtanzen. Wenn wir groß sind, wollen wir lieber alles.
Trainingseinheit Katzenkotze – allgender Pommespunk
6 frittierte Ü-30 Kartoffeln machen Punk als wären sie 15: ungestimmte Instrumente, talentfrei, aber süß. Erste Sahne Rumgemotze, hintergründige Texte verschmelzen mit 3-4 Akkorden zu einem Kleinod der gepflegten Gute-Laune-Krachmusik.
Punkrock at its best!
erring soda - berlin based queer feminist hardcore punk
dj_ane very serious - queer-elektro-punk
doors open 19:30
shows start 20:30
April 23 2017
Pink Guerilla Gardening Bathroom laws, gay propaganda laws, same-sex marriage opposition, religious objections, (cyber) bullying, discrimination and more anti-whatever. Being queer in 2017 is messy.
As one out of many symbols for the global struggle for queer liberation Pink Guerilla Gardening plans to spread pink flowers and seeds of pink flowers around the world. Especially poisonous, near-extinct species that are good for bees. Pink Guerrilla Gardening is a concept that shows that we’re here, that we will spread, that we’re supernatural and impossible to exterminate.
Come plant, make seedbombs, plant more, and share some Rosé- and Rhabarberschorle with us to the lovesongs of the Berliner Rundfunk DJ Team.
April 14 2017
As Raumerweiterungshalle continues to age gracefully, she's decided to opt for a more ~mature~ season's opening this year.
She'll be serving you:
- BYOG / Potluck-style Grilling (weather permitting - the idea is that enough grills and food will be brought along proportionately so that we can all bbq simultaneously.)
- Chilling (bring your favorite people to talk shit with while you BBQ)
- A fire, and (of course): Adult Beverages (~yessss~)
for the duration of the afternoon and into the early evening.
Musical selections will be provided by our resident DJs, with a reading and live performance to follow.
Nai (BCR) 16-18
The Neighbourhood Character (Uzuri Recordings / BCR) 18-20
Ze Royale (Pornceptual Berlin) 20:05-20:15
Wizard Apprentice (Practical Records, CA/US) 20:20-end
Cheers 2 Queers
September 1 2016
Skiing is a Berlin band influenced by 1950s rock'n'roll, queercore, punk and and and. Our songs feature guitars, drum beats, bass, and lyrics with one or more-part harmonies.
Consisting of Everett Darling and a rotating and dramatic cast of friends, lovers, family, ex-friends, ex-lovers, future-lovers, etc... Lyrics discuss sanity, books and poetry, celestial bodies, philosophy, gay identity, immigration, political ideologies, weekend sports, death, objects, love, and most recently sex.
Tanja Pippi And Fetal Twink
Tanja Pippi, singer and instrumentalist of the Berlin based band Jolly Goods, will perform some new and old Jolly Goods songs with Fetal Twink (History Of Color TV/I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream) with guitars, keys and organs. Listen here:
SEVEN ELEVEN DIVA HEAVEN your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h. This Diva Heaven is dedicated to Poly Styrene, the archetype for the modern-day feminist punk "There's nothing wrong with beauty," she said, "but whether it's actually helping the female cause of being equal to men, you have to judge for yourself." So bring your teeth braces and other (un)COOL youth memories and sins.
August 11 2016
SEVEN ELEVEN DIVA HEAVEN your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
This diva heaven is dedicated to Loleatta Holloway.
August 10 2016
Hot Chix: Neither Here nor There // Geile Uschis: weder hier noch dort
A multimedia durational piece seeking to expose the inconsistencies in Berlin’s queer and feminist scene. As previous non-artists, we seek to (re)claim the title artist from the social structures of both mainstream and marginal social scenes that have, due to varying power structures and disseminations of capital (social, economic, sexual, etc.) barred us from arriving at this identity. Until now.
This year entzaubert will be holding a special event over 4 days, diving deep into the archives, to increase the visibility of one of the world’s few DIY self-organized queer film archives.
we invite the audience to take a look at our archives, to work practically on maintaining the films, with the goal of developing an accessible self-organized sustainable independent DIY queer film archive.
through this collective training camp we hope to find fresh perspectives on the archive: reflecting on film submissions, selection process and programming; exchanging about DIY collective work practices, distribution and economies – through hands-on as well as conceptual workshops, panels and discussions.
Local Honey uses vocal modification, noise, and dissonant pop sounds paired with visions of both queer familial relationships and solitude to invoke sonic womanhood. She reverses feminine sound as a weapon, a cathartic battlecry: like hard femme heaven.
doors open at 7pm, concert at 8pm
July 18 2016
Productions and wonders – a feminist archive in action
With Rotmi Enciso and Ina Riaskov
Producciones y Milagros Agrupación Feminista is a small Mexican organisation with one of the countries biggest photographic archives specialised on the feminist movement in Mexico and Latin America. We see photography, video and graphics as tools for collective and individual remembrance work and art as expression and process of radical feminist self care and self defence. Tonight we’d like to present our work in context of the current political situation in Mexico. Femicides, enforced disappearances, abortion politics, sexualised violence as well as antifeminist vendettas on facebook and twitter are all part of our political work.
Accompanied by the exhibition: female* fights, which features snapshots of feminist campaigns in Mexico and other Latin American countries.
There will be background music by Las Puchachitas (feminist Son Jarocho) during the exhibition. Las Puchachitas are a group of Mexican women who met in Berlin. They are Feminists, Decolonialists, against racism, capitalism and patriarchy, queer, happy and antidepressive. With their version of Son Jarocho, they call into question female gender roles.
Producciones y Milagros – Un archivo fotográfico feminista en acción con Rotmi Enciso e Ina Riaskov
Producciones y Milagros Agrupación Feminista es una organización mexicana con uno del los archivos fotográficos feminista más grande en México y América Latina. Fotografía, video y creación gráfica son para nosotras herramientas de construcción y resguardo de memoria colectiva e individual. Entendemos la creación artística como expresión y proceso de autocuidado y autodefensa feminista radical. En esta charla queremos presentar nuestro trabajo en el contexto actual de México. Feminicidio, desaparición forzada, el derecho al aborto, violencia sexual y también las campañas de odio en redes sociales digitales son algunos de los temas que abordamos.
Exposición: “Defender la alegría, organizar la rabia – luchas de mujeres, mujeres en lucha” reúne momentos plasmados en nuestro archivo fotográfico desde México y otros países del Abya Yala.
La exposición será acompanyada de Las Puchachitas (Son Jarocho Feminista). Las Puchachitas son un grupo de mujeres mexicanas, feministas, decoloniales, antiracistas, anticapitalistas, antipatriacales, cuir, felices y antidepresivas que se encontraron en Berlín y que reivindican el papel de las mujeres en los versos del Son Jarocho.
Produktionen und Wunder – Ein feministisches Bildarchiv in Aktion
Mit Rotmi Enciso und Ina Riaskov
Producciones y Milagros Agrupación Feminista ist eine kleine mexikanische Organisation mit einem der größten auf feministische Bewegungen spezialisierten Fotoarchive in Mexiko und Lateinamerika. Fotografie, Video und grafische Kreation verstehen wir als Werkzeuge zur gemeinschaftlichen und individuellen Gedächtnisarbeit und Kunst als Ausdruck und Prozess radikaler feministischer Selbstsorge und Selbstverteidigung. In der Veranstaltung möchten wir unsere Arbeit im Kontext der aktuellen Situation in Mexiko vorstellen. Feminizid, gewaltsames Verschwindenlassen, Abtreibungsrecht, sexualisierte Gewalt und Übergriffe, wie auch antifeministische Hasskampagnen auf facebook und twitter sind Themen mit denen wir uns auseinandersetzen.
Die Ausstellung Frauen*kämpfe zeigt Momentaufnahmen feministischer Aktionen in Mexiko und anderen lateinamerikanischen Ländern der letzten Jahre.
Die Ausstellung wird musikalisch begleitet von Las Puchachitas (Feministischer Son Jarocho). Las Puchachitas sind eine Gruppe von mexikanischen Frauen, die sich in Berlin getroffen haben. Sie sind Feministinnen, Dekolonialistinnen, gegen Rassismus, Kapitalismus und das Patriarchat, queer, glücklich und antidepressiv. Mit den Versen des Son Jarocho hinterfragen sie Rollenzuschreibungen an Frauen.
Die Veranstaltung wird gefördert durch die Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
July 7 2016
Won Cha: FUKÚ SPEAK Opening July 7, 7-11pm
Exhibition open by appointment only July 8 - 10
C&O and Raumerweiterungshalle are happy to introduce a new installation by New York and Seoul based artist Won Cha, the artist’s first solo exhibition in Germany.
The spirit of trauma tends not to explain itself clearly, or to let itself be seen. Individuals, families, cultures and cities live with shadows pressing hard against their backs and minds, speaking white noise into their ears, and dimming their vision. In the absence of something concrete to pull apart we recreate the original event, returning to the scene to gather more information on the faceless weights that guide us. But spirits don’t allow themselves to be locked down. Before revealing themselves, they must first be made comfortable.
Using first encounter narratives by a shipwrecked British envoy, found drawings from underground gay sex spaces in New York and Seoul, stickers from a child’s room, and commercial images from plastic surgery advertisements in Seoul, Cha has synthesized an environment in which a fukú, a concept from the Dominican Republic, which author Junot Diaz specifically describes as ‘the Curse and Doom of the new world,’ is reanimated. Cha’s installation offers an opportunity to look through the other side of the mirror, to gaze at the embittered ooze of a perpetual collision between estranged disarranged bodies.
July 2 2016
A POTLUCK/PICNIC for Black Women, Black Trans, GNC Folks and Black Queers
For no other reason than to celebrate, get to know each other, and share space with each other.
We'll provide a grill, music, sound system, a bar with cheap drinks, and a BONFIRE!
The grill is veggie, so please bring veggies, halloumi and stuff to grill, but bring whatever other foods you like to eat and share as well.
This is an event for people of African decent who identify as Black/Mixed Race, Women, Queer, Trans or GNC(Gender non Conforming).
This is an initiative from some of the Black members of the Raumerweiterungshalle and other Black friends.
June 30 2016
your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
"Don't cry for me, Argentina...."
This week's diva night is dedicated to the tears of all the divas of this year's EM football championship: To Messi, to England, Deutschland (du armes Land!) and the football divas soon to follow suit due to shock and embarrassment at their inevitable demise.
Too bad, so sad.
June 29 2016
FLIP FOR FEMME video program
Sadie Lune and Coral Short join forces to present you with a selection of work that celebrates all that is femme at Raumerweiterungshalle. Femininity will be revered. Even worshipped. Sadie and Coral unearth filmic femme treasures and show them to you in the glittering darkness. Femme admirers welcome.
Sadie Lune und Coral Short haben sich zusammengetan, um Euch in der Raumerweiterungshalle ausgewählte Arbeiten zu präsentieren, die alles feiern, was F/femme ist. Femininität wird hier verehrt, angebetet sogar! Sadie und Coral haben filmische Femmeschätze ausgegraben, um sie Euch in der glitzernden Dunkelheit vorzuführen. Femmeliebhaber*innen willkommen.
with films by Zachary Hutchinson, Shawné Michaelain Holloway, Carrie Gates, Benjamin Yavuzsoy, Siobhan Aluvalot,
Ellen Nielsen, Lasse Långström, Kami Chisholm, Celeste Chan, Jess Dobkin, and others
doors at 7pm, films at 8pm
June 24 2016
Soli für das Cutie.BPoC Fest 2016
Soli für das Cutie.BPoC Fest 2016
The signs are in our favor: We are organizing the second Cutie.BPoC Fest on July 22-24, a non-profit do-it-yourself/ do-it-together festival for queer, transgender and intersex Black people and People of Color. We want to create a safer space in which heteronormativity and whiteness are not centered, where there is room for empowerment, creativity, discussions, healing and growing. Your support is needed to make this possible: Make it rain and help us pay the bills for the festival.
Duo Maravilla,
Ford Kelly,
Habribri b2b kos_mic q'andi,
Die Zeichen stehen in unserem Sinne: Vom 22. bis zum 24. Juli organisieren wir zum zweiten Mal das Cutie.BPoC Fest, ein Non-Profit Do-It-Yourself/ Do-It-Together-Festival für queere, trans- und intergeschlechtliche of Color und Schwarze Personen. Wir möchten einen Safer Space schaffen, in dem Heteronormativität und weißsein keine zentralen Parameter mehr sind, wo Raum für Ermächtigung, Kreativität, Diskussionen, Heilung und Wachsen entsteht. Um dies zu ermöglichen, ist eure Unterstützung gefragt: Lasst das Parra runterregnen und helft uns bei der Finanzierung der Kosten für das Festival.
mit Duo Maravilla,
Ford Kelly,
Habribri b2b kos_mic q'andi,
June 23 2016
SEVEN ELEVEN DIVA HEAVEN your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
This diva night is dedicated to Luxus for Everyone. Enjoy the Screenprinting performance “Luxury goods for all of us!” by Lukas Julius Keijser ( You can get prints from the performance for a little donation. The main themes of Lukas Julius Keijser are communication, the family, the internet, and mainstream, underground and trash cultures, also he is exploring the boundaries between art and non-art. He works in a broad range of media including video, performance and photography, for which he produces his own costumes, music and texts. Since 2008 he has worked extensively with the silk-screening process.
Be your own Diva in a DIY screenprinting-action. So bring your shirts, sweaters, bags and panties.
Tonight's Special: Enjoy an utterly exquisite surprise dj set for free by a high class djane!
22 June 2016 20:00
Wir von Berlin Against Pinkwashing würden Euch gerne zur Vorführung des Filmes “Pinkwashing Exposed: Seattle Fights Back!” einladen. Dieser Dokumentarfilm erläutert die Bedeutung von „Pinkwashing“ und erklärt, wie LGBTIQ*-Themen von politischen und gesellschaftlichen Akteuren ausgenutzt werden, um repressive und unterdrückende Machtstrukturen zu legitimieren. Dabei folgt er einer Gruppe von mutigen Aktivist_innen in Seattle, die dieser Instrumentalisierung auf inspirierende Weise die Stirn bieten.
Nach dem Film wird es eine Diskussionsrunde geben.
Eintritt frei
We at Berlin Against Pinkwashing are excited to announce the screening of “Pinkwashing Exposed: Seattle Fights Back”. The film sheds light on what “pinkwashing” is, offers an insight into how LGBTQI* identities are being coopted by oppressive forces, and tells the inspiring story about a group of audacious Seattle-based activists who are FIGHTING BACK.
The screening will be followed by a short discussion session.
Entrance is free
16 June 2016
your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
This diva night is dedicated to Florynce "Flo" Kennedy (1916 - 2000), Black radical activist, attorney and founder of the Feminist Party, which nominated Shirley Chisholm for President of the United States. Among many other things, she fought for abortion rights, against marriage, represented Assata Shakur and Valerie Solanas, led a pee-in on a Harvard University lawn, co-founded the National Black Feminist Organization (NBFO) and was called "The biggest, loudest and, indisputably, the rudest mouth on the battleground" by People magazine in 1974.
"I approve of anyone wearing what the establishment says you must not wear."
In the spirit of Flo Kennedy, we encourage everyone to dress up weirdly for the night...
9 June 2016
your weekly night at Raumerweiterungshalle!
Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h.
The first diva heaven is dedicated to Sylvester!
POLYNERVÖS: TOUCH PLEASURE WORK performances and workshop
Communicating with our bodies and through touch is the first form of language we learn. It accompanies us throughout our lives.
How does the perception of our bodies influence the possible ways of touching and being touched? What kinds of contact are socially accepted, what is confined to specific contexts? How do prevailing conventions form our bodies and touch? In ‘touch pleasure work’ the performers discover modes of touch by curiously exploring and playing, opening up new perspectives.
In the second part of the show, we open up the performing area to the audience and invite you to interact directly with the performers.
On Saturday, 3-6pm, there will be a workshop in which we invite you to get to know the work of the ensemble. Bring comfortable clothes, no prior experience required, language will be English or German, as required. Space is limited to 12 participants. To sign up, or any further questions concerning details, write to or call Julian: 0151-2016696.
Kommunikation durch Berührung ist die erste Sprachform die wir lernen und sie begleitet uns ein Leben lang.
Wie entscheidet die Wahrnehmung unserer Körper darüber, welche Möglichkeiten des Berührens und Berührtwerdens sich uns eröffnen? Welche Formen von Berührung sind in der Gesellschaft akzeptiert, welche nur in bestimmten Kontexten? Wie limitieren vorherrschende Konventionen, Körper und Berührungen? In ‚touch pleasure work‘ entdecken die Performer*innen durch unvoreingenommenes Forschen und Spielen Berührungsmöglichkeiten und eröffnen dem Publikum neue Perspektiven.
Im zweiten Teil öffnen wir die Spielfläche für eine begrenzte Anzahl von Zuschauer*innen für direkte Interaktion mit den Performer*innen.
Samstag, 21.May, in der Raumerweiterungshalle, 20 Uhr.
Um Reservierung wird gebeten:
Am Samstag, 21. May, laden wir euch ein von 15-18 Uhr in die Arbeitsweise des Ensembles einzutauchen. Bitte bringe bequeme Kleidung mit, keine Vorerfahrung nötig. Workshhopsprache wird je nach Bedarf englisch oder deutsch sein. Anmeldung und alle weitere Fragen bitte an to touch.theaterprojekt@gmail.comoder an Julian: 0151-2016696.
QUEER FEMINIST TAKEOVER soli for Women in Exile summer bus tour
Spring is blooming so come out of the woodwork and celebrate the queer feminist takeover with us!
We will open this year's Raumerweiterung season with a vegan sausage BBQ accompanied by sizzlings sounds courtesy of sausage DJ Princess4Q who will sling on their sausage skin especially for the occasion..
Bathtube Theory's punk pop transports us into a summer evening ambience which will in turn be hacked up into small but excellent pieces by No Chronicles with their edgy noisy-jazzy grooves.
Attention Horse will then do their best to patch us back up together again with their 80s style electropop letting us loose in full poptastic spirits on DJ team SeriousPrecious4Q for a brilliant finale to our eclectic feminist evening.
Any profits made will go to the Women in Exile's summer bus tour, so bring your friends and donate lots (if you can)!!
Oct 16th 2015
Berliner Rundfunk Indoor Festival at Raumerweiterungshalle
Come party with us the last night before the winter break of Raumerweiterungshalle with a special Berliner Rundfunk Indoor Festival.
Das ist Ihr Berliner Rundfunk 91.4 Indoor 2015!
On stage:
Amy Winehouse (@Alex Alvina Chamberland)
Phil Collins
Annie Lennox
…and the SPECIAL Berlin debut from celebrity escalating performer AH-Mer-AH-Su!!!
Also Berlins Beste Musik with the Berliner Rundfunk dj-team Nicole von Wagner, Sarah Schiwy, Simone Panteleit und Simon Kober.
During das Wilde Wunschwochenende you can come up with any request.
Der Hit-Herbst bei Berliner Rundfunk 91.4! Ihre achtziger, Ihre Neunziger, einfach Ihre Musik! Garantiert Wiederholungsfrei!
Das Berliner Rundfunk Indoor Festival wird Ihnen präsentiert von Bad Liebenwerda Sanft, dem feinperlenden Mineralwasser mit besonders wenig Kohlensäure.
Sept 24th 2015
THE BICYCLE screening in presence of the filmmaker
"Susanne is a young single mother who lives a somewhat "carefree" lifestyle. After quitting her job, she finds herself in trouble financially and attempts a minor insurance fraud to make ends meet. Despite its rare view of everyday socialism from a woman's perspective, East German officials were critical of this frank portrayal of a less-than-ideal socialist citizen and turned down all invitations for the film to be screened abroad. In West Germany, however, Evelyn Schmidt's film received much praise for its critical feminist approach. The Bicycle was part of the 2005 Rebels with a Cause: The Cinema of East Germany retrospective, shown at The Museum of Modern Art, New York" - DEFA Film Library
This event is organised by the Raumerweiterungshalle collective and T.V.O.D.
T.V.O.D. is a project from Pauline Recke and Fine Freiberg, which used to be working as a project-space for film screenings, exhibitions and queer subculture from 2011-13 in Manteuffelstr. T.V.O.D. has at the moment no fixed address.
Sept 22nd 2015 19:00
ART KINO #11 screening in collaboration with gsl projekt
The second edition of Art Kino in Berlin is a collaboration with GSL Projekt.
Art Kino #11 is presented as an anti-screening; it's as much about the selection of films as it is about creating opportunities for filmmakers active in Berlin to present their new works in a dialogue with older artworks we like. The program is a selection of contemporary video artworks and films representing different tendencies within the medium.
Alana Lake
Rita Macedo
Doireann O'Malley
Natasja Loutchko
Hanna Bergfors & Kornelia Kugler
More artists to be announced...
GSL Projekt is a collaborative curatorial project that produces exhibitions and events in Berlin and internationally.
The Art Kino Film Club aims to establish a permanent forum for experimental film and video art in Stockholm and Berlin; to give the art films and their audience a place and a context that they deserve, for further exposure and understanding. Art Kino screenings feature both works that have touched and influenced us over the years as well as newer projects and artistry that we've come across only recently. Works from both the Swedish and international art scene. Art Kino was initiated by the curator Giovanni Naves, culture producer Eric Weber and the artist Virlani Rupini in Sweden, 2007.
Art Kino program # 11, is produced together with the filmmaker Hanna Bergfors.
August 5th 2015
SHORT FILMS - MINI FESTIVAL screening and music performance
A mini festival curated by Catalina Jordan Alvarez.
Participating artists:
Brian Jordan Alvarez
Tiona McClodden
Althea Mengxi Rao
Adam Diller
Catalina Jordan Alvarez/James Wadsworth Strong
Lily Benson
Daniel Fishkin
GOLDWIENER is Darrin Wiener, Berlin based analog techno mastermind and one half of World Gang.
DUBAIS is the Arabfuturist pop concept super group by trans discipline artist Nadia Buyse. She will be presenting an experimental and musical lecture about the nature of Emotional Imperialism.
July 24th 2015
QUEER PUNX concert
What's in a container and bounces around like it's the end of the world?
JOIN OUR TIN CONTAINER OF FUN for a night of queer punk & doom!! Bands, cake, friends - all wrapped in an extended container!! Yard for rolling around as a bonus!!
COME EARLY! The shows WILL START IN TIME, no playing around, pünktlich is the name of the game..!! And seriously.. you don't wanna miss this!
From the stolen lands of down under, "Sydneys queer pups" Canine are bringing their political rock and roll power violence on an extensive tour around Europe - and right to our little tin can!! Canine just released their split EP with AGATHA (US)
Queer feminist post doom. Lithalsas occur when ice forms beneath the ground and lifts the earth above it. Lithalsa are F, J and V who live together and play metal. Lithalsa can be an ocean of possibilities or a black hole.
Countering violence through visual activism. Countering sexualized, gendered, and racialized violence. Through audio, visual, and performative activism. Where do political strategies and artistic strategies meet – or collide? How do queer cultural interventions become empowering? How do geopolitical conditions, historical legacies, and personal experiences influence forms of queer cultural activism? How do resistant aesthetics and aesthetic/artistic resistance interact?
An evening with presentations by international artists (8pm) and party with Sky Deep on the decks (11pm).
TWO VIDEOS BY PHILIPP GUFLER screening in presence of the artist
IMAGINARY MASCULINITY (2012) is an investigation into representations and constructions of masculinity. The artist creates a collage of past and present ideals of masculinity and their transgressions, visualizing the decomposition of supposedly irrefutable gender identities.
PROJECTION ON THE CRISIS (Gauweilereien in Munich) (2014) transfers the spectator into a classical white cube setting, where Gufler presents documents collected from the archive Forum Homosexualität München e.V. in chronological order and complements them with recent works by artist friends. The infamous Peter Gauweiler (former Bavarian State Secretary) and the then Bavarian Minister of Education, Hans Zehetmair, answer the emergence of the AIDS epidemic with the most drastic and shocking proposals. Gufler opposes these homophobic resentments with the emancipatory battle cries of Munich’s gay and lesbian movement and thus draws an oscillating image of Munich and at the same time German history.
Philipp Gufler is an artist based in Munich.
July 13rd
July 20th
Monday Aug 3rd
WRITE/WRONG a writing workshop with Mysti
Dearest Applicants,
Please compose a sincere letter of request to Mysti:
If accepted, you will be assigned a 200 word abstract and it email prior to the first course.
July 13: Discussion: excerpts of Delany 'The Motion of Light in Water,' Moraga 'Loving in the War Years' and short story 'Everything Was Nice' by Jane Bowles. Followed by: introductory diatribe by Mysti, trash talk and writing/review exercises.
July 20: Firestone 'Airless Spaces' excerpts and Greyson 'Realism Traps the Homosexual' and 'Sick Characters in Search of an Audience' discussed and presented by participants. Free writing exercises and trust falls.
(one week break for drafting, individual editing sessions may or may not be available)
August 3: Discussion: Preciado 'Snuff Politics,' Doyle 'Rien de Rien' and Sturtevant 'Michael Jackson Was My Lover.' Followed by an Alcoholics Anonymous style sharing of the struggle to write and the bitterness of its public presentation.
*There will be no safe space speech or other such useless gestures. We will keep emotional content in the writing. A reader will be arranged as a PDF far in advance of the course. Ideally participants will print the reader and have it present for each class so as to doodle in the margins during lapses of interest.
July 2nd 2015
SISTER MANTOS + HEIMWEHHOTEL concert presented in collaboration with La Moustache
Sister Mantos is bringing their funky-cumbia-punk sounds back to Europe and the UK this SUMMER! Its been three years since Sister Mantos toured Europe and the UK and a lot has happened since then! Sister Mantos has transformed into a live funk-punk-cumbia-reggea band with thumping bass, guitars and synths!
They have realeased two albums - UNK and CALIFORNIA PEACE ALIEN and released 4 eye-popping and tripped out music videos. Sister Mantos guarantees that they will get the people moving, grooving and jumping with their unique blend of funk, latin beats, punky-reggae and avant-pop. Sister Mantos takes the stage in intergalactic costumes and sings songs in English and Spanish and sings about love, queerness and post-capitalist utopias. Sister Mantos is a veteran of live performance and has shared the stage with acts such as Light Asylum, JD Samdson & MEN, Hi Fashion and Very Be Careful. Lets get this party started!!!
Since 2004 Berlin based Heimwehhotel drifting towards lofi-waves and electronic disco landscapes.
"In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni ///Wir irren des Nachts im Kreis umher und werden vom Feuer verschlungen."(unknown Roman author)
Politically depressed? Tired of humanity? Again, no invitation to the queer picnic in the park? Reality is so unbearable you need to understand its patterns? Join the Pessimist Book Club!
Irregular meetings will be held to discuss and analyse the misery of this historical present.
In our third encounter we'll discuss an excerpts from Richard Sennett's The Corrosion of Character as well as a conversation about hope and hopelessness between Lisa Duggan and José Muñoz.
Politically depressed? Tired of humanity? Again, no invitation to the queer picnic in the park? Reality is so unbearable you need to understand its patterns? Join the Pessimist Book Club!
Irregular meetings will be held to discuss and analyse the misery of this historical present.
In our second encounter we'll discuss excerpts from Lauren Berlant's Cruel Optimism and from Wendy Brown's Undoing The Demos.
HOW TO MAKE THE MOVIE OF YOUR DREAMS screening in presence of the artist
This is the director, or "The creator of it all," as she would call herself on a good day. This interview was held on a good day. She was not sober or in the most focused of states, but she was happy and having unusually high good feelings about the progress of this project. She has been enthusiastic about her projects in the past. But this time it felt different. She has made many movies, all with an idea of spreading joy and insight, not taking in account the involuntarily narrow target audience. Up until now she has made about 67 video works, depending on your definition of the terms “made” and “works”.
The story: At some key moments we will know more than our main character does. He is suffering from selective memory loss. We have to assume that he knows himself best, but right now everything is a painful blur to him. As long as Lill Apocalypse is refusing to acknowledge what happens, we can`t really know for sure. He is not to be trusted, we can only follow him into disaster, revelations or nothingness. He is going to need help. That sounds easy enough, but we have to consider what kind of person we're dealing with.
- So you’re making a movie about making a movie before you have the idea for what the movie is?
- Yeah. That’s the plan.
The screening will be followed by a conversation between Ihra Lill and Mysti who we welcomed last year with her lecture performance
"Master's Tool: Is Unpaid Labor Feminist Practice?"
May 19th 2015
CARY CRONENWETT:PEACE OF MIND screening in presence of the artist
PEACE OF MIND documents the life of American artist, Flo McGarrell, prior to his untimely death in the earthquake that struck Haiti in January of 2010. Through interviews, local artists discuss McGarrell's impact on the community and the small queer movement that was instigated around the FOSAJ Art Center in Jacmel where he worked.
The director, Cary Cronenwett, was a collaborative partner of McGarrell’s, and through making Peace of Mind, he processes his own grief and copes with the absence of a friend. Prior to the tragedy, Cronenwett and McGarrell were developing a film based on the novel, KATHY GOES TO HAITI, by Kathy Acker. Shot only weeks before McGarrell’s death, with Zackary Drucker playing Kathy Acker, the footage from the unfinished project blurs the line between fiction and documentary.
May 9th 2015
CUTIE.BPOC FEST fundraiser
May 8th 2015
PESSIMIST BOOK CLUB #1 reading group
Politically depressed? Tired of humanity? Again, no invitation to the queer picnic in the park? Reality is so unbearable you need to understand its patterns? Join the Pessimist Book Club!
Irregular meetings will be held to discuss and analyse the misery of this historical present.
A methodological framework will be laid out during the first encounter through Édouard Glissant’s concept of Opacity and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s PARANOID READING AND REPARATIVE READING, OR, YOU’RE SO PARANOID, YOU PROBABLY THINK THIS ESSAY IS ABOUT YOU.
Come join us to heat up the Raumerweiterungshalle for a couple of hours one last time before the summer season is over! We will serve you a line up that brings us together on the dance floor:
21 h:
Doors open with hot toddies and snacks.
22:30 h:
The duo TALK SHOW WIT SPECIAL GUEST will perform a tempo down / tempo up performance.
23:30 h:
Live concert with MC XUPARINA followed by DJ TIGRE DJ SET
Sônia Lemos is not getting the success she wants / needs neither as a dancer nor as an actress, so she stops with her conventional career and starts of a new life as a BAILE FUNK-girl: MC XUPARINA. Sônia Lemos sneaks into the role of MC Xuparina to reflect (and criticize) fighting against homophobia and for artists' ideals.
until end 02 h: SURPRISE DJ SET
Oct 2nd 2014 19:00
L'AMOUR SAUVAGE by Lior Shamriz
screening in presence of the artist
Lost love, lost artistic collaboration, the two are meeting for one night as she briefly visits the city where he still lives.
Honorable Mention prize winner at the Oberhausen Film Festival
25 minutes
Sept 22nd 2014 20:00
Ravioli Me Away are a dangerously ambitious & delusional all-girl jazzy, post-pop-punk/hip-funk outfit with a stylistic theme spanning all past, present & future human cultures and subcultures. Consider vintage Bananarama played with twice the sass and urgency, only reflected in the eyes of a much overworked & downright exhausted Julie Burchill on acid.
Featuring members of Plug & Spin Spin The Dogs, Ravioli Me Away have played a host of venues, galleries and festivals to date; each show different, fresh and always high-energy. The trio have also recorded & released an EP on Upset the Rhythm since forming last year and have a brand spanking new long player out on Good Job Records, as well as a euro tour only tape on Neen Records, recorded w/ Ben Wallers (The Rebel/Country Teasers) at the helm. Yes!!
Your friend and mine La JohnJoseph returns to her beloved Berlin to read from her international bonkbuster "Everything Must Go" (ITNA Press).
After successful sessions at St.George's books, Vogue Fabrics and the Southbank Centre, this globe trotting Garfield invites you to enjoy an enchanted evening of literary sedition at Raumerweiterungshalle.
With special guests Liz Rosenfeld and Travis Jeppesen reading from their own putrid tomes.
What the Critics Say:
"A scandalous Pynchon-esque debut....a wonderland of depravity that perches somehow outside of all four dimensions. " - Dazed and Confused Magazine
"Fast-paced, witty, and irreverent, La JohnJoseph’s debut novel sheds neon light on the darkest corners of human potential." - Original Plumbing
"Draws masterfully on the places literature can go where theory falls short, pushing for maximum engagement with the absurd and taboo, gleefully layering pop and subcultural references over each other." - Lambda Literary Review
Artwork by Stevie Hanley.
August 26th 2014 19:30
a queer perspective from Indonesia
Screening, discussion, food and craft in presence of the activist Mita from Jogjakarta
Come, hear, see and discuss about feminism, gender/sexuality, landconflicts/farmerstruggles and d.i.y and d.i.t. political activism in Indonesia!
CHILDREN OF SRIKANDI (by Angelika Levi, Laura Coppens and Srikandi Collective) is the first film about queer women in Indonesia, the country with the world´s largest Muslim population. Eight authentic and poetic stories interwoven with shadow theater scenes telling the story of Srikandi, one of the characters of the Indian Mahabharata. This collective anthology transcends the borders between documentary, fiction and experimental film.
On her trip to europe, Mita, founder of the activist group ‘Needle N Bitch‘ from Jogjakarta, talks about the political projects she has been involved with. She's interested in getting new inspiration, experience/hear how different forms of activism and selforganizing work around Europe and, in general, meeting people with whom she can share experience, knowledge and create new networks and friendships with.
The evening will also be an opportunity to taste traditional indonesian food and to purchase some of DIY crafts and zines from Mita while hanging out.
August 6th 2014 19:00
On our way to finishing the fourth and final act of the operetta "The Swan Song" we would like to invite you to explore the character of Heschel with us. Heschel is a soft spoken and fierce lawyer who hacks his way through the jungle of bureaucracy while exposing a bleeding heart. Can Heschel bear this responsibility?
The evening will present several versions of this climactic scene, exploring text and music. At last, our host will lift the curtain and guide us behind the scenes for a conversation with the Swan Song Family.
"The Swan Song", an Operetta in 4 Acts, has been in continuous production by a stubborn group of creators and an ever growing crowd of lovely guest performers. It is performed scene-by-scene and year-by-year in various venues throughout Berlin.
August 1st 2014 20:00
screening presented in collaboration with Catch Fire
The first MOVEMENT! screening took place in May 2013 at the former project space SHIFT. The event aimed to show different ways in which contemporary queer, trans* and feminist artists use music and sound in combination with dance and other body practices in order to investigate and express queer identification and dis-identification. It featured works of artists such as Tejal Shah, Daniel Cremer, Brontez Purnell, Go! Push Pops, Margaret V. Haines, Liz Rosenfeld and Chris E. Vargas.
While it's precursor focussed more on the "show" side of cultural production - on choreography, disguise and rhythm - the second edition will be more introspective and conceptual. The aim is to show a collection of more personal, which allow the audience more space for reflection and contemplation. But don’t worry, it won’t be boring.
With films and performances by
Telémachos Alexiou
Amber Bemak
Tommy Kha
Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine
Hari Nef
… and the Berlin premiere of Simon Pateau's performative documentary "Cruising in High Heels" feat. Jair Luna
The evening will also be an opportunity to say goodbye to MOVEMENT! curator Hanno Stecher's art and culture blog Catch Fire (, which he ended only recently. May it rest in peace.
July 31th 2014 20:00
screening & discussion in presence of the artist presented in collaboration with La Moustache & Bildwechsel
Nikki Forrest is a Montreal based whose practice includes video, sound, drawing and installation projects. Her short experimental videos have been shown at many festivals and galleries including: The Mix Festival (New York), The Glasgow Film and Video Workshop, The Oberhausen Short film and Video Festival (Germany), Ausland (Berlin), Le Center d’Art Santa Monica (Barcelona), Signal and Noise (Vancouver), The Images Festival (Toronto) and the Festival Internationale du Films sur l’Art (Montreal). Nikki has also participated in several international artists residencies including The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec studio exchange - Buenos Aires, The Canada Council studio at Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris and The Plug-In Summer Institute in Winnipeg. Her current work explores the improvisatory flow of process, materials and ideas that emerge from an interdisciplinary studio practice and the relationship between perception and how the world appears to us.
"Flip Bend Part 1" (8 min, 2013)
"Flip Bend Part 2" (25 min, 2013)
"Lateral Transfer (black)" (3 min, 2012)
July 22nd 2014 20:00
KRISTOF TRAKAL IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST screening & discussion in presence of the artist
The young Jeff Goldblum impersonator Kristof Trakal leaves New York for San Francisco to star in an Invasion of the Bodysnatchers remake. Soon he gets involved in the uncanny machinations at the set: something is wrong with the film production: he is forced to retreat to a therapeutic center in the northern Californian mountains – with unexpected methods: he finds himself in an acting workshop to his inner jurassic park with Goldblum as his personal teacher.
"My film is partly travelogue partly narrative archive through representations of the Pacific Northwest of found footage that is less found then actually pop cultural indoctrination. Travelling, I was confronted with images known to me through cinematic affect: mostly as a teenager of Hollywood films I watched over and over again before being a filmmaker and constructing film images differently. The Pacific Northwest opened a mediated path to a younger self and processes of identification through movies that I hadn't uncovered before. The persona I created during travelling and making the film was a naive and emotional version of my teenage self and is thus also called Kristof Trakal. This Trakal narrates the time-travel o-rama as a journey through a specific region and regional history as a radically private coming of age limbo; The film, part of my ongoing PREPARATIONS cycle about survivalism & preparationism, is a way to index ideas concerning survivalism, horror films, historism, archive fever and at the same time create a compressed document of the persona's practices of travel in Sep/Oct 2011 from San Francisco to Vancouver."
Kristof Trakal is a writer, filmmaker and artist living in Berlin and Los Angeles.
screening & discussion in presence of the artist
presented in collaboration with Betonsalon Berlin
Sarah J. Christman makes non-fiction films that explore the intersections between people, technology and the
natural world. She received the New Visions Award from the San Francisco International Film Festival for her film "Dear Bill Gates" and Jury Awards from the Ann Arbor Film Festival for "Broad Channel" and "As Above, So Below." Christman’s work has screened widely, including the MoMA Documentary Fortnight, Rotterdam International Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, New York Film Festival, and the Los Angeles Filmforum. She is an Assistant Professor in the Film Department at Brooklyn College.
an evening with films about girl gangs, rage and revenge
Come to see some of the nice small D.I.Y. - punk films by Bev Zalcock and Sara Chambers.
“Fireworks revisited” takes Kenneth Anger's film from 1947 as an example and reinterprets it from a lesbian point of view. In an associative way, the film inquires about the female gaze in cinema and erotic fantasies.
Afterwards we will watch a Rage and Revenge Film from 1997, which is inspired by films like Thelma and Louise, yet being more explicit in its presentation of violence. The film follows a group of women working in a strip bar and forming a gang to take action against rapists.
Here you can find an interview about the topics of women violence and the question if revenge films are right wing or left wing:
This documentary profiles poet/performance artist Bob Flanagan, who was born with cystic fibrosis. Flanagan explains, with engaging humor, how his obsession with controlled, self-inflicted pain has helped him to deal with his uncontrollable suffering. His philosophy forces one to look at sado-masochism with fresh eyes. The film includes explicit scenes of genital self-mutilation.
June 10th 2014 20:00
lecture performance
MASTER'S TOOL: Is unpaid labor, be it professional or DIY, an acceptable tool within queer feminist practice? Is the invocation of 'community' a hollow one when used to request unpaid leave from paid jobs, accrued personal costs as assumed donations, and unspecified amounts of time that could be used for other things like jerking off. Can a community of unpaid laborers create a project owned by a single author?
Kickfarter and indie-agogo: Do they really fund art? Or are they simply vehicles for consuming outside our means? Rich kids with supportive families being the most likely to cash in... Furthermore, a budget devoured by location, transport, long-term camera and equipment rental before considering the cost of employing people legitimately resembles to me only the standard movements of an unquestioning consumer within a now globalized neoliberal moment that seeks an absolute devaluation of labor. Is making any money from free labor conscionable?
*Mysti asks questions while seeking no answers whatsoever. Tune in or zone out cause she doesn't care. There will be no Q&A under any circumstances, only drinks, public gropes and imminent potentiality for a hog pile of hatefuckers, cause alongside all the good qualities of community, violence exists as well. Tonight please embrace Mysti, the finger-pointer, as an opportunity to loosen your tight holes.
"My interest is in not exclusively using instrumentation to write/arrange songs. I also use video clips to generate the arrangements and tempo. I use memories, Billy Strayhorn, psychoanalysis and cultural heart ache to determine lyrical content. Although DUBAIS exists as a band, it really exists more as a vehicle in which I can explore multidimensional compositional strategies through a displaced cultural lens."
BLACK IS... BLACK AIN'T by Marlon Riggs
screening & debate
Come join us for a screening of "Black is… Black ain't", the final film by Marlon Riggs. In this mix between more abstract theoretical and highly personalized storytelling, he investigates struggles and conflicts around African American identity and gives a strong statement for the embracing of differences, mutual support and solidarity. Despite his deteriorating state of health during the shooting of the film, his last work is, once again, fiercely intelligent, complex and elegant.
May 9th 2014 22:00
DANCEFLOOR AS A PLACE FOR FEET season opening party
July 25th 2013 19:00
Come and join us for the screening of Lionel Soukaz and Guy Hocquenghem's "La Race d'Ep", a rare pearl of queer experimental filmmaking. Banned in its time. Defended by Guattari and Foucault among others, "La Race d'Ep" proposes an activist understanding of filmmaking at the same time it presents an incredible exploration of the possibilities of the cinematic lan.beschreibungstextguage and resources.
Enjoy the "jouissance" and playfulness of this breathtaking document, unfortunately still scarcely available.
July 26th 2013 19:00
Artist Picks: KERRY DOWNEY
NYC based artist Kerry Downey will screen a series of videos made over the past five years. These works present characters' absurd and defiant relationship to objects, place, and history. Bathroom handles, derelict office cubicles, storage closets, humidifiers, queerness, aging, loss, memory, masturbation, and more.
July 6th 2013 22:00
Soliparty für antifaschistisches Campen in Kroatien
June 22th 2013 20:00
presented by S&yM and NowMomentNow
May 24th 2013 21:00
August 25th 2012 22:00
FREE PUSSY RIOT! Benefit for Pussy Riot Legal Fees
August 11th 2012 22:00
FAREWELL/WELFARE live: Mika Risiko dj's: aventura / dj rille
July 19th 2012 20:30
SINGULAR/PLURAL 4 SINGULAR/PLURAL features several programmes of films and videos that can, in one way or another, be considered first-person narratives.
At the same time questioning narratives or any kind of linear biographical construction, these experimental films, documentaries and video art pieces each show a singular perspective on the relation of the individual to a broader social context.
Ross McElwee - Time Indefinite (113min, 1993)
Time Indefinite is an autobiographical documentary film exploring themes of grief, mortality, and the convenient disconnection of watching life through a camera lens.
In the film, McElwee takes us on a cinematic journey, trying "to document little moments" from his life. These moments also include his reflections on his past, as when he recalls some of his childhood questions: "Do fish go to heaven? Is their heaven an aquarium? And if it is, then who cleans it?"
Although McElwee has a wellspring of humor, as evidenced by the Woody Allen-esque musings on fish-heaven, he is also willing to expose the viewer to the pain and sadness of life. McElwee is unafraid to show old age in all its unexalted reality or to discuss death in all its tragedy. At times death seems a very obsession: Having just observed that he's spent six out of his thirty rolls of film on a children's cemetery in Mexico, he wonders whether death must then be on his mind twenty percent of the time.
McElwee has a keen cinematic eye for the existentially absurd. At one point, he decides that he must visit his father's house in order to reconcile himself to his father's permanent departure. While in the house, he muses incessantly on death before being interrupted by a bee infestation, which forces him to call a fumigation company called "Killo."
film starts at 21h!
July 14th/15th 2012
Transformative Kommunikation Einführungsworkshop
Der Workshop gibt eine Einführung in Moderations- und Kommunikationsansätze, die bei Occupy Wall Street angewandt und weiterentwickelt wurden. Sie stützen sich kritisch auf die gewaltfreie Kommunikation nach Marshall Rosenberg, erweitern sie um Ansätze von Anti-Oppression Work, strukturelle Analysen gesellschaftlicher Gewalt und eine explizit emanzipatorischen Perspektive. Es geht dabei nicht um Harmonisierung von Gegensätzen, sondern darum, Räume zu gestalten und zu unterstützen, in denen (Selbst-) Verständigungen, Konflikte und Aushandlungsprozesse ausgetragen und produktiv werden können. Der Workshop führt durch Übungen an eigenen Beispielen in die Methoden ein und erforscht gemeinsam Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für eure Praxis.
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten, bei
Beitrag auf Spendenbasis
July 13th 2012 18:30
(Ver-)Handlungen Radikale Moderation bei Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street ist ein politischer Organisierungsprozess. Es gibt kein klar umrissenes Programm
sondern vielfältige Formen von Diskussionen, Aktionen, Aushandlungs- und Bildungs- und Politisierungsprozessen.
Leute aus verschiedenen persönlichen und sozialen Kontexten haben begonnen von unterschiedlichen Standpunkten aus gemeinsame Perspektiven zu entwickeln.
Für eine solche Praxis ist die Moderation dieser politischen Aushandlungsprozesse und ein produktiver Umgang mit Konflikten entscheidend. Tashy Endres war von September 2011 bis April 2012 als Moderatorin und Konflikttrainerin bei Occupy Wall Street in New York. Sie berichtet über die Situation und Herausforderungen der Bewegung in New York und gibt Einblicke in ihre Arbeit.
Anschließend gibt es Raum um Kritik und Perspektiven zu diskutieren.
July 7th 2012 20:30
THE UNFINISHED FEMINIST REVOLUTION ist eine unabgeschlossene Reihe zu feministischen Kämpfen in Zeiten von Krise und globalisiertem Kapitalismus. Im Blick zurück hat sich die radikal-feministische Einschätzung aus den 1970ern bestätigt. Demnach ist die Integration von Frauen in Lohnarbeit und die Kämpfe darin zur praktischen Notwendigkeit geworden. Daraus ergeben sich aber noch keine politischen Strategien für emanzipative Reproduktionsverhältnisse.
Der FilmVON BROT UND ROSEN 15 min I 2012 I Betti Hohorst, Tina Kiel, Mayan Printz verhandelt den Gründungsmythos des 8. März, den Streik in Laurence (USA) und entwirft eine Vision für heutige feministische Kämpfe.
Wir diskutieren mit den Filmemacherinnen.
Im Anschluss daran wird der Film CRASH, VETRAUEN, TEER 38 min | 2009 | Gruppe Videotext gezeigt, eine Momentaufnahme aus dem Jahr 2009. Er zeigt Eindrücke von der Situation der Menschen und der Linken in der BRD zu Beginn der Weltwirtschaftskrise.
June 30th 2012 22:00
aftershow dj: phil spectre!
The wonderful Jaakko Eino Kalevi - often referred to as "the Ariel Pink of Finland" - will be visiting us in Berlin for an unforgettable show along with Long Sam! Together they recorded and just released the full lenght album ”Totuuden rakastaja/Amateurs de vérité”. It includes four new songs and four songs from sessions that took place in the beginning of the 21st century. The album is divided into two sides. Both forming images of their own, images of two different eras.
June 29th 2012 20:00
THE UNFINISHED FEMINIST REVOLUTION ist eine unabgeschlossene Reihe zu feministischen Kämpfen in Zeiten von Krise und globalisiertem Kapitalismus. Im Blick zurück hat sich die radikal-feministische Einschätzung aus den 1970ern bestätigt. Demnach ist die Integration von Frauen in Lohnarbeit und die Kämpfe darin zur praktischen Notwendigkeit geworden. Daraus ergeben sich aber noch keine politischen Strategien für emanzipative Reproduktionsverhältnisse.
Der FilmMÜTTERSTREIK 22 min I 2010 I SzumTV I dt.UT, lässt Frauen aus der südpolnischen Stadt Walbrzych zu Wort kommen. Sie haben beschissene Jobs in Fabriken der Sonderwirtschaftszone, besetzen Wohnungen und organisieren einen Hungerstreik gegen Behördenschikanen und drohende Räumungen. Im Anschluss an den Film werden Frauen aus Polen über aktuelle Kämpfe von Kindergärtnerinnen in Poznan sowie Fabrikarbeiterinnen bei Wroczaw berichten und feministische Initiativen in Polen vorstellen.
In Kooperation mit Kobiety z Inicjatywa und – englisch/deutsch
June 28th 2012 22:00
June 25th 2012 19:00
THE UNFINISHED FEMINIST REVOLUTION ist eine unabgeschlossene Reihe zu feministischen Kämpfen in Zeiten von Krise und globalisiertem Kapitalismus. Im Blick zurück hat sich die radikal-feministische Einschätzung aus den 1970ern bestätigt. Demnach ist die Integration von Frauen in Lohnarbeit und die Kämpfe darin zur praktischen Notwendigkeit geworden. Daraus ergeben sich aber noch keine politischen Strategien für emanzipative Reproduktionsverhältnisse.
AUFSTAND AUS DER KÜCHE Buchvorstellung von und mit Silvia Federici
Hrsg. in der queer-feministischen Buch-Reihe kitchen_politics beim Verlag edition-assemblage.
Das Buch präsentiert historische und aktuelle Texte der Autorin, die auf den Zusammenhang von Reproduktionsverhältnissen und Geschlechterverhältnissen im Kapitalismus fokussiert,
Strategien und Kämpfe der 1970er sichtbar macht und heutige Antworten auf die Krise
wie Commons und Occupy formuliert.
Organisiert von kitchen_politics in Kooperation mit Interflugs – englisch/deutsch
Die Veranstaltung beginnt pünktlich um 19h!
June 20th 2012 20:30
SINGULAR/PLURAL 3 SINGULAR/PLURAL features several programmes of films and videos that can, in one way or another, be considered first-person narratives.
At the same time questioning narratives or any kind of linear biographical construction, these experimental films, documentaries and video art pieces each show a singular perspective on the relation of the individual to a broader social context.
Susan Mogul - Everyday Echo Street (32min, 1993)
Filmed in Susan Mogul’s Los Angeles multi-ethnic working class neighborhood, Highland Park, Everyday Echo Street: A Summer Diary, is an insider’s view of how home and neighborhood are constructed in everyday relations. Composed of conversational and anecdotal portraits of neighbors and merchants, Susan ruminates about the past and the present, as she looks out her apartment window. Struggling to arrive at a new definition of “home,” she ponders loss, middle age, and living alone.
Susan Mogul – Driving Men (1h08min, 2008)
"A few years before I moved to Los Angeles I was in a car accident. My first love was killed in the accident and the accident haunted my life.
Over the last 35 years I have recorded, edited, and ultimately crafted my own life—making avant-garde videos, photographs, performances, video diaries, and feature-length films. I sift through the past and piece it together with the present. I transform the raw material of my life to make sense of my life. I reprocess reality in order and create my own reality.I will be 60-years old on August 15, 2009. And there are times when I try to figure out where I fit in and other times I celebrate the fact that I don’t fit in at all." (Susan Mogul)
films start at 21h!
June 14th 2012 20:30
SINGULAR/PLURAL 2 SINGULAR/PLURAL features several programmes of films and videos that can, in one way or another, be considered first-person narratives.
At the same time questioning narratives or any kind of linear biographical construction, these experimental films, documentaries and video art pieces each show a singular perspective on the relation of the individual to a broader social context.
George Kuchar - Hold Me While I'm Naked (15min, 1966)
A very direct and subtle, very sad and funny look at nothing more or less than sexual frustration and aloneness. The odd blend of Hollywood glamour and drama with all-too-real life creates and inspires counterpoint of unattainable desire against unbearable actuality.
Alex Bag - Untitled Fall ’95 (57min, 1995)
Bag, at the time an art student, "plays" Bag the art student. In a series of deadpan performances, Bag gathers fragments of pop detritus, fashioning a thoroughly mediated document that is at once a celebration and a record of loss. With the narrative inevitability of a TV serial, the eight diaristic segments trace a woman's struggle to make sense of her experience at art school. As each installment marks the start of a new semester, Bag's character addresses the camera with her latest observations and frustrations.
Interspersed between these confessions are eight set-pieces, in which Bag performs scenes from the background noise of her imagination: a pretentious visiting artist, London shop-girls discussing their punk band, a Ronald MacDonald puppet attempting to pick up a Hello Kitty doll, the singer Bjork explaining how television works. These surreal episodes sketch out what Bag sees as the simultaneous attraction and repulsion of contemporary youth culture, and teeter on the divide between parody and complicity.
films start at 21h!
June 8th 2012 22:00
RAE SPOON & LIANNE HALL CONCERT aftershow dj: leosa. presented by La Moustache & Raumerweiterungshalle
June 1st 2012 19:00
presentation of Dean Spade's new book, "Normal Life"
Dean Spade, a trans attorney, activist and educator from the US, will be talking about his new book, Normal LIfe: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics and the Limits of Law (South End Press 2011). The book examines the failures of US gay and lesbian rights strategies that have centered law reform campaigns like military inclusion, marriage rights and hate crime laws. Spade proposes that trans politics depart from this path, and suggests a critical trans politics that centers racial and economic justice, grassroots mobilization and horizontal organizing strategies.
the talk starts at 7 p.m. sharp! seid pünktlich!
May 24th 2012 20:30
SINGULAR/PLURAL 1 SINGULAR/PLURAL features several programmes of films and videos that can, in one way or another, be considered first-person narratives.
At the same time questioning narratives or any kind of linear biographical construction, these experimental films, documentaries and video art pieces each show a singular perspective on the relation of the individual to a broader social context.
Jay Rosenblatt - The Smell of Burning Ants (21min, 1994)
A visually compelling and thought provoking portrait of the cultural and psychological transmission of male identity in young boys. With vivid and penetrating images, this film tries to explore what makes boys simultaneously vulnerable and dangerous.
Su Friedrich - Sink or Swim (48min, 1990)
Through a series of twenty six short stories, Sink or Swim describes the childhood events that shaped a girl's ideas about fatherhood, family relations, work and play. Working in counterpoint to the forceful text are sensual black and white images that depict both the extraordinary and ordinary events of daily life. Together, they create a formally complex and emotionally intense film.
films start at 21h!
May 19th 2012 22:00
The Halle is 1000 years old now! Let's celebrate!!
Aug 21st 2011 19:00
Kajsa Dahlberg: Female Fist (2006)
A.L. Steiner/A.K. Burns: Community Action Center (2010)
20. August 2011, 16:30 – 19:00
Republic of Israel and London Riots. A Talk and a Presentation.
Ronen Eidelman (Editor Erev Rav Magazine, Tel Aviv) will give a video-presentation
on the "Tent Republic - the political awakening of the Israeli
Stacy Douglas (Kent
Univ., UK) will talk about the London riots.
Lukas Germann aus Zürich und Pablo Müller aus Berlin, beide
in der Redaktion des Zeitbuches für Gegenblicke, stellen das Projekt
Respektive vor und erläutern, warum die Gewaltfrage gerade heute
wieder aktuell ist.
Lina Brion, Kulturwissenschaftlerin aus Berlin, spricht mit Walter Benjamin
und Judith Butler über das Verhältnis von Kritik und Gewalt.
Nicht erst seit gestern
ist Gewalt omnipräsent und zeigt sich als giftgrüner Einheitsbrei:
In einem Topf brodeln Amokläufe, Hooliganismus, politische Gewalt,
Autoraser, die ›Verrohung der Sitten‹, sexuelle Gewalt,
soziale Unruhen und Rangeleien auf dem Pausenhof. Respektive nimmt mit
Gewalt, Angst und Politik - nach Arbeit in Bild, Begriff und Kritik
der zweite Band in der Zeitbuch-Reihe - eine Differenzierung vor und
zeigt, was Gewalt, Angst und Politik miteinander zu tun haben. Stuttgart
21, EU Grenzregime, Andy Warhol, Ausschaffungsgefängnis, Staatsgewalt,
Jacques Rancière, Grenzgang von Stephan Thome, Hans Peter Kneubühl,
Thomas Hobbes, Der kommende Aufstand, Walter Benjamin, Judith Butler
sind nur einige Stichworte, die in der neuen Respektive Thema sind.
Das einmal im Jahr erscheinende Zeitbuch Respektive wird von Lukas Germann,
Pablo Müller, Nicole Peter, Herrn R. und Frau T. in Zürich
herausgegeben und widmet sich Themen aus Kultur, Politik und Alltag.
Dabei bietet das Zeitbuch Raum für gedankliche und argumentative
Experimente mit der Perspektive einer Überwindung der bürgerlich-kapitalistischen
Gesellschaft in Zeiten, in denen die Praxis einer solchen Überwindung
weitgehend fehlt.
DJ 10.000 BC
July 19th, 2011, 7:30
der kapitalismus ein mädchen wär
Christiane Ketteler
/ Magnus Klaue: Tiqqun: Grundbausteine einer Theorie des Jungen-Mädchen
Die Rezeption des
Pamphlets „Grundbausteine einer Theorie des Jungen-Mädchens“
folgte in Deutschland auf die Begeisterung für den "Kommenden
Aufstand", der tatsächlich gut ein Jahrzehnt später erschienen
ist. 2009 hat der „philologische Arm“ der Tiqqun-Gruppe
das "Jungen-Mädchen" für Merve übersetzt. Die
Figur des "Jungen-Mädchens" ("Jeune-Fille")
wird darin als Ausdruck einer prototypischen „Lebensform“
des Spätkapitalismus vorgestellt, als ein blind der Affirmation
hingegebenes, androgynes Wesen. Wer oder was ist dieses Jungen-Mädchen?
Weshalb fordert Tiqqun dessen "Zerstörung", und was genau
soll in ihm zerstört werden? Wir werden Tiqquns Angriffe auf das
"Jungen-Mädchen" in den Zusammenhang der Ikonographie
der "Neuen Frau" in den zwanziger Jahren und des damaligen
Amerikanismuskults stellen, in dem die Identifikation der "neuen",
ökonomisch und sexuell selbständigen Frau mit der Ware, dem
Geld oder dem Kapital bereits gängig gewesen ist. Da die „Grundbausteine“
rhapsodisch und fragmentarisch daherkommen, konzentrieren wir uns auf
einige zentrale Thesen, um zu fragen, welche geschlechterpolitischen
Konsequenzen sich daraus ergeben und wie diese zu beurteilen sind.
July 14th, 2011, 8:30
Thirza Cuthand
Thirza Cuthand started
her video career because she wasn't seeing representations in mainstream
media of her identities and issues.
Since then she has made 15 short videos about sexuality, ageism, madness,
psychiatric abuse, mixed race identity, and a documentary about the
historical roots of her family. Her first tape, Lessons In Baby Dyke
Theory, was made when she was 16 years old and wondering where the other
teenage lesbians were. It became a festival hit and she has since gone
on to screen in places such as Frameline in San Francisco, Mix Brasil
in Sao Paolo, Mix NY, Queer City Cinema in Regina, and Out on Screen
in Vancouver. Her work is in the collections of UCLA, Concordia University,
the National Gallery in Ottawa, and University of Victoria. She has
also written a feature screenplay called Bunnyhug and has kept a blog
since 2004 called Fit of Pique, at
She currently resides in Saskatoon, Canada, with her dog and cat.
Lessons in Baby Dyke Theory
Writer/Director, Hi-8, 3:30, 1995,
"Der Mensch
ist ein Modell, das ständig revidiert wird, angepasst den Bedürfnissen
der Zeit und keine feste Größe. Wer bestimmt also, was gerade
noch ein Mensch ist? CedoxX will mit dieser Öffentlichkeitsoffensive
über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten des Körpers allgemein
In "Bodybuilding"
geht es nicht um muskelbepackte Kerle. Vielmehr ist dies im wörtlichen
Sinne zu verstehen, es geht um das „Bauen“ des menschlichen
Körpers, schließlich auch um dessen Fragmentierung in einzelne
Seien Sie zu Gast beim Creative Department, der Design-Abteilung von
CedoxX. Dieses Transhumanistische Institut experimentiert und forscht
mit und an den so genannten Kleinen Helfern, die aus einem Lager für
überflüssig gewordene Arbeitskräfte entnommen wurden.
Durch CedoxX sollen sie eine letzte Chance bekommen, sich in den ökonomischen
Verhältnissen wieder zu etablieren.
Wer kann es sich schließlich in Zukunft noch leisten, einer Normierung
und Optimierung des Körpers und seiner Möglichkeiten entgegenzutreten?
"Manche sind
ja schon Auslaufmodelle, andere schon die Vorboten eines geneuerten
Stefan Spitzer als
Ole Jannsen – Creative Director
Tucké Royale als Astrid Leitz – Pattern Deconstructor
Luise Bose als Jeanne-Stephane Gobet – ID-Designerin
Hendrika Ruthenberg als Leonie Bergmann - Praktikantin
ca. 60 min
21.September 2010, 20:30
Sexualität und Familie in Utopia- ein Blick zurück und einer
nach vorn
Maggots and
USA 2009, R. Cary Cronenwett
Maggots and Men
ist auf der Textebene eine Erzählung von Aufstand und Niederschlagung
des revolutionären Aufstandes der Matrosen von Kronstadt. Auf der
Bildebene wird der traditionell männerbündischen Figur des
Matrosen eine queeres Begehren eingeschrieben, das für die Erfahrung
und Glaubwürdigkeit des revolutionären Prozesses zum zentralen
Motiv wird.
7. September 2010, 20:30h
Sexualität und Familie in Utopia- ein Blick zurück und einer
nach vorn
Rote Liebe
Rosa von Praunheims Film kollagiert die Inszenierung einer Erzählung
der sowjet-revolutionären Volkskommissarin Alexandra Kollontai
und Interviews mit der Sexaktivistin und Dichterin Helga Goetze, die
von ihren Erlebnissen und Wünschen nach befreiter Sexualität
erzählt. Als Ü50 war Goetze in die berühmt-berüchtigte
Aktionsanalytische Kommune von Otto Mühl eingetreten. Praunheim
nannte seine paarundsechzigjährige Interviewpartnerin schwulenfeindlich,
weil sie es als Ausbeutung empfand, dass er nur mit ihr reden wollte,
ohne aber mit ihr zu vögeln.
21. August 2010, 20:30h
Sexualität und Familie in Utopia- ein Blick zurück und einer
nach vorn
Die Sehnsucht nach
Utopia war in den meisten historischen kommunitären und kommunistischen
Gemeinschaften mit einer Kritik von patriarchalen familiären Gemeinschaften,
Zwangsmonogamie und autoritärer Unterordnung als Erziehungsprinzip
verknüpft. Stattdessen wurde die befreite Gesellschaft und der
neue Mensch im 19. und 20. Jh. mit freier Sexualität, Befreiung
der Frauen, Wahlverwandtschaften und anderen Formen der Auflösung
von Familie und Geschlechterverhältnissen verbunden. Die Filme
unserer Reihe werfen einen Blick zurück nach vorne, zu den Wunschmaschinen
der Vergangenheit. In diesem Spiegel werden zugleich die queeren und
antinormativen Sehnsüchte der Gegenwart thematisierbar als Struktur
mit neuer Dominante.
Gastgeberinnen der
unabgeschlossenen Filmreihe:
felicitate und Bini Adamczak
of the sun (OmeU)
Die Doku des Israelis Ran Tal zeigt die Ziele und Wirkungen der Gemeinschaftserziehung
im israelischen Kibbuz der Vergangenheit. In diesen kommunitären
Gemeinschaften wurde über zwei Generationen hinweg die bis heute
umfassendste Auflösung der Kernfamilie praktiziert.
Diskussion mit Gästen aus Israel, von Hashomer Hatzair, die sich
zur New-Kibbuz-Bewegung zählen.
- 21. August 2010
Camp 2010 programme
Dear movers, Boody-Shakers,
Floor-Twisters, Crab-Grab-Dancers, Performance Theorists, Body Experts
(and novices!), Stretching Dogs, Invention Bouncers, Non-dancing Theorists
who sometimes move, and Non-moving Theorists who sometimes dance!
The Second Annual
of Dance Camp has come & we'd like to invite you
to indulge in one week of d.I.y movement experimentation! It will take
place in the third week of August from 14th to 21st, like last year
in the Raumerweiterungshalle. This time we'll be kicking off with an
Opening Event including a lecture presentation and party (with awesome
performances, bands & DJs) on Saturday the 14th!
In the year since
Addressing Movement Dance Camp has throbbed and morphed in varying formations:
technique sessions, vogueing through snow, xing street styles from Single
Ladies to Spongebob to Metalobics and yoga on concrete block. Having
entered the endless bliss of discovering the layered world of street
styles this DanceCamp2010 will be a two-toned medley of intertwining
themes with a call out for participants who are willing to tune into
a collaborative development of our own street style, a street style
of ones own! discover a
mover style in which all the questions that linger since last years
Dance Camp can be bodily spoken (or muscularily mumbled): How do we
move in the multi-layered concepts of urban landscapes? What about everyday
bodily language and work in cultural economy? Where are we in behavioural
spaces? How do we move in daily life? Topping it up with our secondary
theme: An inquisitive look into, and on, couple behaviour and reproduction!
(And we don't just mean babies, O.K.).
Structure-wise we
are un-strictly splitting the daily program into three sessions of experimentation:
Pump (incl. danceobics,
metalobics and video imitation).
Health (incl. body
techniques, shiatsu and yoga stretch).
Street! (over to
our focus project: a collaborative research into street style Lichtenberg-Treptow).
Liz Rosenfeld is
a Berlin based artist utilizing modes of performance through film and
video in order to convey a sense of past and future histories through
moving images. Her current work deals primarily with issues of queer
identity, revisionist history, cruising, transient bodies, pop culture
icons and different kinds of public and private transitional space.
Liz’s work is invested in concepts of how we remember our own
history, as well as how and where we identify ourselves with community.
The linage of traditions such as family portraiture, re-enactment, archiving,
and communal gatherings, are important themes present throughout her
work. She is intent on examining the possibility of more within the
multitude, as opposed to a final end, or what could be called the orgasmic
Liz’s film,
video and performance work has been shown internationally including
venues such as The Kitchen, The Hammer Museum, The Impakt Organization,
the Victoria & Albert Museum, The Edinburgh Fringe Festival , The
National Museum for Women in the Arts, Chicago Filmmakers, and many
international film festivals. Her new film ‘Frida & Anita,’
is slated to premier at The British Film Institute in November 2010.
16.7.2010, doors open 20:00h, concert 21:00h
acoustic concerts at REH
am kommenden freitag
den 16/7 spielen 3 entzückende bands akustisch in der raumerweiterungshalle...
kommt vorbei und geniesst den abend mit uns!!
nach der musik
kommt mehr musik mit DJ*
SISTER GRENADINE sind zurück, mit allerlei schillernden
Zutaten im Gepäck und erfüllt von wahrhaft fiktiven Geschwistergeschichten,
gemeinsam im Windschatten ihrer frisch gesetzten Sonnensegel reisend,
von orangerot über dunkelbunt nach himmelblau: mal akustisch
verspieltes Trio aus Geige, Ukulele und Glockenspiel, mal loopverdrehte
Soundscapes aus elektrischen Gitarren und Geräuschkulissen -
immer jedoch mit Berührungspunkten, Luftlinien, Detailverliebtheiten,
Licht. So singen sie ihre vielstimmigen Lieder, deren Worte sich Tag
für Tag wie Untertitel durch deine Filmszenen ziehen; allein
& gemeinsam, lustig & traurig, einfach & verflochten,
schief & gerade, absurd & schön, hier & jetzt &
überall da.
ist Marlon Mc Neill: «Ich schreibe alle Songs und spiele meistens
auch alle Instrumente. Ich sehe meine Lieder nicht im Sinne klassischer
Rock-Songs sondern eher als Musik die sich um kleine Gedichte hüllt.
Gedichte, manchmal so kurz dass sie locker als Einzeiler durchgehen
könnten. Es bedarf nicht vieler Worte um zu sagen was gesagt
werden muss. Die Leute würden mich wohl in die Singer/Songwriter
Schublade stecken. Weil ich Singe und Songs schreibe. Das kann treffend
sein, aber genau so gut auch nicht. Alles ist möglich. Ein Song
kann als 15 minütige Drone Eskapade enden, oder als 30 Sekunden
bei-nahe-A Capella Stück. Man kann Combineharvester als Knotenpunkt
aller oder einiger Projekte in die ich involviert bin interpretieren,
oder umgekehrt: die Grundlage und Inspiration verschiedenster musikalischer
ist Therapie. Ein Mensch, eine akustische Gitarre und ein Hit-Organ
zwischen Pathos, Turnschuhen und Geburtstagskuchen. Zurückgelehnt,
ruhig, fein arrangierte Songs mit dem Händchen für grosse
Momente und zerbrechliche Melodien.
show starts 20:30
Spoken Word
Liebe Alle, Dear
(English version below)
wir freuen uns, euch
unsere nächste Show ankündigen zu können:
zum Neunten!
- Diesmal zugunsten des linken, feministischen, queeren und anti-hierarchischen
UFA Collective aus Warschau - Es erwartet euch ein Sommerabend voller
Worte, sanft und schwer, berührend und lustig, heiß und frostig,
politisch, emotional, wütend oder leicht ...
Ab 18 Uhr gibts GRILLEN UND CHILLEN auf dem Wagenplatz nebenan
(Markgrafendamm 24) mit Gartenflair und Drinks für einen guten
Zweck. Bringt euch was vegan/vegetarisches zum Grillen mit!
Ab 20.30 Uhr wird
die spacige Raumerweiterungshalle zu einem verlängerten Wohnzimmer,
in dem ihr einen Abend voller Spoken Word und Performances erleben könnt.
Im Anschluss an die Show gibt es ein Open Mic.
Diesmal werfen wir
die Namen von allen, die mitmachen wollen, in einen Hut
und losen so die Auftretenden aus. Alle Sprachen sind gern gesehen und
gehört - bringt eure Worte mit!
Die Bühne ist nur für Frauen/Lesben/Trans*,
im Publikum sind alle Gender herzlich willkommen.
********************* ***************** ******************
Hi Everyone,
We are excited to announce our next show:
Shut Up and Speak
# 9!
-This time in support
of the leftists, feminist, queer, anti- hierarchical UFA Collective
from Warsaw
It will be a summer
evening full of words - light and heavy, touching and funny, hot and
freezing, political, emotional, angry, and lighthearted..
At 18h we will begin
with BARBEQUING AND HANG OUT at the Wagenplatz next door (Markgrafendamm
24) with garden fun and drinks for a good cause! Bring your vegan and
vegetarian food to throw on the grill!
At 20:30h we will
turn the Raumerweiterungshalle into an extended living room, where we
can enjoy an evening of spoken word performance.
At the end of the show there will be an Open Mic.
This time we will
throw all the names of interested performers into a hat and pick out
who will be on the open mic stage on this night.
All languages are welcome- bring your words!
The stage is only
for Women/Lesbians/ and Trans and all genders are welcome in the audience.
My Body
Is Yours: The Films of Michael V. Smith
My Body Is Yours:
The short films in My Body Is Yours investigate the many faces of
desire, from highly personal confessions to frank sexuality. Intimately
grounded in the human body and grown from the word, Michael V. Smith’s
film work is a candid marriage of his writing to his performance art.
An established Canadian novelist and poet, Smith has been an active
member of the alternative queer cabaret scene in Vancouver, British
Columbia, where he was named one of the city’s Most Dangerous
People and also one of its most influential gay citizens. My Body
Is Yours is a portrait of a writerly genderqueer performance artist
at play.
films to be screened:
Girl on Girl
Two Peanuts
Wolf Lake
Near-Perfect Wedding
hey all,
after entering argentina,
mexico, usa an kanada, the tropipunk-band are willing to rock europe...come
all and get infected with the queer kumbia-virus!!! The first Kumbia
Queers concert in europe ever! sensational evening!
support by leiseylento & post party with fantastic
DJ Bianca Kruk & extra surprise fetish desk*****
and please spread the word!
more info about gigs
in other cities and countries:
Benefit show for
the Girls Rock Camp 2010. From 9 p.m. on there'll be bands and djs.
Also, the documentary film about last year's camp will be screened.
VALIE PLUS- Pocket Archive
- Dedicated to shifting Images. I love Bildwechsel-
VALIE PLUS- Pocket Archive is intended to be an on-going series placing its interest within film, video and performance focusing on queer-feminist perspectives, representation and viewpoints.
In the "Pocket Archive" we will "export" films and videos of
international artists and filmmakers to Berlin.
These will be selected from the 7000+ films and
videos held in the archive of Bildwechsel in Hamburg,
an umbrella organisation for Women+/Media/Culture.
.. We're always looking for new entries, so bring your videos/films with you!
PROFESSIONAL – the fundraiser at Raumerweiterungshalle
for the d.i.y feature film project 'Aidan and Gilbert'. The story about
two gay trans men caught in the ups and downs of their testosterone
injected second adolescence between relationships, polyamoury, Berlin's
night life, dates, art, jobs, sex and the fun and trouble those things
can cause.
Get wasted and waste
Film description:
Aidan and Gilbert
is a d.i.y feature film project about two gay trans men:
Gilbert is a student,
artist and tranny fag. He enjoys having sex, but he is bored by picking
up other lads at parties or on the internet. His fantasies differ too
much from what he has got from reality so far.
Being physically attracted to older men and to the thought of being
sexually used, Gilbert decides to start working as a hustler.
Aidan is a rather
quiet and withdrawn boy. He searches the web for people to spank him,
father figures and other trans guys to hang out with.
Even though he is quite experienced in being a submissive bdsm bottom,
he is very insecure about his sexuality. He doesn't have sex with his
spanking or role play partners.
Aidan is not attracted to genitals, but he is plagued by curiosity and
unfulfilled gay fantasies.
One night Aidan coincidently
hits Gilbert's internet escort profile. Being disgusted and fascinated
at the same time he has to open the profile over and over again. After
a long time of hesitation he decides to rent Gilbert to try out sex
with another man.
A deep friendship
develops, while they accompany each other throughout the ups and downs
of their testosterone injected second adolescence between relationships,
polyamoury, Berlin's night life, dates, art, jobs, sex and the fun and
trouble those things can cause.
door opens 20:30h, films start 21:00h
This Thursday we
will welcome Kristín Scheving, director of the 700IS
Reindeerland International Film and Video Festival in East
The festival celebrated
the 5th anniversary this year with guest of honor
Steina (,
one of the pioneers of video art showing work on 6 screens in the Slaughterhouse
in Egilsstaðir.
Apart from that a
selection of 70 art-films and videos (out of over 600 submissions) from
all over the world were screened during their visual art fiesta.
Kristín will
come to the Raumerweiterungshalle and show both an international and
an Icelandic "best of"-selection of a total duration of two
We are very excited
about this. Especially after looking through their nice catalogue.
For more information
on the festival and the catalogue as pdf please check:
In preparation of
the conference "Idea of Communism. Philosophy and Art" at
the Volksbühne in Berlin (25-27 June 2010) – or independent
thereof – we want to read and discuss some excerpts from the works
of some of the invited speakers.
The central texts,
focusing on “the communist hypothesis”, are temporarily
available to participants here.
Liste liegt ab 19:30 aus
& Me - Spoken Word Show + Open Mic
All Genders Welcome
(auf der Bühne und im Publikum/on stage and in the audience)
Wir sind eine Gruppe
schreibender, dichtender und performender
Menschen und möchten euch zu unserer ersten Myke & Me Show
Inspiriert von der
euch vielleicht schon bekannten Spoken-Word-Bühne
Shut Up and Speak haben wir Lust auf noch mehr Bühne bekommen.
Mehr Auftritte, mehr Texte, mehr Möglichkeiten, mehr Open Mic.
Allerdings - anders als beim Poetry Slam - ohne Wettbewerb.
Diese Bühne ist offen für alle Gender
und für alle, die sich gegenseitig respektieren
und einander Raum lassen,
um sich auszudrücken,
sich zu inszenieren und zu feiern
- mit uns und nicht auf Kosten anderer.
We are a group
of writing and performing folks who'd like to invite you
to our very first Myke & Me show!
Inspired by the
spoken word show Shut Up and Speak, that you might
already know, we wanted more stage! More performances, more words,
more opportunities, more open mic. But - unlike a poetry slam - without
any contest.
This stage is open to all genders
and for all those who respect each other
and give everybody the space
to express, to present
and to celebrate themselves
- with us and not at other people's expense.
2.6.2010, doors open 20:00h, concert starts 21:00h
We are very happy
to invite you to Les
Cox (Sportifs)-UK- and Samanta
------ the dream gig of the very belated Berlin spring-summer season!
Les Cox (Sportifs)'s
music is like waking up wired on a sunny day, wanting to dance, but
still feeling down from booze and heartbreak. Christo, Chris and Micheal´s
music is both focused and distracted, fast and slow, folk and punk all
at the same time.They are charming kidz, fueled and sweet who mix calm
countryside dreams with city hyperactivity. We’ve been waiting
for them to come to Berlin for a long time!
Samanta make songs
in the most real and simple way, drowning us in melodramatic retro spacial
tunes. Samanta sounds like radio songs from a long time ago. Words in
spanish of broken romance and disillusionment, futuristic melodies mixed
with clumsy and beautiful choreographies on stage. Expect to have your
emotions heightened and awaken!
All Mega Star Disc
Jock Team before, in-between and after:
Wilde Oscar Tiger
Ben overloading your mind with dancefloor classics.
Puppy Love brings undecided swings of jumping moods and drum kit hysteria.
Aventura optimistically mixes strong slanging, slow slamming of such
a latina soul of happiness and tears.
Rache, Solidarität? Un/Sichtbarkeiten von Grenze und Migration
Filmanalyseworkshop (Fortsetzung vom 21./22.5.)
Wie werden Überschneidungen von Klasse, Geschlecht, Nationalität
beim Themenkomplex Arbeit und Migration sichtbar?
Mit Filmbeispielen
Petja Dimitrova, Michael Haneke, Phillipe Lloret, Precarias a la Deriva,
Mario Rizzi, Ulrich Seidl, Isabell Spengler, Laura Waddington u.a.
Aufgrund begrenzter
Plätze bitte anmelden:
isfilmaweapon [at] gmail [dot] com
Die Teilnahme am viertägigen Workshop ist kostenlos. Spenden zur
Unterstützung der Raumerweiterungshalle sind willkommen.
Ein Projekt von Martyna
Die Veranstaltung wird gefördert von:
interflugs (autonome studentische Organisation an der UdK Berlin)
Frauenbeauftragte der UdK Berlin
27.5.2010 door opens at 20:30, films start at 21:00
mind the
gap /// die videos von petra lottje
On Thursday evening
we'll have the pleasure to welcome Petra Lottje who will introduce us
into her work of sound found footage / performance films. In a very
original approach the artist uses sound from Hollywood films as a basis
for her performances.
Please find out more
about the artist on her homepage or in the brilliant text by Susanne
Husse about her work.
In preparation of
the conference "Idea of Communism. Philosophy and Art" at
the Volksbühne in Berlin (25-27 June 2010) – or independent
thereof – we want to read and discuss some excerpts from the works
of some of the invited speakers.
Meetings are planned
for Monday the 24th of May and Tuesday the 8th of June at 6 pm at the
They will be held
in English and/or German.
The central texts,
focusing on “the communist hypothesis”, are temporarily
available to participants here.
Rache, Solidarität? Un/Sichtbarkeiten von Grenze und Migration
Wie werden die Kategorien
"Betroffene" und "Nichtbetroffene" konstruiert?
Wie lassen sie sich aufbrechen?
19.5.2010 19:00h
Feminism: Strategien Feministischer politischer Praxis. mit Anne Lenz
und Laura Paetau
Wie lassen sich
"Feminismus" und "feminist_in sein" heute praktisch
denken? Und welche Handlungsfähigkeiten sind daraus für
Aktivist_innen ableitbar? Der AKLF und die Autor_innen von "Feminismen
und Neue Politische Generation" laden ein, feministische Strategien
und Ziele politischer Praxis und Organisierung gemeinsam zu diskutieren.
10.05.2010, 19:00h
Feminism: "Männer"Politik und "Männer"Bewegung.
mit Sebastian Scheele
Der schwarz-gelbe
Koalitionsvertrag plant "eine eigenständige Jungen- und
Männerpolitik", in Zeitungen sind antifeministische Positionen
und Polemiken zu lesen und hier und da gibt es auch noch Männerforschung.
Wie passt das alles zusammen? Bei der Veranstaltung wird ein Überblick
über verschiedene Fraktionen in der Männerpolitik gegeben
und diskutíert, welche Ziele sie jeweils verfolgen.
8.5.2010 door opens 19:00h, concert starts 21:00h
a fabulous concert
with the berlin-based acoustic diva LYNDSEY
COCKWELL and the fake blonde one queer band MAYBE
6.5.2010 / door opens at 20:30 films start at 21:00
DAY OF REMEMBRANCE by Sean Hennig, 15mins, Berlin 2008 THE LESBIAN AVENGERS EAT FIRE TOO by Su Friedrich,
55mins, New York 1993
two excellent films
that we united under the label of "documentation activism".
A parallel between the films is that both video artist and fiction filmmaker
Sean Hennig (who will be present) and experimental filmmaker Su Friedrich
abandon their established styles of working for the activist pieces.
The focus of this
programme is to highlighten the power of documentation and the visibility
and preservation of political activism emerging from it. While Sean
Hennig depicted the 2008 Transgender Day of Remembrance mainly "to
give a memory to the people who went out into the freezing cold to demonstrate"
as he puts it, what we see is a cruelly touching piece on the ongoing
violence against transgendered people.
In "The Lesbian
Avengers Eat Fire Too" Su Friedrich documents the distinct, original
and empowering forms of protest of the Lesbian Avengers, a direct action
group founded in New York and "focused on issues vital to lesbian
survival and visibility." Apart from protest documentation, Su
Friedrich uses interviews with the members of the group, many of which
are involved in a lesbian activist group for the first time. The film
becomes a very interesting document of both creative activism and the
lives and issues of lesbian women in the early 90's.
4.5.2010 / 19:00
videofilm event - Koexistenz in städtischen Lebensräumen
- co-existence in city living spaces
performance by Nina
In EXPERIMENT 5:10 the audience is asked to follow a simple relaxation
& focusing exercise. They are also asked to bring a picture of
someone (alive) that they have an empathic relationship with.
The effort made by each participant may hopefully lead to a positive
result and who knows, even scientific evidence! The event will be
documented on video.
This experiment
is part of a larger project called EXPERIMENT 1-10. The results of
the experiment will be published later on my webpage.
30.04.10, 23:59h
blank restart mit sekt & buffet, garten opening, wagenplätzchen,
raumerweiterungshalle featuring minderheitenfloor, südflügelfloor
und dem orakel vom ostkreuz mit gisela "der graue" sommer,
alienne "das dritte auge" rottenmeier + inge "hühnerknochen"
in der halle gibt
es neben den about blank dissidenten-dj's auch das konzert von geffen3.
20:30 h
A retrospective
of subversive small-format performance films by Juli
"Turning the
camera on myself is a strategy I use to subvert the norms of dominant
cinematic discourses and unfix the patriarchal gaze. DIY (do-it-yourself)
is enabled through the simplicity of super8mm as a tool to self-represent
my image and voice. Trickster motifs play "in-between" realms
subtly and viscerally through these intimate and vulnerable portraits."
Lonely Rider is series
of goodbyes, splits and abandonments. An important part of the content
as well as aesthetics are the masks. A mask –like depression –
can be a second skin to its carrier.
The tools of this performance are: an actor, a role,
a mask; a
situation where things are being performed, being looked at, and being
in the centre of attention. A depressed person can be his own centre
of attention. Depression can be a mask. The performance studies depression
as suffering of prevented appeal to death. Lonely Rider grabs at the
issue with grotesque and carnevalistic hands. Marilyn Monroe and Lonesome
Cowboy, for example, are being seen as embodiment of depression.
Lonely Rider is a
part of Todellisuuden Tutkimuskeskus (Reality Research Center) –group’s
performance series titled as “Emotions”. Todellisuuden Tutkimuskeskus
–group is an “arts garage” in Helsinki run by theatre/performace
arts professionals who are devoted to question the prevailing concept
of reality. What is reality? How can we observe, experience, describe,
define, reflect, discuss, present or
represent it?
Actress Marianne
Ramsay-Sonneck is one of the founders of the Club Real –group. Tuire Tuomisto
is an an actress working in Helsinki contemporary theatre sceens.
The Lonely Rider performance series had premiere in Helsinki 15.9.09.
Lonely Rider working
group in Berlin performances:
Visualization, concept, texts: Tuire Tuomisto
On stage: Marianne Ramsay-Sonneck and Tuire Tuomisto
maskassistance: Georg Reinhardt
Miranda Perez - Tauri
(7 min - BRA - 2009)
When did
your very first contact with the male world take place?
Roy Andersson
- World of Glory
(14 min - SWE - 1991) The
central theme of the film is the responsibility of humanity in our time
towards historical events. The film’s examination of “collective
guilt” urges discussion of the guilt concept, but was answered
mostly with strong criticism of its dark scenes and its black portrait
of “modern” Sweden.
Smith - Girl Chewing Gum
(12 min - UK - 1967)
In The
Girl Chewing Gum an authoritative voice-over pre-empts the events occurring
in the image, seeming to order not only the people, cars and moving
objects within the screen but also the actual camera movements operated
on the street in view.
Hiraoka - Red-Light District Graffiti
(28 min - JP - 2007)
In a red-light
district in an obscure corner of a city, business is booming. Tired
of pampering their customers night after night, the prostitutes find
amusement in toys they buy at the black-market stall and drawing graffiti
with the patrol man. Towards the end, they begin to speak in a dialect
unique to their district, which others cannot understand.
Visually, the film is a feast for the eyes, capturing the vibrant colours
one might find on a children's playground. The women run through the
streets, dance in brightly decorated garments, and engage in wild activities,
addressing the audience directly with infectious creativity and anarchic
Lawder - Necrology/The Roll Cast of the Dead
(12 min - USA - 1969)
one continuous shot Standish Lawder films the faces of a 5:00 PM crowd
descending via the Pan Am building escalators. In old-fashioned black
and white, these faces stare into the empty space, in the 5:00 PM tiredness
and mechanical impersonality, like faces from the grave. It's hard to
believe that these faces belong to people today. The film is one of
the strongest and grimmest comments upon the contemporary society that
cinema has produced." - Jonas Mekas.
Macedo - Non-Film in three Acts and a Prelude
(12 min - GER/PT - 2009)
How can
a film be a non-film? What kind of internal struggles make it consciously
rebel against its own name and categories? Has the non-film become so
personified, it looks upon its own form as humans so often do upon their
hopeless humanity?
Shot entirely
in Super8, “Non-film in three acts and a prelude” is an
absurd ride conducted by a bodyless head, two invisible characters counting
stones as bodies, a filmmaker muffled by her own film and two loner
virgin-mary-like creatures.
On Thursday night
we'll screen a programme that puts together various pearls of experimental
film each of them giving different interpretations on the concept of
"house and home". It reaches from an early film by Maya Deren
to more recent works from artists like Corinna Schnitt. For further
information please check out the programme description below.
Maya Deren
- Meshes of the Afternoon (14 min - USA - 1943)
film is concerned with the interior experiences of an individual. It
does not record an event which could be witnessed by other persons.
Rather, it reproduces the way in which the subconscious of an individual
will develop, interpret and elaborate an apparently simple and casual
incident into a critical emotional experience." —Maya Deren
Gunvor Nelson
- My Name is Oona (9 min - USA - 1969)
No film of
hers is at once so dazzling in form or effortless in its lyricism. Be
curious about the amazing avantgarde soundtrack.
John Smith
- Blight (14 min - UK - 1996)
The film revolves
around the building of the M11 Link Road in East London, using images
and sounds of demolition and road building in conjunction with the spoken
words of local residents. Taking these actualities as its starting point,
Blight creates its own enigmatic stories, transforming the mundane into
the mysterious. The musical qualities of the speech fragments and natural
sounds form the basis of the score.
Peter Greenaway
- H is for House (10 min - UK - 1973)
A voice-over
that recites words beginning with the letter ‘H’. Greenaway
plays with the confusing nomenclatures that occur in the process of
ascribing meaning and words to objects, and in a nod to the late paintings
of Surrealist René Magritte, he juxtaposes the words with images
and create a fascinating dialectical relationship between image, sound
and text.
Corinna Schnitt
- The Sleeping Girl (8 min - Germany - 200!)
With one long
shot the camera presents the surrounding of a suburbian colony of single
family houses. A clean ideal, but deserted and with a ghostly atmosphere.
Only at the end of the film there is a sign of human presence: a message
is left on an answering machine. An insurance agent talks about the
possibilities of life- insurance, the perfect pension scheme and his
lost ball-pen.
Müller - Alpsee (15 min - Germany - 1994)
with an exquisite eye for interiors and a restless invention, ALPSEE
stages a boy’s coming of age, that painful rend between infant
dependency and mature individuation. Nearly wordless, Müller proceeds
by analogy and synecdoche, gathering up precisely framed moments within
the home and collecting them as evidence.
14.September 09
17:00 c.t.
elektronischer Musik? - über die Anfänge elektronischer Musik
in Europa und den USA
öffentliches Seminar des DoktorandInnenkolloquiums der Musikhochschule
In der 50jährigen
Geschichte des weltweit einflussreichsten Studios für Elektronische
Musik des WDR in Köln hat nicht eine einzige Frau eine elektronische
Musik gemacht. Diese unsägliche Einseitigkeit hat mich zu der Suche
nach Frauen in der Geschichte der elektronischen Musik veranlasst. Im
Seminar möchte ich die europäischen und US-amerikanischen
Orte, an denen ich Frauen in der Männerwelt elektronischen Musikschaffens
aufgefunden habe, vorstellen sowie die Musiken dieser dort Vorgefundenen.
Ich möchte mit den SeminarteilnehmerInnen in den Photoalben der
pionierhaften Studios elektronischer Musik blättern, dazu Musik
anhören und Interviews ansehen, so dass ein erstes Bild entsteht.
Was sind die Gründe für die deutliche männliche Vorrangstellung
in Bezug auf elektronische Musik in den Anfängen dieses elektrifizierten
Musikschaffens? Diese und andere Fragen werden im Seminar zu diskutieren
12. Spetember 09
doors open
show starts 20:00
Sister Spit, the
awesome lit/spoken word/performance troupe led by celebrated author
Michelle Tea of 'Rent Girl' and 'Without a Net' fame is coming over
to the UK and Europe this September with a whole new line-up of celebrated
queer/grrrl artists, writers, zinesters and performers.
Michelle says: 'I
write books, and host readings for other people who write books, to
be listened to by people who like reading books. My last novel is called
Rose of No Man's Land and is about a teenage genderqueer loner who gets
mixed up with a speed freak mall rat and falls in love. Or something.
My last anthology is called It's So You and it's full of essays by stylish
people about how they came to look so great, such as Eileen Myles, Kim
Gordon, Jenny Shimizu, Kate Bornstein, Ali Liebegott, Tara Jepsen, Beth
Lisick and other modern role models. I run the Radar Reading + Salon
series in San Francisco, and every so often pile a bunch of bitches
in a van and set off across the country under the guise of Sister Spit:
The Next Generation.'
...and the intro
for their tour: 'Sister Spit: The Next Generation is hitting the road
again, with a whole new all-girl lineup of zinesters, fashion plates,
novelists, performance artists, slam poets and fancy scribblers. Inspired
by the legendary Sister Spit Ramblin' Roadshow of the 90s, Sister Spit:
The Next Generation is hauling a vanload of killer underground female
talent across the USA and Europe and into your town. The latest gang
hits the road soon, carrying on the tradition of rowdy, raucous literary
adventure. Come and meet your new favorite performers'
The confirmed line-up
for the UK/Euro tour is as follows:
Tea (
"The much beloved Michelle Tea is nothing if not prolific. Author
of three memoirs, a book of poetry, editor of two anthologies and contributor
to dozens has most recently collaborated on an illustrated novel, and
has been working on both a screenplay and a science fiction novel. Her
work is often brutally honest, both about growing up in impoverished
Chelsea, Massachusetts, and in writing about her sexuality in a way
that often gets her labeled "transgressive." She was awarded
a Lambda Literary Award for Best Lesbian Fiction and was co-founder
of the now legendary all-girl poetry roadshow Sister Spit" -
Cristy C
Road (
CRISTY ROAD, author and illustrator of Indestructible and Bad Habits,
about self-medication, punk rock, feminism, Cuban-American families
and girl crushes! Iconic illustrator who has designed zine covers, graphic
novels, album covers, logos and all kinds of memorable works in the
punk rock sphere.
Argo (
RHIANNON ARGO, skater, future librarian, present novelist. Author of
the queer tour-de-force The Creamsicle, which takes you into the lives
of pill-popping, pole-dancing, heart-breaking, gender-fucking young
queers as they try not to get evicted from their San Franciscan flophouses.
Rhiannon will make you giggle and gasp with tales of squalor and splendor!
Kat Marie
Yoas (Search her on myspace and facebook)
Kat Marie Yoas is a working class performer, writer and rascal about
town. Catch her work in We Don't Need Another Wave.
Em Ledger
Based in the UK, Em runs riot grrrl collective Lola and the Cartwheels
and writes 'The World's A Mess and Yr My Only Cure' zine.
Dance Camp 2009/addressing
movement is a series of 9 short workshops run over three days, Sept
9, 10 & 11th
Addressing movement, as analysing tool, a tactical approach for dealing
with the multi-difficulties of moving inside an urban environment and
its flexible choreographies: We’ve invited 5 Berlin- based artists
concerned with movement, performance or dance to run a workshop or movement
So far our program covers a wide range of movement styles and theories
including: Danceobics | body and structural awareness | life choreography
| style imitation | dance floor mpressions | pastiche | and refusal.
Daily program, running
from 11am to 6pm, includes:
3 workshops, warm-up session, space for discussion & a light lunch.
Workshop program available from next Thursday.
Registration (via email) is appreciated but not necessary.
Participants may join workshop segments individually, however
participation in the program as a whole is encouraged. Participation
is open (no previous dance/movement knowledge required) and free of
Curated by Hanna
Bergfors, Lydia Hamann & Sarakaka.
contact: kakaonly1fromhere
[at] gmail [dot] com
our concept brief:
Addressing Movement as analysing tool, a tactical approach for dealing
with the multi-difficulties of moving inside an urban environment and
its flexible choreographies.
In this workshop
we’ll use movement, poses and dance deliberately, consciously
and indulgently! integrating response, bodily work and languages to
perform bodily translations of entangled moving, of new modes of working/collaborating,
with an emphasis of working together,
development, discovery/enjoyment. The analysing everyday movement, the
citations, using plagiarism, re-thinking and modes of palimpsest to
(co)produce unpredictable and erratic exits.
3-day workshop (In
rejection of the constant pressure to produce and perform) as starting
point for a longer project? or maybe a dance troupe; a weekly meeting
of non-professional life choreographers; a rebel aerobics class; or
an interventionist bounce gang.
10.September 09
Doors open
films start 21:00
artist Nina Lassila is visiting us to present her beautiful work that
is based on gender and feminist issues.
In my recent work
I’ve been working with questions of identity – specifically
identity affected by social barriers and conventions based on gender
and upbringing. There is something provocative about a physical woman;
even a loud laughter can provoke some people. There is a prevailing
notion that a loud physical woman is somehow deranged, out of control.
(Nina Lassila)
the programme: Piiskaa! Beat it! 2005 1.13min
Girl 1 2007 1.15min
Ilona 2007 2.03min
Nainen Työssä
/ Woman at Work 1 2008 1.17min
Nainen Työssä / Woman at Work 2 2008 2.23min
Nainen Työssä / Woman at Work 3 2008 2.13min
The happy Birthday
2008 3.28min
Girl 2 2009
Woman 2009 00.58min
Tele-Pets 2006
Spiritual Guidance 2009 3.04min
Then What 2009 8.47min
8. September 09
Blaufrau Filmreihe zur Kritik der globalen Care Ökonomie
DOLLS R: Tomer Heymann, Israel/Schweiz 2006
Nach Beginn der zweiten Intifada schloss Israel seine Grenzen für
Arbeiter_innen aus den palästinensischen Gebieten, diese arbeiteten
vorranging in der Care Ökonomie. Weiterhin auf Arbeiter_innen für
diese Bereiche angewiesen, wurden Anreize zur Migration geschaffen.
U.a. kamen phillippinische Transsexuelle. Sie pflegen orthodoxe jüdische
Männer und einmal in der Woche treten sie als Drag-Queens in Tel
Aviv auf.
03.September 09
Doors open
films start 21:00
programme of 4 short/medium length films that all deal with the topic
of HIV. We hope you can join us to watch the following rarities.
Kurt Raab's (who many might know as a long-year-collaborator of R.W.
Fassbinder) requiem "Yearning for Sodom", a sad and intense
piece, gives us an intimate insight over experiencing and dealing with
an "AIDS outlaw status" in the 80's.
Canadian filmmaker Mike Hoolboom's first-person Super 8 films "Letters
from Home" and "Passing on" approach HIV related questions
in an amalgam of poetry and HIV positive activists' voices from the
80's and 90's.
Matthias Müller's "Pensão Globo" is based on Hoolboom's
diary notes. A beautifully shot Super 8 fiction depicts a man's journey
to Lisbon in order to die there. In double-exposed pictures we find
the inner view of a person who doesn't see himself in the mirror anymore
but the disease.
by Kurt Raab, Hanna Baethe, Hans Hirschmüller / 45 min / germany
/ 1989
by Mike Hoolboom / 14 min / canada / 1996
by Mike Hoolboom / 20 min / canada / 1997
by Matthias Müller / 15 min / germany / 1997
doors open 20:00
films start 21:00
London filmmaker
and poet Julian Hand will come to visit us and present his poetic Super
8 films!
He also prepared a wonderful performance for us: Based on his archive
of neon signs he filmed in London Julian wrote a long poem that he will
recite while the the neon lettres are bashing against the screen.
His work revokes names like Derek Jarman and is a sensitive mix of a
mesmerizing imagery and poetic preciseness in words.
The rest of
the programme will feature some of my all-time-favourites and lead us
from early found footage experiments over sound based collage film to
more recent extraordinary examples of poetic first person film.
Filmmaker Per
Olaf Schmidt will also be present.
,VERY NICE by Arthur Lipsett, CAN, 1961, 7min
TRILOGY by Roger Beebe, USA, 2001, 10min
: 83 SAD MINUTE AND THIRTY SECONDS by Per Olaf Schmidt, GER, 2008, 1min30sec
by Bill Morrison, USA, 1992, 6min
by Julian Hand, UK, 2001, 40sec
DIRTY BEAUTY by Juilan Hand, UK, 2002, 4min
RUN by Julian Hand, UK, 2002, 3min
by Julian Hand, UK, 2003, 1min20sec
by Julian Hand, UK, 2006, 4min
by Julian Hand, UK, 2008, 4min
performance by Julian Hand, UK, 2009, 6min
film starts 20:30
Blaufrau Filmreihe zur Kritik der globalen Care Ökonomie
Wer macht die gesellschaftliche Pflege- und Putzarbeit und zu welchem
Preis? Die Filme in unserer Reihe thematisieren wie Arbeitsverhältnisse
und Geschlechterverhältnisse im Kapitalismus der Gegenwart sich
gegenseitig bedingen und verändern.
R: Janina Möbius D 2009 Drei Szenarios von Familie und Haushalten. In Mexico sind Kindermädchen
bis heute fester Bestandteil der Mittelstands-Familie. Der Film zeigt,
wie emotionale Bindungen, Lohnarbeit und Hierarchien am Arbeitsplatz
Haushalt aufs engste miteinander verknüpft sind. Eine Produktion
des Hebbel am Ufer Berlin im Rahmen des Festivals "Your Nannie
Hates You", gefördert von der Kulturstiftung des Bundes.
film starts 20:30
Blaufrau Filmreihe zur Kritik der globalen Care Ökonomie
Wer macht die gesellschaftliche Pflege- und Putzarbeit und zu welchem
Preis? Die Filme in unserer Reihe thematisieren wie Arbeitsverhältnisse
und Geschlechterverhältnisse im Kapitalismus der Gegenwart sich
gegenseitig bedingen und verändern.
Unsichtbare Hausarbeiterinnen
R: FrauenLesbenFilmCollectifBerlin 1999
Fünf Frauen erzählen was es für sie jeweils bedeutet,
in Deutschland ohne Papiere zu leben: die ständige Gefahr, abgeschoben
zu werden; von ihrer Arbeit in Privathaushalten in extremer Abhängigkeit
von den Arbeitgeber_innen aber auch von den Strategien, die sie entwickeln,
um sich in dieser Situation zu behaupten.
Bei gutem Wetter
grillen wir ab 19:30, oder nach dem Film
31 July 2009
21:00 h
A Night of Style Clashing Spandex Casiotonic Thrash Experimental Sportswear
with KNÖTARÖT (hollabrun/amsterdam/sydney) electro-thrash messengers of an ancient tribe from the future
and Urubugalihnas (Berlin/Amsterdam)
sweet acoustic dischordant, harmonic and melodic plus the rubber flexibilities,
sychronistic sensibilities and rhythmic genious of Fifi Bonlady (Melbourne/Berlin)
buffing the ponies (you) for the audio/visual dance frenzy of DJs Dennis Rodman (Duneden/Berlin) & DJ Kaka (Sydney/ Berlin).
30 July 2009
20:00 h
film screening
CORPO REALITIES curated by Alex Gerbaulet
Per Olaf Schmidt, DE 2005, 3 Min.
Upside down, the camera almost touching the lawn I was trying to come
up with the motivation keeping a man endlessly brooming in front of
the Bremen art museum. At the same time, I did not want to steal his
image, although it seemed extraordinary. After the super8 film had run
through the camera I simply asked him. "You have to be doing something",
was his answer, lacking any motivation but the action itself. This video
is my burning intent to establish a poetic order in the everyday occurance.
Alex Gerbaulet, DE 2009, 13 Min.
A life on the outskirts of Braunschweig between dream and reality, highway
and front yard. „In Alex Gerbaulets films our geographies of home,
become visible as closed institutions, which are based on exclusion.
The artificial enclosures are also metaphors for our consciousness.
They provide information about the personally and collectively repressed.“
Chantal Akerman, BE 1968, 13 Min.
Chantal Akerman's first film prefigures the most progressive aspects
of her later work. She plays a young woman who finds a new solution
to the problem of housework. The whimsical nature of the story is rendered
serious by the quality of the claustrophobic framing and the oblique
camera angles.
She is a Belgian Jewish film director and artist. Her grand-parents
and her mother were sent to Auschwitz, but only her mother came back.
This is a very important factor in her personal experience and her mother's
anxiety is a recurrent theme in her filmography. Renowned for a "hyperrealist"
style, Akerman's work seeks to inscribe the "images between the
Gunter Deller, DE 2007, 7 Min.
High Noon in Athens: In the big heat stray dogs are sleeping in the
shadow of the shopping malls. Sometimes their sleep is nervous. Poetic
montage-film about urban life and the use of mobile communication.
Peter Weiss, Hans Nordenström, SE 1957, 19 Min.
Enligt Lag is the most dense and striking documentary film of Peter
Weiss. The film portrays the life and daily routine of inmates in a
youth prison in Uppsala: their work in the garden or in the metal workshop,
the distribution of the meals, the walls of the cells full of pictures
of naked women, the visit from the women of a charitable organization.
In the middle of it, the watchmen that mechanically lock and unlock
the doors. The agreement with the prison authorities to not show the
faces of the inmates furthermore enhances the subjugation and deprivation
of human dignity through punishment, as the inmates are turned into
an anonymous mass in the film. Just at the beginning and at the end,
in a metaphorical scene, one inmate stands out in his hopeless attempt
to escape. Weiss and Nordenström's only commentary beyond the subtle
montage of images and original sounds is placed at the very end in form
of a quote by Henry Miller: "Justice without love is revenge."
Alex Gerbaulet, Mirko Winkel, Sebastian Neubauer, DE 2007, 14 Min.
The film deals with the political expression of tattooing by an example
of a model project in the youth prison Neustrelitz/east-Germany, which
allows young offenders, to cover up their unconstitutional symbols.
It’s also about the tension between tattoos as an expression of
the individual and as part of a language of power, which is also the
power of pictures and access to the body.
Matthias Müller, DE 1989, 28 Min.
“In the various hand-processed treatments undertaken on its image,
AUS DER FERNE – THE MEMO BOOK displays an emphatic tension between
the aesthetic expression of ephemeral states, like dreamwork and memory,
and the stark reminder of the film’s materiality. By emphasizing
the materiality of the film, Müller sets up one of its most striking
metaphors — the film as body.“ (Roger Hallas)
28 July 2009
20:30 h
Filmreihe zur Kritik der globalen Care Ökonomie
Wer macht die gesellschaftliche Pflege- und Putzarbeit und zu welchem
Preis? Die Filme in unserer Reihe thematisieren wie Arbeits-verhältnisse
und Geschlechterverhältnisse im Kapitalismus der Gegenwart sich
gegenseitig bedingen und verändern.
Wir starten mit
Other People's Children, R: Beth M. Botshon USA 2007
Tausende von meist migrantischen Frauen in New York arbeiten als Nannies.
In den USA bilden sie eine unsichtbare, aber wichtige Stütze weißer
Mittelschichtsfamilien, wie der Wirtschaft. Beth M. Botshon begleitet
drei Nannies durch ihren Alltag zwischen Sorge um ihre Schützlinge,
Ausbeutung durch die Arbeitgeber_innen und Sehnsucht nach den eigenen
5 July 2009
- Invisible Borders
2 July 2009
information event
Informationsabend im Rahmen der Kampagne gegen die Residenzpflicht, die gemeinsam mit den Flüchtlingsräten Brandenburg und Berlin veranstaltet wird.
Es wird u.a. die Sozialwissenschaftlerin Beate Selders, basierend auf ihrem Report ›Keine Bewegung! Die Residenzpflicht für Flüchtlinge — Bestandsaufnahme und Kritik‹, über die Entstehungsgeschichte der Residenzpflicht, über Behördenpraxis, Polizeikontrollen, Strafen und die Verhandlungen vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht und dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte informieren.
Vertreter der FIB (Flüchtlingsinitiative Brandenburg) berichten über ihre Erfahrungen eines Lebens in "parzellierten Räumen". Breiten Raum wird die Diskussion über Interventionsmöglichkeiten einnehmen.
Informationsveranstaltung zum Gutscheinsystem in Hennigsdorf mit u.r.i.(United against Racism and Isolation) und zu den monatlich stattfindenden antirassistischen Einkäufen.
medibüro Berlin Krank und ohne Papiere?!
Das Büro für medizinische Flüchtlingshilfe ( berichtet über die medizinische Versorgung illegalisierter Flüchtlinge und
Migranten_innen in Berlin und lädt zur Diskussion ein. Weshalb sind
Menschen ohne Papiere von der Gesundheitsversorgung ausgeschlossen?
Welche praktischen und politischen Antworten gibt es darauf?
Das Medibüro existiert seit 1996 als selbst-organisiertes,
nicht-staatliches Projekt und vermittelt Menschen ohne Aufenthaltsstatus
und ohne Krankenversicherung eine anonyme und kostenlose Behandlung
durch medizinisches Fachpersonal. In der politischen Arbeit strebt das
Medibüro seine Selbstauflösung an.
Sick and without papers?!
The office for medical assistance for refugees (Buero fuer medizinische Fluechtlingshilfe, reports on the medical supply for
undocumented refugees and migrants in Berlin and invites to discussions.
Why are undocumented migrants exculded from the regular health system? What practical and political responses are there?
The Medibüro exists since 1996 as a self-organised and non-governmental
organisation and arranges treatments provided by qualified health care professionals for people without residence permit status and without health insurance - anonymous and free of charge. The aim of the political action of the Medibüro is its own liquidation.
26 June 2009
project presentation
film screening
Thomas Kilpper introduces his project ›A Lighthouse for Lampedusa!‹
Afterwards film screening ›Tod auf hoher See — Warum Flüchtlinge sterben‹
and discussion with Enrico Montalbano
›A Lighthouse for Lampedusa!‹
Jahr für Jahr versuchen etwa 20 000 zumeist afrikanische Migranten über die italienische Insel Lampedusa nach Europa zu kommen. 2008 stieg die Zahl laut italienischem Innenministerium sogar auf über 35 000. Tausende ertrinken - Hilfsorganisationen schätzen, dass annähernd jeder Zehnte bei der gefährlichen Überfahrt stirbt. In Zusammenarbeit mit Architekten, Ingenieuren und Ortsansässigen will Thomas Kilpper auf Lampedusa einen Leuchtturm mit angegliedertem Kulturzentrum errichten.
Ein Leuchtturm mit einem maximalen Lichtstrahl könnte entscheidende Orientierung auf See geben und Lebensgefahr verringern. Er signalisiert den Flüchtlingen auch: „Hier sind wir, wir verstecken uns nicht.“ Für die Menschen auf Lampedusa soll der Turm Raum bieten für Begegnungen und Gespräche, Ausstellungen, Konzerte und andere kulturelle Veranstaltungen.
More information:
›Tod auf hoher See — Warum Flüchtlinge sterben‹ (Dokumentarfilm, D/It 2008, 35 Minuten, von Martin Hilbert, Angela Huemer und Enrico Montalbano).
Im Anschluss an den Film diskutieren wir mit Enrico Montalbano.
25 June
ab/from 16:00
film loop
audio theatre
16:00 Barbecue in front of the exhibition 18:00 and 19:00 film loop:›Forst‹ and ›Revolutionärinnen des Alltags‹
CD-presentation ›Nur Freiheit‹ by The Most Wanted and Vickson 20:00 audio theatre ›Im Ausland wie Glas‹ by TAD (Theater Arbeit Duisburg)
›Forst‹ ist ein Portrait. Der Dokumentarfilm erzählt von einem Wald, der inmitten Europas jenseits von Urbanität und Zivilisation eine eigenartige Gemeinschaft von Verbannten beherbergt – eine gestrandete Welt. Eine diffuse aber doch totale Kontrolle sorgt sich darum, dass sie nicht hervordrängt, dass sie nicht in unserer Wirklichkeit auftaucht und dort ihr Unwesen treibt. In Forst verkünden die Verbannten ihre eigene Wahrheit und erzählen die Geschichte ihrer Emanzipation. Denn langsam entsinnen sie sich ihrer Identität als politische Flüchtlinge und beginnen Befreiungspläne zu schmieden... Der auf 16mm-S/W-Material gedrehte Film ist in Zusammenarbeit mit den Flüchtlingen entstanden, die sich großteils selbst spielen. Mittels montierter Interviewpassagen erzählen sie die Geschichte ihrer Ohnmacht und ihrer Ermächtigung. Mehr Information / more information:
Danach zeigen wir eine fünfmitünige Szene aus der Filmdokumentation von ›Revolutionärinnen des Alltags‹, einem 2007 realisierten Theaterprojekt von Maike Lex und Konstanze Schmitt, in dem Sherifa ihre Geschichte als Flüchtling in Deutschland erzählt.
CD-Presentation: Nur Freiheit. In Deutschland, Frankreich und anderen europäischen Ländern erleben MigrantInnen die gleiche Situation: Ausgrenzung, Diskriminierung, Kriminalisierung gehören zu ihrem Alltag. Die Situation von Flüchtlingen ist noch dramatischer, da ihnen jegliche Perspektive auf ein menschenwürdiges Leben verschlossen bleibt. Mit dieser CD brechen Flüchtlinge das Schweigen und tragen ihre eigenen Erfahrungen an die Öffentlichkeit. ›Nur Freiheit‹ von ›The Most Wanted and Vickson‹ heißt die aktuell erschienene CD mit acht Songs. Themen dieser CD sind u.a. die Residenzpflicht, das Schicksal von in Flüchtlingsheimen geborenen Kindern, rassistische Übergriffe und Fragen der Integration.
Die Flüchtlingsinitiative Berlin/Brandenburg (FIB) will mit dieser CD ein hörbares Zeichen setzen, dass Flüchtlinge sich nicht länger in den Schatten der Gesellschaft drängen lassen. Wir senden damit unsere Botschaft gegen Rassismus und kämpfen weiter für die Verbesserung unserer Lebensbedingungen.
23 June
film screening
›Rien ne vaut que la vie,mais la vie même vaut rien‹
D 2002/2003, Regie: Moise Merlin Mabouna und Brigitta Kuster
anschließend Diskussion mit Moise Merlin Mabouna
Der Film ›Rien ne vaut que la vie, mais la vie même vaut rien‹ (übersetzt: ›Das Leben ist nichts, aber nichts ist wie das Leben ‹, schildert das Leben in einer Flüchtlingsunterkunft bei Zerbst in Sachsen Anhalt.
Im Anschluss an den Film diskutieren wir mit Moise Merlin Mabouna.
Für Flüchtlinge im Asylverfahren oder mit Status der Duldung existieren in Deutschland an alltäglichen Orten unsichtbare Grenzen. Sie dürfen sich z.B. aufgrund der sogenannten "Residenzpflicht" nur innerhalb eines ihnen zugewiesenen Bereiches bewegen. Gleichzeitig werden sie verpflichtet, in Flüchtlingsheimen und -lagern oft am Rande oder außerhalb von Siedlungsgebieten zu wohnen.
Gutscheinsysteme statt Bargeldleistungen, aber auch Personenkontrollen von als "fremd" wahrgenommenen Menschen an Bahnhöfen und in Zügen führen zur Markierung von Flüchtlingen und tragen zur gesellschaftlichen Isolation bei.
Die Ausstellung ›Residenzpflicht — Invisible Borders‹ dokumentiert anhand von Modellen, Plänen, Texten, Fotografien und einem kurzen Film die dabei produzierte Geografie mehrfacher Einsperrung und Ausgrenzung, die durch sie verursachte Raumwahrnehmung aber auch Strategien des Widerstands.
Die Ausstellung ist geöffnet vom 18. Juni bis 5. Juli 2009.
Montags bis Freitags 14 - 20 Uhr, samstags und sonntags 12 - 20 Uhr
Refugees, while they are either in the asylum process or live in Germany with a so-called 'Duldung', are facing invisible borders in their everyday life. For example they are only allowed to move within a certain area due to the 'Residenzpflicht' ('duty of residence'). At the same time they are forced to live in refugee homes or camps, that are often at the edge or outside of regular settlement areas.
Voucher systems instead of cash benefits, but also police controls in train stations and trains targeting people who look 'foreign', stigmatise refugees and intensify their social isolation. Utilising models, plans, texts, photographs and a short film the exhibition ›Residenzpflicht — Invisible Borders‹ documents the resulting geography of multiple inclusion and exclusion, its impact on the perception of space, but also strategies of resistance.
The Exhibition is open from 18 June until 5 July 2009.
Weekdays 14h - 20h, Saturdays and Sundays 12h - 20h
11 June 2009
Door: 20:00
Films: 21:00
short queer films by wayne yung (who was present)
Wayne Yung is
a writer, performer and video artist who explores issues of race and
identity from a queer Chinese-Canadian perspective. Moving from Vancouver
to Berlin in 2001, he then spent six years in Hamburg and Cologne, before
recently moving back to Berlin.
Peter Fucking
Wayne Fucking Peter
Canada 1994
4:31 | English with German subtitles
A queer love letter using poetry and sexual imagery to describe the
romantic tensions caused by differences in age, race, and HIV status.
Lotus Sisters
Canada 1996
4:59 | English
Two young gay Asians banter about the West Coast queer asian experience.
Search Engine
Canada 1999
4:09 | English with German subtitles
A gay asian uses technology to remember boyfriends past, in the search
for boyfriends future.
Davie Street
Canada 1999
12:35 | Cantonese with English subtitles
After his boyfriend leaves, a young man is lost in nostalgia and depression,
until a mute streetkid tries to distract him from his melancholy. A
moody and romantic homage to the film noir of Hong Kong director Wong
Field Guide to
Western Wildflowers
Canada 2000
5:33 | English with German subtitles
The first Asian kiss: fantasizing about it, talking about it, doing
My Heart the
Travel Agent
Canada/Germany 2002
1:30 | English
A dream about subways and foreign boyfriends, part of My Heart Series
My German Boyfriend
Canada/Germany 2004
18:29 | English & German with German & English subtitles
A gay Chinese-Canadian encounters ethnic stereotypes as he seeks his
ideal boyfriend in Berlin.
Miss Popularity
Germany 2006
6:20 | English & German with English subtitles
A gay man uses archival footage to describe how he juggles the demands
of multiple relationships.
TOTAL: 58 minutes
4 June 2009
Door: 20:00
Films: 21:00
This week we focused on Finish artist Nina Lassila's work who will come to the Raumerweiterungshalle
for a full retrospective later this year. For now we watched two of
her filmsinstallation loops - Beat It! and Girl - together with a series
of films by artists such as Maya Deren, Martha Rosler, Corinna Schnitt,
Helke Sander, Matthias Müller and Jesper Just. All of them reflect
on gender roles from different angles while still touching other topics.
In my recent
work I’ve been working with questions of identity – specifically
identity affected by social barriers and conventions based on gender
and upbringing. There is something provocative about a physical woman;
even a loud laughter can provoke some people. There is a prevailing
notion that a loud physical woman is somehow deranged, out of control. (Nina Lassila)
GIRL by Nina
1.15 min - 2007 - Sweden
A girl lying on the living room carpet.
IT! by Nina Lassila
1.13 min - 2005 - Finland
In Piiskaa! Beat it! we see a woman cleaning a carpet. Though clearly
she is beating the carpet she angry and why
AT LAND by Maya
15 min - 1944 - USA
In this film Deren is a creature from the sea crawling into cramped,
claustrophobic society, her mermaid-out-of-water slithering among well-dressed
city types going about their business, looking through her nymph-self
without noticing. As in a spooky nightmare.
13 min - 1986 - Germany
The film reverses the idea of gluttony, namely the compulsion to feed.
In Sander's reinterpretation of the biblical Fall of Man Eva chases
THE KITCHEN by Martha Rosler
6 min - 1975 - USA
From A to Z, Rosler shows and tells the ingredients of the housewife's
day, giving us a tour that names and mimics the ordinary with movements
more samurai than suburban.
by Matthias Müller
6 min - 1991 - Germany
She screams. She falls silent. The expectation of terror makes her terror.
But what she faces is nothing but the observer's view. She is the observed.
Cliches of melodrama unite into a drama of stereotypes. The brillian
montage of cases in point reveals the mechanism of voyeurism in film.
8 min - 1999 - Germany
The film focuses on rituals of middle-class existence. A young woman
stands on the balcony of her flat and shakes out a sweater for several
minutes. Schnitt uses the audio track to comment on the woman's somewhat
neurotic behaviour.
by Jesper Just
10 min - 2007 - Denmark
Jesper Just seeks to emphasise the absurdity of gender roles and the
way in which cultures generate them. He presents charged relationships
that could be perceived as anormal and endows them with beauty and dignity
29 May 2009
starts 20:00
concert 21:00
with barbecue in our new garden, djs and vjs, live acts and performances and lots of surprises
20:00 garden chill-out with tasty barbecue (vegetarian/carnivore)
dj*n Wiebke
dj Heinz Schnauze dj*n Orange Sunshine dj Wild Oscar
(new wave euro pop
hip hop)
plus: punchy punch
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Door: 20:00
Films: 21:00
film screening
13 minutes - denmark 1967
This film shows a man and a woman, both labelled 'the perfect human' in a detached manner, functioning in a white boundless room, as though they were subjects in a zoo.
FEST DER LIEBE by Tom Weller
8 minutes - germany 2005
"Fest der Liebe" is a provicative copy of Leni Riefenstahl's "Fest der Schönheit". Is there an eros beyond normativity?
BOYZ LIKE US by Tom Weller
15 minutes - germany 2007
From a queer point of view "Boyz like Us" depicts the concept of performative identity in military structures. Inevitably its protagonist gets caught up in gender trouble.
8 minutes - denmark 2004
"Bliss and Heaven" draws on the visual language and high production values of cinema, to depict a charged encounter between two men.
REPRODUKTION by Vika Kirchenbauer
10 minutes - germany 2008
Society carries fear-driven values and conventions from one generation to the next and the most essential question seems to be: a boy or a girl?
MAIKÄFER by Tom Weller
3 minute loop - germany 2008
An intense and sensitive installation piece on the process of a voice changing.
25 April 2009
Halle ist sicher auf ihrem neuen Stellplatz gelandet!
Einen riesigen Dank an alle Helfer_innen!
Halle landed safely on her new place!
Thanks again to all helpers!
7.November 2008
Belch Singersonggrinder + Cassette Bar bar opens 20:00, performance starts 21:00 sharp
The Mary Shelly Experience AKA Halle Soli-Affaire
West Germany
Come join freaks, geeks, frankensteins and creatures on 31 October (Halloween!)
and help the Raumerweiterungshalle raise funds to help get
through the winter blues.
Eintritt 4-7 euro
Dresscode: Halle-ween to the Max.
Shot at the Door (Swamp Juice) for those dressed UP
Deko by Kiss the Demon first band plays at 22.30h
BLICK AUGEN SCHNITT Ein Forum für Filmemacher_innen und Film-Liebhaber_innen
A forum for film makers and film lovers
Shadows of your story Curated by Pauline Doutreluingne
An evening with short films
from 4 remarkable young filmmakers, Patrick Carpentier (BE), Luz Diaz
(BE), Iris Piers (NL) and Linus Ricard (SE), who capture sensitively
the beauty, fears, daydreams, obsessions and passions of our life stories
in moving images.
von Bruno Derksen
Ich zeige verschiedene kleine Filme, die seit 2005 bis kurz vor Vorführung
entstanden und im entstehen begriffen sind. Narrative Handlung findet
entweder gar nicht oder nur in Grundzügen statt, vielmehr stehen
Stimmungen, Menschen, Orte im Vordergrund. Inhaltlich umfasst das Spektrum
Poesie-, Architektur- und Schnittexperimentalfilme.
25. September 2008
20:00 uhr
Ein Forum für Filmemacher_innen und Film-Liebhaber_innen
A forum for film makers and film lovers
no commercial value - ein programm mit experimental-
und independent-kurzfilmen aus montréal, lissabon und berlin. kuratiert
von v. kirchenbauer.
edgar pêra -
who is the master? exp/lisbon/7min rita macedo/filipa bravo - false moves exp/lisbon/2min v. kirchenbauer - freiheit in freiheit/moi je n'existe pas
exp/lisbon/berlin/montréal/6min peter hecker - pietá fiction/berlin/15min rita macedo - este é o meu tempo exp/lisbon/2min stefan butzmühlen - mutter und sohn - mother and son fiction/berlin/7min
v. kirchenbauer - whiskeyne nacht exp/montréal/4min
roberto santaguida - miraslava exp/montréal/8min valesca peters - angst - fear exp/berlin/2min joana coppi - cambiar - to change exp/berlin/buenos
Doors open 20h, film
starts 21h
22. September 2008
19:00 uhr
Arbeits- und Austauschtreffen für Künstler_innen
mit Erfahrung in freier Improvisation (alle Sparten). Wir bereiten momentan
eine Aufführung Mitte November vor, der Prozess ist aber offen
und wird von allen Teilnehmern zusammen gestaltet.
18. September 2008
20:00 uhr
Der Filmemacher
Martin Sulzer zeigt seine Filme:
The filmmaker Martin Sulzer shows his films:
ICH BIN WER - 1999 - Kurzspielfilm Let's push things forward - 2004 - Musikvideo die pumpe - 2004 - Zeichentrick-Kurzfilm Heut die Wurst, morgen die Welt - 2004 - Knetgummi-Kurzfilm Johannes Rau & Jürgen W. Möllemann -
2005 - animierte Nachrufe tu was gutes - 2007 - Doku vasnerap - 2007 - Urlaubsvideoinstallation everyone everywhere - 2007 - Musikvideo du tust mir - 2008 - Kurzspielfilm tween my lips - 2008 - Musikvideo
Doors open 20h, film starts 21h
September 2008
Archidraw - probably the last Drawing Workshop of the Season
in the Halle | wahrscheinlich der letzte Drawing WorkshopVeranstaltung
dieser Saison in der Halle | Bring pens, paper, cakes, etc. | Bring Stifte,
Papier, Kuchen und so weiter mit...... | All welcome | Alle Wilkommen
x x
August - 10.September 2008
zweite frauenbewegung 68ff
20.8.08 die allseitig reduzierte persönlichkeit
r: helke sander, d. 1977
27.8.08 born
in flames
r: lizzie borden, spielfilm usa 1983
3.9.08 kampfansage
- zornige junge frauen 1968
r: hannelore schäfer, doku, d 1988
10.9.08 was
hat es uns gebracht? -zum jahr der frau 1975
und als ob die das beurteilen können
r: dörte eißfeld / gisela schanzenbach, doku, videofilme
8.August 2008
meets LaDIYfest
Queer Zines: Building
Oppositive Narratives and DIY Strategies
// Veruska_Clit Rocket
Zine Exhibit / Reading Lounge / Screening / Independent Publishing &
Media Activism / Creating a feminist playground /Learning and Exploring
tricks of how to make our own zine / Resisting to the mainstream cultural
Working Language: English
Mit: Veruska
Zwei Filme über die menschliche Reprodktion aus ungewöhnlicher
Von Vika Kirchenbauer und Anna Straube
26. Juli 2008
14 - 20 Uhr
Drawing Workshop - Zine Making Pt. 3
So far we met
once at the Raumerweiterungshalle (Pt. 1) and once at Wijkcentrum in Rotterdam
(Pt. 2)
We have collectively been working on text and images for the Zzzzine.
This time would like to round it up so that we can begin putting the publication
together and get it printed
(by the incredible Extrapool People Print Fraction (Knust) in Nijmegen,
the Netherlands.
for further info)
We have a lot of materials available, but bring your own if you like....
All welcome!
Mittwoch, 23.
Juli 2008 21:00
filmreihe im juli
gute butter - böse mutter
abortion democracy
poland/south africa
r: sarah diehl. d 2008.
doku. in anwesenheit
der regisseurin.
warum eine filmreihe
zu müttern? weil sie nach wie vor als vorzeigemenschen, verkörperungen
ethischer prinzipien oder eben gar als maßstab für eine erfolgreiche
weibliche identität gelten?! weil sich der stand der modernisierung
des geschlechter-verhältnisses immer auch im verhältnis zu
generativer reproduktion als anforderung und selbstentwurf entwickelt.
wir wollen deshalb eher abweichung/auseinandersetzung/zurück-weisung
des anspruches von diesem regulativen ideal zeigen.
keine sorge: es geht um mehr als beruf und kinderwunsch miteinander
zu vereinbaren. wir werden einen oder mehrere blicke auf die vielfältigen
wünsche und projektionen von mütterlichkeit, sowie dem bedürfnis
sich des staatlichen biopolitischen imperativs zu entziehen riskieren,
die bitte nicht als individuell privates lebensprogramm interpretiert,
sondern gerne als materialsammlung für eine auseinandersetzung
mit kapitalismus, geschlechterverhältnis und reproduktion verstanden
werden dürfen.
liebe sympathisantinnen
und sympatisanten, kommt ALLE
filme gucken, auf gedanken kommen, austauschen, bier trinken, draußen
sitzen, sterne aufgehen lassen, und um den
gebärzwang in urlaub zu schicken.
16. Juli 2008
21:00 Uhr
butter - böse mutter
feministische filmreihe im juli
r: maria speth.
b/d/ch 2007 spielfilm
9. Juli 2008
21:00 Uhr
butter - böse mutter
feministische filmreihe im juli
le lait de la tendresse
(milch der zärtlichkeit),
r: dominique cabréra.
f/b 2001 spielfilm
3. Juli 2008
20:00 Uhr
Das Filmforum in der Raumerweiterungshalle
a documentary following the story of SHLOMO AND THE VOCAL ORCHESTRA
who are the UK's only human beatboxing choir.
2. Juli 2008 21:00
butter - böse mutter
feministische filmreihe im juli
r: helke sander. d 1998, essayfilm
warum eine filmreihe zu müttern? weil sie nach wie vor als vorzeigemenschen,
verkörperungen ethischer prinzipien oder eben gar als maßstab
für eine erfolgreiche weibliche identität gelten?!
weil sich der stand der modernisierung des geschlechter-verhältnisses
immer auch im verhältnis zu generativer reproduktion als anforderung
und selbstentwurf entwickelt. wir
wollen deshalb eher abweichung/auseinandersetzung/zurückweisung
des anspruches von diesem regulativen ideal zeigen.
keine sorge:
es geht um mehr als beruf und kinderwunsch miteinander zu vereinbaren.
wir werden einen oder mehrere blicke auf die vielfältigen wünsche
und projektionen von mütterlichkeit, sowie dem bedürfnis sich
des staatlichen biopolitischen imperativs zu entziehen riskieren, die
bitte nicht als individuell privates lebensprogramm interpretiert, sondern
gerne als materialsammlung für eine auseinandersetzung mit kapitalismus,
geschlechterverhältnis und reproduktion verstanden werden dürfen.
26. Juni 2008
20:00 Uhr
Das Filmforum in der Raumerweiterungshalle
Queens of
Documentary from Latifa Sayadi
A portrait of 4 female blacksmithes (from France, Switzerland and Germany)
and their work.
Length: 16.27 min
language: german, english subtitles
Production: 2004 - 2008
Three films from Ronen
Abas Rao
Mirror/Lo Specchio , 2 minutes.
Entblößt, 15 minures.
Disappeared, 5 minutes.
With english subtitles.
21. Juni 2008
ab 14:00 Uhr
bis zur Dunkelheit
DRAWING WORKSHOP Zine-Making-Sessions ------ Part 1 ---- Teil 1
Working collectively on image and text for our Zine-publication / Kollektive
Arbeit an Bild und Text für unsere Zine-Publikation.
We have quite
a big pool of materials, but feel free to bring your own / Wir haben ein
Materialenpool, aber bring gerne auch deine eigene Materialen mit.
Das Filmforum in der Raumerweiterungshalle
Dead bodies: three films about both sides from Ugo Vouaux-Massel
La mort au tournant, 7'
Am Grabe, 7'
1/1^2 (dead+alive), 9'
three films from stephan
-jump from a plattform 3'
-moshi 3'
-back and forth 6'
Juni 2008
20:00 h
Das Filmforum in der Raumerweiterungshalle
mit Arbeiten von /// including work by
The Fleischer Bros.
Charles Atlas
Kate Bush and Joan Jonas
Shana Moulton
Bob Fosse
curated by Andrew
Juni 2008
14:00 - dark
Probably we'll be finishing the drawing we started on in the last 2 sessions,
but even if you weren't there for these feel free to come along. We have
a small pool of materials already, but bring your own materials as well.
Wahrscheinlich werden wir die Zeichnung der letzten Sessions fertig machen,
aber ihr seid auch dann wilkommen, wenn ihr die letzten male nicht da
wart. Bring gerne deine eigenen Materialen mit.........obwohl ein kleiner
Materialpool vorhanden ist.
Das Filmforum in der Raumerweiterungshalle
/ Director: Mira Habibi
BRD / Germany 2007
Farsi/with English subtitles
"..we must hide
our lights in dark closets.", Ahmad Shamloo wrote this line in
July 1979 as part of a poem from which the film title was taken. During
the revolution in Iran all protagonists of the film were involved with
feminist and left wing politics. After the prohibition of many political
opposition groups they were forced to keep their gatherings secret and
continue working underground. In the 80s during the brutal cleanup by
the Islamists all of them fled to West-Berlin. The director Mira Habibi
builds a non-historical film narrative, she follows fragmentary lines.
The interviewees talk about their idea of political work, the revolution,
sexuality or migration.
"..we must hide
our lights in dark closets.", schrieb Ahmad Shamloo bereits im
Juli 1979, aus dessen Gedicht der Filmtitel entnommen wurde. Die Protagonistinnen
des Films waren während der Revolution im Iran in der feministischen
und linken Szene politisch aktiv. Mit dem Verbot vieler politischer
Oppositionsgruppen mussten sie, um ihre Zusammenkünfte geheim zu
halten, im Untergrund arbeiten. Sie flohen Anfang der 80er Jahre im
Zuge der brutalen islamischen Säuberungsaktionen nach West-Berlin.
Die Regisseurin Mira Habibi, baut ihre Filmdramaturgie nicht historisch-linear
auf, sondern
folgt fragmentarischen Erzählsträngen, in denen die Interviewten
über ihr Verhältnis zu politischer Arbeit, Revolution, Sexualität
oder Flucht sprechen.
Mai 2008
1. Juni 2008
11-17:00 h
Gewaltfreie Kommunikation
Gewaltfreie Kommunikation ist sowohl eine Haltung als auch eine konkrete
Methode, die nach Wegen sucht Austausch und Verbindung möglich zu
machen – im Konflikt wie im Alltäglichen, im Selbstgespräch,
im Sozialen, im Politischen... Sie wurde von dem Psychologen und Aktivisten
Marshall Rosenberg entwickelt und wird weltweit in sehr verschiedenen
Kontexten eingesetzt. Ich habe sie sowohl mit einem eher persönlich/zwischenmenschlichen
Fokus in einer Frauengruppe, als auch in einem stark politischen Kontext
in einem Projekt mit Israelis, Palästinensern und Deutschen gelernt
und bin sehr beeindruckt und überzeugt von ihrer Wirkmacht... ich
würde Euch gerne „anfixen“ und zu einem zweitägigen
Workshop einladen.
Mai 2008 20:00 Uhr
Das Filmforum in der Raumerweiterungshalle
Videos, die zu dem Themenkompex GENDER-SEX-POLITICS in den letzten drei
Jahren im Umfeld der Kunsthochschule Weißensee entstanden sind.
Zu erwarten ist ein großartiges Programm sowie die Anwesenheit
der allermeisten und meistens auch auskunfts- und gesprächsfreudigen
Macher_innen und Mitwirkenden.
a selection
of videos dealing with issues of GENDER-SEX-POLITICS, mainly made by
students from artschool Weißensee in Berlin within the last three
It is going to be a great program, most of the artist will be present
and i hope we ll get to talk with them after the screening.
Killer Dykes In The
Brain (10', D, 2007, Jenny Hauke, Kerstin Honeit)
Passing Suburbia (4', D, 2005, Beate Rathke, Christine Woditschka)
Sex The City (10', D, 2005, Anna Hoffmann-Petrovic, Jenny Hauke, Lena
Baer, Sam Müther, Siegrid Steinhauer, Susanne Brauna)
Whitelake Academy (9', D, 2006, Jana Heilmann, Gilian Holt, Beate
Cambiar (14', D, 2007, Joana Coppi)
ohne Worte (0.30', D, 2006, Betti Horst)
Prinzenrolle (10', D, 2008, Jenny Hauke)
Jobmonster (3', D, 2005, ASV)
Pudels Kern (11', D, 2006, Emma Cattell, Kerstin Honeit)
Mai 2008
ab 14:00 h
Eine Workshop-Reihe zum Experimentieren mit kollektiven Gestaltungspraktiken.
Bring deine eigenen Materialen mit.... ein kleiner Materialpool ist vorhanden.
A series of workshops to experiment with collective methods of making.
Bring your own materials.... we have a small pool of materials already
Mai 2008 20:00 Uhr
happening at the halla
Enlarging Your Superpowers
For Longlasting Play
In Tableau
The Porter
MC Cabaret
The Hypnotizing Triplets
The Fighting Cats
and Big Band
by Ms Vaginal Davis
Mai 2008
20:00 h
Das Film-Forum in der Raumerweiterungshalle für Filmemacher_innen
und Film-Liebhaber_innen
Hause bei der Familie. Einblicke in den IKEA-Alltag
Ein Dokumentarfilm von Benjamin
Cölle, Juliane Hempel, Valeria Mujares, Matthias Starzer - 40'04''
Informationen zum Filmforum hier.
Mai 2008
11-17:00 h
oder sterben
Leben als Kunst. Kunst oder Leben.
mit Vaginal Davis
Music, Outsider Icon aus Los Angeles (USA)
Macht jetzt Kunst! Oder bringt euch um.
dies sind die Möglichkeiten unserer Zeit.
Öffnet all eure Löcher, lebt und atmet als eine Installation.
Lernt die Philosophie des Availabism Kembra Phahlers, vom geilen Horror
Karen Blacks, sowie dem tatoo love god Ron Athey und der crazy japanese
polka dot lady Yayoi Kusama. Ein intensiver Workshop, der in einem
fluxus style/akshunist Happening kuminiert. WoW!!!!
Bringt Essen für ein Picknick mit! Kontakt:
lydiamonstre AT gmx DOT net
Ein Workshop
finanziert vom ASV und Frauenbeirat Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee.
Life as art. Art or Life
with Vaginal Davis
music, outsider art icon from Los Angeles
Create art now! or Kill yourself.
those are your choices in the times we are living in.
Open all your holes, live and breath as an installation piece.
Learn the philosophy of Availabism as created by Kembra Pfahler
of the Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black, plus tatoo love god
Ron Athey and the crazy Japanese polka dot lady Yayoi Kusama.
An intense workshop culminating in a fluxus style/akshunist
Happening. WoW!!!!
Bring your favorite
Picknick food for lunch break! contact: lydiamonstre AT gmx DOT net
The Workshop is funded by ASV and Frauenbeirat Kunsthochschule Berlin
Mai 2008
Ein Forum für Filmemacher_innen und Film-Liebhaber_innen Die Filmemacherin V. Kirchenbauer zeigt:
o céu aterrou - exp - 14'07"
new walls - exp - 2'30"
madrid, el músculo - exp - 3'10"
freiheit in freiheit/moi je n'existe pas - exp - 5'42"
whiskeyne nacht - exp - 3'26"
la répétition - fiction - 4'33"
Das Film-Forum findet immer Donnerstags um 20:00 Uhr in der Raumerweiterungshalle
statt. Die Filme beginnen um 21:00 Uhr.
Mehr Informationen zum Filmforum hier.
A Forum for film-makers and film-lovers The filmmaker V. Kirchenbauer shows: o
céu aterrou
- exp - 14'07" new walls - exp - 2'30" madrid, el músculo - exp - 3'10" freiheit in freiheit/moi je n'existe pas - exp - 5'42" whiskeyne nacht - exp - 3'26" la répétition - fiction - 4'33"
The film-forum takes places on thursdays at 20 h in the Raumerweiterungshalle.
The films start at 21 h.
More information here.
Mai 2008
DRAWING WORKSHOP - 1. Termin: Kollektives Zeichnen
Eine Workshop-Reihe zum Experimentieren mit kollektiven Gestaltungspraktiken.
Bring deine eigenen Materialen mit.... ein kleiner Materialpool ist vorhanden.
WORKSHOP - 1st Date: Collective Drawing
A series of workshops to experiment with collective methods of making.
Bring your own materials.... we have a small pool of materials already.
Mai 2008
Frühlingsmatinee: Eröffnung der Saison 2008 in der
Raumerweiterungshalle. Mit Kuchen, Musik und Sonne.
Feb. 2008
Belgrad Abschiedsfest
Mit dem Film "Sag nicht es sei dunkel" von Sebastian Bodirsky
Dez. 2007
Universität in Gründung - Kolloquium:
Was will Jacques Rancière eigentlich von Schiller?
"Briefe über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen"
(1795) sind ein wichtiger Bezugstext für die ästhetisch-politische
Theorie Rancières. Die Figur des "ästhetischen Zustands"
ist geradezu zentral für deren anarchische Wirkungen.
Schiller seinerseits anthropologisierte die Theorie des Geschmacksurteils
der "Kritik der Urteilskraft" (Kant 1790), die prägend
für den von Anfang an auch politischen bzw. hegemonietheoretisch
(Eagleton) relevanten Diskurs der philosophischen Ästhetik war.
Und was hat es mit den Seitenhieben auf sich, die Rancière immerfort
gegen Bourdieu austeilt? Dieser nämlich meinte in seiner "Kritik
der gesellschaftlichen Urteilskraft" (1979), das vermeintlich "interesselose
Wohlgefallen" am Schönen (Kant) bedeute die "Leugnung
des Sozialen" par excellence.
Mehr Informationen:
Raumerweiterungsalle zieht um. The Raumerweiterungshalle moves. From
Berlin-Mitte to Berlin-Neukölln. Neuen Perspektiven entgegen wachsend.
Juni 2007
Performance Workshop
15. Juni 2007
Hallen-Kino: "based
on a true story"
Walter Stokman geht in seinem Dokumentarfilm der Frage nach, wie der Film
"Dog Day Afternoon" das Leben der echten Figuren beeinflusste
und wie manipulativ der ehemalige Bankräuber heute noch ist. Der
Film wurde der RaumErweiterungsHalle vom Regisseur zur Verfügung
Juni 2007
Mai 2007
Informelle Universität
in Gründung - Kolloquium:
Der ethnologische Blick auf Afrika
Gibt es so etwas wie einen „ethnologischen Blick“ auf Afrika?
Ausgehend vom Phänomen der so genannten „Völkerschau“
soll zunächst, in einer Rekonstruktion seiner historischen Entstehungsbedingungen,
der ethnologische Blick als ein Konglomerat von Interpretationsmöglichkeiten
und Beobachtungstechniken herausgearbeitet werden. Zu fragen wird weiterhin
sein, ob und wenn ja: wie sich wesentliche Topoi eines solchen Blicks
auch in sich als reflexiv verstehenden ethnologischen Filmen der 1950er
bis 80er Jahre durchgehalten haben. Im Seminar sind Einsprüche, Ergänzungen
und gegenwartsrelevante Diskussionen vorgesehen.
März 2007
Hughes/Scherzberg/Wiese, Ludovic Fresse, Leo Mars
Aug. 2006
A contrasexual Space Opera by Vollfolles
Juli 2006
Streetartworkshop mit Künstler_innen aus Riga.
Grafitti of social behavior with - Edgars - Lita - Maija - Födor
- Evalena
Juni 2006
Opening für die Saison
2006 unter neuen Vorzeichen.
Die Raumerweiterungshalle hat den Kreis ihrer Mitglieder deutlich erweitert
und will dadurch ein umfangreicheres Programm machen, das von mehr Leuten
als bisher kuratiert und infrastrukturell unterstützt wird.
Wer wird
Der Einbürgerungstest wird mit Eurer Hilfe zur Bühnensau. Workshop
mit anschließender Aktion im WM-dominierten Raum. Von und mit der
Freien Klasse Berlin
Informelle Universität
in Gründung - Kolloquium:
(Post-) Koloniale Grenzdiskurse
der Finsternis: Filmschnipsel
aus Kongo
und Vietnam
August 2005
Bastel Spastel Workshop
Juli 2005
Eat it all to the top
Mit Candie Hank, Nora Blasko, Boywonder, Knifes+Forks, Bob Bronsky
Juni 2005
Alphaville von Jean-Luc Godard
April 2005
Eine Woche voller Diskussionen, Workshops, Filme, Party und Vokü.
Am 1.Mai 2004 zelebrierten 200000 Menschen in Mailand und Barcelona den
ersten EuroMayDay in Europa. Eine farbige Parade, die unter den Bedingungen
der Prekarisierung einen Raum der Subjektivität, Kommunikation und
politischen Artikulation öffnet. 2005 findet nun auch der EuroMayDay
in Hamburg statt. Natürlich sollen diese Ereignisse auch an Berlin
nicht völlig spurlos vorübergehen.
Die maydayweek soll für den EuroMayDay in Hamburg und überall
mobilisieren, den Prekarisierungsdiskurs vertiefen und verbreiten, der
neoliberalen Prekarisierung von Leben und Arbeit mit vielfältigem
und kollektivem Widerstand begegnen, Raum für Kreativität und
Aktivismus bieten und in Berlin neue Prozesse linker Vernetzung anstoßen.
August 2004
auf dem Mauerstreifen
Sommer-Akademie der Informellen Universität in Gründung