EVERY THURSGAY 19:00-23:00 |
SEVEN ELEVEN DIVA HEAVEN Celebrating past and future divas - and the diva in each of us - every thursday from 19h to 23h. |
Thursday September 1 2016 19:00-23:00 |
Thursday August 18 2016 19:00-23:00 |
Thursday August 11 2016 19:00-23:00 |
Wednesday |
Hot Chix: Neither Here nor There // Geile Uschis: weder hier noch dort In the frame of http://www.projectspacefestival-berlin.com/ doors at 8, program at 9
August 4-7 2016 19:00-23:00 |
Entzaubert Open Archive
Thursday |
Monday |
Productions and wonders – a feminist archive in action There will be background music by Las Puchachitas (feminist Son Jarocho) during the exhibition. Las Puchachitas are a group of Mexican women who met in Berlin. They are Feminists, Decolonialists, against racism, capitalism and patriarchy, queer, happy and antidepressive. With their version of Son Jarocho, they call into question female gender roles. Exposición: “Defender la alegría, organizar la rabia – luchas de mujeres, mujeres en lucha” reúne momentos plasmados en nuestro archivo fotográfico desde México y otros países del Abya Yala.
Thursday |
Saturday |
A POTLUCK/PICNIC for Black Women, Black Trans, GNC Folks and Black Queers We'll provide a grill, music, sound system, a bar with cheap drinks, and a BONFIRE! |
Thursday |
SEVEN ELEVEN DIVA HEAVEN "Don't cry for me, Argentina...." |
Wednesday |
FLIP FOR FEMME with films by Zachary Hutchinson, Shawné Michaelain Holloway, Carrie Gates, Benjamin Yavuzsoy, Siobhan Aluvalot, doors at 7pm, films at 8pm |
Friday June 24 2016 22:00 |
Thursday June 23 2016 19:00-23:00 |
SEVEN ELEVEN DIVA HEAVEN Tonight's Special: Enjoy an utterly exquisite surprise dj set for free by a high class djane! |
Wednesday 22 June 2016 20:00 |
PINKWASHING EXPOSED:SEATTLE FIGHTS BACK! Trailer: https:// pinkwashingexposed.net/ 2015/05/05/ watch-the-trailer-for-pinkw ashing-exposed-seattle-fig hts-back/ |
Thursday |
Thursday 9 June 2016 19:00-23:00 |
Saturday |
POLYNERVÖS: TOUCH PLEASURE WORK Communicating with our bodies and through touch is the first form of language we learn. It accompanies us throughout our lives. How does the perception of our bodies influence the possible ways of touching and being touched? What kinds of contact are socially accepted, what is confined to specific contexts? How do prevailing conventions form our bodies and touch? In ‘touch pleasure work’ the performers discover modes of touch by curiously exploring and playing, opening up new perspectives. In the second part of the show, we open up the performing area to the audience and invite you to interact directly with the performers. For reservation contact:touch.theaterprojekt@gmail.com After performance: URUBU Marinka (VOODOOHOP) https://soundcloud.com/urubumarinka On Saturday, 3-6pm, there will be a workshop in which we invite you to get to know the work of the ensemble. Bring comfortable clothes, no prior experience required, language will be English or German, as required. Space is limited to 12 participants. To sign up, or any further questions concerning details, write to touch.theaterprojekt@gmail.com or call Julian: 0151-2016696. We are looking forward to exploring with you! https://polynervoes.wordpress.com/https://www.facebook.com/polynervoes/info/?tab=page_info *********************************** Kommunikation durch Berührung ist die erste Sprachform die wir lernen und sie begleitet uns ein Leben lang. Wie entscheidet die Wahrnehmung unserer Körper darüber, welche Möglichkeiten des Berührens und Berührtwerdens sich uns eröffnen? Welche Formen von Berührung sind in der Gesellschaft akzeptiert, welche nur in bestimmten Kontexten? Wie limitieren vorherrschende Konventionen, Körper und Berührungen? In ‚touch pleasure work‘ entdecken die Performer*innen durch unvoreingenommenes Forschen und Spielen Berührungsmöglichkeiten und eröffnen dem Publikum neue Perspektiven. Im zweiten Teil öffnen wir die Spielfläche für eine begrenzte Anzahl von Zuschauer*innen für direkte Interaktion mit den Performer*innen. Samstag, 21.May, in der Raumerweiterungshalle, 20 Uhr. https://www.facebook.com/Raumerweiterungshalle Um Reservierung wird gebeten: touch.theaterprojekt@gmail.com After performance: URUBU Marinka (VOODOOHOP) https://soundcloud.com/urubumarinka Am Samstag, 21. May, laden wir euch ein von 15-18 Uhr in die Arbeitsweise des Ensembles einzutauchen. Bitte bringe bequeme Kleidung mit, keine Vorerfahrung nötig. Workshhopsprache wird je nach Bedarf englisch oder deutsch sein. Anmeldung und alle weitere Fragen bitte an to touch.theaterprojekt@gmail.comoder an Julian: 0151-2016696. Wir freuen uns auf euch! https://polynervoes.wordpress.com/https://www.facebook.com/polynervoes/info/?tab=page_info
Saturday |
QUEER FEMINIST TAKEOVER Spring is blooming so come out of the woodwork and celebrate the queer feminist takeover with us! We will open this year's Raumerweiterung season with a vegan sausage BBQ accompanied by sizzlings sounds courtesy of sausage DJ Princess4Q who will sling on their sausage skin especially for the occasion.. Bathtube Theory's punk pop transports us into a summer evening ambience which will in turn be hacked up into small but excellent pieces by No Chronicles with their edgy noisy-jazzy grooves. Attention Horse will then do their best to patch us back up together again with their 80s style electropop letting us loose in full poptastic spirits on DJ team SeriousPrecious4Q for a brilliant finale to our eclectic feminist evening. https://bathtubtheory.bandcamp.com/ Any profits made will go to the Women in Exile's summer bus tour, so bring your friends and donate lots (if you can)!!